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Human smell: 1.aestetic spots 2.health ris~
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 17-02-08 00:22

Human smell: 1.aestetic spots 2.health risks

The white race has DNA for different metabolism and even if the body has
just been washed, a Japanese may sense distinct odeur of old butter from
white people. Probably the arm pits are the main source of buturic acid.

After some days without bath the arm pit, the groin and the skin between the
toes produce a lot of bad smell if no washing - lack of ventilation makes it
worse , and if you don't wear shoes, you never have any bad smell from your

The groin may develeop fungus infection if not washed for a long time, and
it both cause smell and painfull damage to skin.

I talked to a Danish policeman who was in German kz for almost a year with
no acces to washing his body. He was strong in body and mind and developed
no diseases, but his skin became gray and thick and this was the only
problem to him and the other selected workers that travelled around Leipzig
and repaired after the Allied bombings. Animals often have no acces to
washing. It is not harmfull , once you get used to it. In initial stages
when you change from office job til workman job, there may be temporary

The mouth is a source of bad smell, especially if paradentosis or similar
disease problems. Dentist solution may help, tooth brushing is partly about
overwhelming with peppermint perfume for ½ hour.

The hair has special skin under it, and it procuce fats with weak smell,
that is suppressed by washing, but there are no health risks if no washing.

Smells for signalling are important from the armpit, but modern man
overwhelms everything with synthetic stereotype artificial smells .
Naturally living primitives are a bit sensitive to the variations e.g. in
foreplay to sex, but animals put much more emphasis to communications by
bodysmell - possibly not the monkeys , very much, since they emphasize sight
and sounds.

Smell for signalling is left outside the body, when you urinate, and
territories are marked in this way, and enemies may stop and be scared away
when they discovery the smell of a potentially dangerous human. This is
natural monkey behaviour.

Therefore humans had to lead urine into latrines etc when they chose to live
close in towns.

Living close increases a lot of dangerous airborne infection, and
kz-prisoners got bad problems with infections spread by body lice.

Children in institutions may get more sick than children that keep longer
distance, and many of the classical child diseases would never have occurred
at all, if we had not invented cities.

They don't present a major problem today and only in poor countries the
epidemics may have importance like they had in medieval times in the West
and the Far East.

Allergies caused by too much cleanliness, cancer, blood circulation
diseases, diabetes and other complicated and auto-immune diseases have taken
over the role of the epidemics in rich countries, and cleaning of house,
body, cloth, garden, strees etc have almost no importance for modern health.
Food hygiene such as against salmonella may be a problem where restaurants
are concerned and similar centralized eating.

Solitary living persons with a fridge hardly ever get infections from food
borne diseases in DK p.t.

Drinking water hardly ever spread disease , even among persons in the cities
of developing contries, but tourists that enter a new microflora may get
sick, e.g. hepatitis which hit my sister when she visited me in Afghanistan.
I never was careful with any cleaning and I therefore never got sick of

In the 1800's drinking water were a main cause of epidemics, such as
cholera, that almost diseappeared once we separated the shit in sewers from
the drinking water.

The terrible smell of shit and dead persons is a warning sigh that should
make stone age man not drink water close to such sources of infection, but
if you put nothing into your mouth, this smell is not an alarm of
importance. Still you cannot easily get used to it in a few hours, since the
stone age man needed to be VERY scared, as the diseases were terrible.

The smell of urine you get used to in short time, since it has no link to
disease, only to human communication.

The major part of the urine, next to water, is urea that is unavoidably
broken down by enzymes to ammonia: OC(NH2)2 + H2O -> CO2 + 2 NH3

The basic (ankalic, anti-acidic) ammonia is slightly dangerous after long
time fermentation in storage containers which pig farmers use, but in human
conditions a damage from NH3 has never appeared.

The individual profile of the smell of urine needs ammonia to become really
disgusting - it is the "carrier wave" of the individual small amounts of
steroid molecules , whose profile make any urine individual

When wet the urine is fermented and becomes smelly , but if urinating is
done certain places where certain combinations of humidity, temperature and
porous material that hamper ventilation, the fermentation may be hampered
and no smell is observed. No thorough scienctific studies have made clear
where and when to urinate without risk of irritating your fellow man.

Since any person get used to his own smells, the scientific studies may be

When large festivals take place I Copenhagen , say the Pentecosta long
weekend samba carnival after Easter, there may be a strong smell of urine
outside night restaurants in the more poor parts of the city. Choosing
places to urinate in an intelligent way, may completely stop any irritation
to other people. Deep holes that lead the urine to a place with cold
temperature and/or minimal ventilation is a way to minimize the irritation.
Educating Nørrebro drunkards to certain behaviour may be impossible, since
much irritation is often done deliberately to irritate.

At handicap institutions the same "aggression strategies" of deviants makes
the problem impossible to solve.

In private gardens it may be very easy for urin incontinence patients to
enjoy freedom in an intelligent way that never harms anybody.

Better would be if people became tolerant.

The few aggressive individuals that like to create a conflict, would then
find another strategy in stead of urine , e.g. words ! But words and
drawings you can ignore if you are not a Moslem!

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