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Koos Nolst Trenite - Leonardo Da Vinci - A~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 19-10-07 04:33

Leonardo Da Vinci - About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time,
And Earth's Past And Future

29 August 2004
{HRI 20040829-V3.4.3}

(Version 3.4.3
on 18 May 2006)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)


One of the very excellent television series on Leonardo da Vinci,

a three part TV series available on video disc - an epic
made by Nick Rossiter,

is a biographic masterpiece that covers all well-known aspects of
that life time, even of Leonardo as the eminent philosopher:

Leonardo was born before, indeed

- as you might like to feel or see from one of Raphael's
famous paintings in the Vatican, depicting Leonardo -

as the philosopher Plato, in Athens,

a fact which you could assume might not have been unknown
to Leonardo's friend, the painter Raphael.


(*) And this may be the place to say, that Sigmund
Freud has never said anything true about anyone,

neither about others nor about himself,

and the same applies to Freud's equally Criminally
Minded "friend," Albert Einstein, who came to a
similar type of fame:

The type of fame that will turn into infamy
before long,

as both Freud and Einstein have done more to
destroy science,

Freud to destroy your understanding of
people, and

Einstein to destroy your understanding of
physics, of astronomy and of mathematics,

regarded as an authority by
Criminal Minds, he was even
inciting another Criminal Mind
into deciding to finance the
physical mass destruction of man
by means of an Atom bomb,

building super bombs INSTEAD
OF facing precisely (and
making others, and people in
general face precisely),

the very Criminal Minds who
destroy their OWN country and
who try and destroy as many
of their OWN people as they
manage - because that is the
actual purpose of Criminal
Minds, what they ENJOY doing,
like you know it from Mao or
Stalin or Hitler or Japanese
Criminal Mind Hideki -

thus it is, that one might assume from a
wider and more correct viewpoint, that
they - the Criminal Minds Freud, and the
not less known Einstein - have in the
last hundred or so years, probably done
more to DISABLE people's intellect, and
to destroy people's understanding,

managing to PREVENT people from
finding correct solutions, and so
causing destruction indirectly, but
more lastingly and more thoroughly

than anyone else, so it appears.



These, and any Criminal Minds,

such as also Stephen Hawking about physics,
and the many 'gurus,' 'swamis' and 'pundits'
of India about the spirit, and the 'buddhas'
about the goals and the condition of people,

ENJOY LYING, and they ENJOY doing so with the
greatest force of conviction or 'certainty.'


Those mechanisms I have explained in a way for anyone
to understand, for instance already in

'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It'
{HRI 20021220}.


That will give you some understanding to begin with, of
what Leonardo was opposed by,

in his attempt to express his Love for Mankind, through
Beauty and by means of science.


And if you want to know more about the nature of Leonardo,
then you can study of course also the nature of Plato.

In this respect I wrote not only

'Defining Love and Hate' {HRI 20020829},

but also

'Plato on Making Love' {HRI-20041114}.



Should that not be enough for you to feel the soul of who was
Leonardo, then you might like to know, that you may recognize the
same person or soul (Leonardo, Plato) born earlier, as who became
King Solomon,

who, by the way, was also the king in the lives of women,
as well as

the writer of the 'Song of Songs,' the 'Canticle' with
which to convey the height of Love between man and woman

because and while the matching nature and
character of their bodies' Energies make it
possible, so,

to make love true, of a joy

that can only be tasted by those that are
capable of creating and maintaining the Beauty
of sexual Energies when these are created to
touch and then

to match the Love between a man and a woman

- such as you were once capable of, to create
and to feel, and may so become again if your
soul is still sufficiently whole and if you
wish to experience that tremendous joy -

a joy which nowadays is only seldomly described
or shown in public,

as indeed Consciousness is pushed further
down and down, not only by those 'swamis'
and 'buddhas' from India who replace it
with a PRETENDED "Consciousness," or
awareness PRETENDED,

following the goals of Criminal Minds to
eradicate your awareness almost complete-
ly, in which effort they

- starting from India indeed (after
having laid some ground work in
ancient Egypt) -

have succeeded to quite some extent, and
in which they are still going strong,

down and down and down, without
that you ever notice it... *(1)


So we better find back to the Consciousness and
awareness that for instance Leonardo could use,

and did use to again show the Love, and with it
the technical possibilities, for achieving that
level of material and social freedom,

in which it is possible to REGAIN,
(not to "evolve," but) to GET BACK

some of our destroyed awareness indeed

(and doing all that, DESPITE the
'pundits' and other 'Babas' and
'Anandas' and modern-day 'lamas,'
'gurus,' 'world teachers' and
'Fathers' -

that is, those who like to have,
and be given, the total certainty
of, each of them - to the exclusion
of the others too - constituting
the "only savior of Mankind").

We get back some awareness of truth, which
simply is 'that what happened' - as any normal
and rather sane person can tell you and knows.


It is high time, that you get some correct definitions, of

- Time (which includes Past, Present, and Future, of

- Consciousness (here the terms awareness and consciousness
are used as being similar, and in this
context, there is no need to define one
- to set one apart - from the other)

- Dimension (a word derived from what means 'to measure').

For this purpose, I have written some short and not so
short definitions - which I write here because I know they
are correct, and, to counter all the confusion introduced
(by those who have quite different or opposite PURPOSES).


And we continue to look for what actually


Further - when you study the various alphabets that have been
used at times and places - you will find with King Solomon, the
alphabet known as the 'Celestial Writing,'

which happens to be the connection, that forms part of the
true or truthful Da Vinci code.



The life of Leonardo then gives you a framework from which to
read the more elaborate, present day writing, from his viewpoint
many centuries later:

'About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time,
And Earth's Past And Future'
{HRI 20040617-V3.8} (Version 3.8, or any later
version when published.)



The text with that title - almost 14,000 words - is dealing with the
very nature of life itself,

from a viewpoint so all-encompassing,

so complete, so vastly educated, so truly caring and so
beautifully restoring truth,

that you never have even dared to imagine or hold it, but that
nevertheless is also your own viewpoint, should you

'know yourself' - or "gnoti seauton" as Plato said in Greek.


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30

Addition since version 2.0:

(a) I will give you some (very short or not so very short)
definitions, as part of the above introduction to HRI 20040617.

Aliens: If you consider, that there are only people existing on Earth,
then you have been made and are being kept highly insane as
regards your knowledge about life in general, of course.*

* - (See (*) in the main body of text, above.)

Dimensions: A dimension is something that you can measure as having a
distance, which of course implies a direction in which to

Due to the fact that an understanding of the
mechanics of perception and of awareness is

(not only in 'science,' but ALSO in psychic

the word 'dimension' is then used by people as

'anything that can be visible' - like in a dream, you
actually do see things - or as

'anything that can be imagined in some way.'

That is of course not a correct way of using
the word, as it is practically undefined,

WHILE those who use it, pretend it to be very
meaningful and defined, in actual fact they do
not define it at all.

If you consider the amount of "higher
dimensions" they 'throw at your senses' -
in numbers well beyond those dimensions
(the three dimensions that a carpenter or
a mason works with), that ARE defined,

and if you consider that they talk in
such a way as to make you assume that
"THEY do know, and YOU don't know" about
"higher dimensions," but, that they are
not able to define the word dimension
itself even, nor that they can define
what they would like it to mean when and
as they use it,

much like they can not define
'Energy' or 'Frequency' or 'Wave-
length' or 'Vibration' or 'Other
World,' even though they throw
these terms at your senses with
equal conviction of "knowing what
they talk about," but despite all

you could deduce (find out), that they
probably intend 'Dimension' to mean a

"where you can feel or see or
imagine something to exist."


I have never seen any of them define it, or
even capable of defining it at all, because

while I may understand THEM

- me having studied not only physics, but
also vastly more than they about the
subjects they try to express and
experience, and thus

me having a vastly wider viewpoint and
basis for evaluation of the experienced
phenomena they describe -

and while therefore I may understand what
they are talking about,

THEY themselves do not know...

Which is something

- the precious state of knowing
what one knows and of knowing
also what one does not know,
(and thus being able to admit
what one does NOT know and what
one does NOT understand) -

that is belonging to a condition or state
of mind,

that seems to make them feel vulnerable,

and is a state of mind that even could
(allow a Criminal Mind to take away the
Energy with which they hold, and thus
allow a Criminal Mind to) destroy what
they DO know:

Awareness and perception is entire-
ly a matter of having (or creating
or maintaining) the Life Energy to
connect and so to perceive and to
be aware of certain things.


They feel, that they can not admit, that
they do not know (something),

because (admitting) it tends to break the
intention (and with that, the ability to
create and direct and hold and maintain
sufficient Life Energy) to feel and
perceive things they do not yet know.

In other words, saying that one can
not perceive something, is counter
to the intention to perceive,

(perceiving is) to INTEND to be
able to connect to something and
thus to (create or use the Energy
for it, and so to) perceive it, or
to perceive at least something
about it.

Therefore they are reluctant to admit
"they do not know something," or that
"they can not perceive something," or
that "they perceive something wrongly"

- reluctant even to admit it to
themselves, which is because of
these mechanisms -

and so they all, and without exception
it seems, are stuck in a defense mode
and an "I know more than others"-mode,

which prevents of course a proper
interaction with others - not only to
verify or validate what they see, but
also to increase their understanding of
what they see (or rather, to determine
what and whom they fail to see):

They do not know and do not want to
detect the fact, that it is ONLY
Criminal Minds (only one percent of
the population) who most vehemently
try to destroy and to oppose

(which is to pull or to smash
away, or to contaminate the
Energy for holding, and for
communicating, and for

any truth found out and any truth

They have no idea whatsoever, how
tremendously evil and how fiercely
driven Criminal Minds are in their
joy to secretly inflict evil on

"Love Everyone," and that even all
the time and no matter what they do
to you, is how Criminal Minds do
easily destroy you and easily pull
away your Energy,

and these INTENTIONALLY destructive
ideas - ideas that Criminal Minds
teach - mainly originate from the
land of India.

"Loving everyone" is the
quickest way to destroy and
pervert Love, and to destroy
life, by empowering Criminal
Minds with Energy - and it
is exactly that, what they
intend to bring about.

The correct phrase is "Do not Hate anyone" - as
the faithful readers know and as others are
easily reminded of being the actual truth.

Consciousness: That what you connect to with clean, clear Life Energy:
You then become aware of it as it actually exists.

Your consciousness is determined by how well you desire
and are able to generate and use such clean, connecting

The connecting IS the action of perceiving, and
of being aware.

However, both that ability or desire, AND the Life
Energy itself necessary to connect and thus to become
aware, have been very severely damaged and are very
severely blocked and continuously messed up, by
Criminal Minds,

and they did do so not only IN the past, and they did
not only distort or block perception OF the past

so that you can not remember or connect to most
of it now, but

they also do this to you in the present,

and they will of course do it in the future too, to you
and others, as they have no intention to stop.

In other words - and particularly in the not
unlikely case, that you have or will have
studied or have to listen to any of the very
false concepts about "consciousness," about
"awareness," that the 'gurus' and 'swamis'
and 'buddhas' like to swamp and destroy the
'New Age' with -

all the ideas of "the evolution of
consciousness," and of "enlightenment,"
of "life is for learning," etc., are
intended ONLY to prevent you from facing
Criminal Minds,

and to prevent you from facing those past
and present and of course future actions
of Criminal Minds when they were

damaging - which they do in the
present also and which they intend
to continue to do in the future
too - which is them

damaging your ability to feel and thus to
enjoy life, and

damaging very much your ability to defend
yourself against their evil, and thus
damaging your ability to stay healthy
and to enjoy a life in health, and

damaging your ability to perceive these
Criminal Minds, when they present their
'mask' to you that hides their soul, that
hides who they are and who they were,

while your true perception and your
detection of them, would be aided
of course by an ability (by your
having the Energy) to sense and to
remember them as you have known
them in your past, in any past.


Our consciousness has almost completely been
eradicated by Criminal Minds, and is
continuously under the most severe attack by
them - day and night, also during our sleep.

And there is no "development of Consciousness" at all,
as you are knocked more and more UNCONSCIOUS, and that
continuously or repeatedly; but

what IS there, at most, is only REGAINING some (small
part of) your Consciousness and of your Abilities and
of your Love and of your Beauty

- regaining it for some short time at least,
till these (the Energies to hold and use your
abilities, your Beauty and your Love) are
smashed away again; that is, unless you learn

(but not from Criminal Minds, especially
not from those, who claim to be and who
are worshiped as "spiritual teachers" or
want to be accepted as "world teachers,"

not from any such who have any
connection to the beliefs that are
rooted in and still sprouting from
India, generally,

and not (PLEASE!) "learning" from those
who are "selected by aliens" to spread
the lies - no matter how obvious the lies
are - that the "chosen ones" have been
told indeed, and which they blindly
believe "because aliens said so," and are
made to pass on "of their own free will
and judgment" to keep our civilization
down and confused; and more generally,

not from those who will do everything to
PREVENT you from being yourself and from
following your ACTUAL nature, which is)

that you yourself actually do want very much
and have always wanted to FACE AND ALSO TO
UNDERSTAND Criminal Minds, to see again who
ARE Criminal Minds -

instead of running away after "Noble Truths," in "small
or even big vehicles" of "spiritual development" trying
to stop all life, and thus, by running away, betraying
everyone, (really they do, that's not a joke!),

while the correct thing to do, of course, is
facing Criminal Minds and thus REGAINING some
of your sanity and of your Love and of your

instead of convincing people, that they must do as if
"Criminal Minds do not exist," and that "everything
(that these 'non-existent' Criminal Minds do to you) is
YOUR OWN fault" or even "for your own good," and - yes,
they really say so - "is necessary to develop your

claiming - wonder oh wonder - that NOT facing Criminal
Minds (that BEING insane, as ALL insanity is caused by
Criminal Minds and continued by not facing them) "IS
developing your consciousness," really now...

- but that is what they, Criminal Minds indeed,
love to hear (of course), and that is what
they teach you in India, and beyond, to put
it very mildly, as you will find from reading

'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire'
{HRI 20020201}

and then

'What IS Depression or Lethargy'
{HRI 20041107-V2.2}.

Time: The present is defined as what exists. It is possible to feel
the past (as anyone knows) - which is called memory,

or if you are connecting very strongly, it might feel like
"re-living it," as it is possible to feel the past so
vividly, that it seems for some moment more real than the

which many of you have experienced at some time or
other, and as you know it from

dreams, which are merely Life Energies that you
look into and thus experience, and of course

preferably those Life Energies (which
contain perceptions and feelings) created
by yourself,

preferably those I would say, or those
created together with nice people who
love you,

but not those of Criminal Minds who
PRETEND to and want to make you feel
- with such Life Energies - that "they
love you" and that "you love them."

It is however not the goal of
therapists to make you sane, but
only to make you "feel good," and
so therapists even might tell you
- "as therapy" which you even pay
for - to create such extremely
debilitating but "temporarily
happy" feelings or Energies.

All feelings ARE Energies,
and so you can create
feelings, and so others can
create feelings you feel, and
so Criminal Minds can make
you feel very sick indeed, or
even damage your body and
make it sick or die -

and the 'gurus' are telling
you NOT to see that, but to
believe it is "developing
your consciousness."

So we now are more or less
forced to give a correct
definition of their "Cosmic

"Do not ever face who
does what to you or to
others, and why and how
- and never ever face
the existence and the
actual nature of any
Criminal Minds."


Energies that have been created in the past

- by definition Energies intend to do something, they
record something, they hold something, and when condensed
very much, they can become matter -

can be seen or felt now, exactly as these Energies have been
created or have been shaped and formed (in the past).

Light of photons has nothing whatsoever to do with time, nor
with space,* because perception and feeling is done with Life
Energy and not with photon's light.

* - (See (*) in the main body of text, above.)

And Life Energy travels instantaneously, as I have already
explained to you earlier, and which you can experience yourself.


So when you look at the past and connect very intensely with the
past, you can see what has been created in the past, of course,

you can remember, isn't it, how you were sitting in the
class room pretending to be a moron "who does not know
anything" and "who does not sense (feel-perceive) anything"
and "who can not see people as they are"

- things you pretend, to please your parents and
your teachers, and to not get them upset or angry

because you refrain from telling them, or even from
holding (yourself aware of) the very applicable
thought, that they teach you too many lies, and
that they severely hinder your abilities and your
use of your desire to live and be alive and be of
true value for others and for the society -

and you can see what of that Energy (in this case, your Energy
of your agreeing to be a moron in order to please others who
believe and tell you that 'they know everything and that you
know nothing' how much of that feeling or compulsion still) is
active in the present,

which is Energy that has been created in the past, and that
you might like to remove because it hinders you.

In this respect, such hindering Life Energies are
comparable to blocks of concrete (stone), or, to very dirty
water, or, to fog in the air, or, to drugs in your body

- you basically want to remove them, these Energies
with those feelings and compulsions and ideas, and
you can remove them too, by seeing what is actually
there, existing and still intending to control you.

And so it might seem to you, that "you travel to the past
in order to repair your present" - but you are acting from
the present always, LOOKING INTO the past from the present,

finding what of that is IN THE PRESENT still annoying you,
but that was created or put there, obviously, in the past.

And unlike land mines that, for instance in Cambodia,
have in the past been put in the ground, and that one
has actually to physically dig out of the ground now,
in the present,

Life Energies are much lighter and much less dense,
much finer, and they respond to your looking at it,
to your sensing them, if the Life Energies that you
look at are not too hard to feel and remember (to
connect to and feel as they actually are). And the
hard ones you can learn about, in

'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies - As
They Are Created And Projected By Criminal
Minds' {HRI 20030611}

Earth's Past And Future: The past is what happened - the future is not
fixed, but you can feel the Energy of what
will happen, what can be expected, should you
be able to feel that and be willing to
'connect that feeling to your consciousness,
so as to become aware of it.'

Then you could of course decide to act
upon what you expect, as anyone does more
or less anyway,

and you can decide accordingly - that is,
according to what you want life to have,
or what you want life not to have,

and thus you try to avoid, or you try to
meet and embrace, what will probably

Which of course requires that you
are free enough, and not dominated
too much,

not only to have enough data and
perception to correctly predict or
evaluate the future, to anticipate
and to prepare, but

it of course requires also that you
are not dominated too much and are
free enough or have enough Energy
and possibilities

to be able to avoid things, or on
the other hand, to embrace things
and people, that you will meet in
the future.


The past is what has happened - it is fixed,
it can not ever be erased (even though
Criminal Minds do their best to destroy or to
distort your Energy for connecting to and so
remembering the past) and

the past is available for anyone, also for
you, to remember or feel,

should you have (or create or get back)
the Energy to connect and thus to
perceive and thus to become aware of

some part of the past

(and that, only as long as you have and
keep the Life Energy to do so).

Perception of the past can of course be
erroneous, because the Energy for feeling or
perceiving it, has been 'booby-trapped'
(severely messed up) by Criminal Minds

- and Criminal Minds, as you know by now,
do not want, at all, that you feel or
remember the past correctly, or that
you keep it in your mind and thus would
remain sane and act sanely, of course:

Criminal Minds want the Energy of
connecting to your memories WIPED
out, taken away from you.

So, if someone wants that
your memories are wiped out,
then you are probably talking
to a Criminal Mind, or to
someone who wants to hide
Criminal Minds "because they
are so very unpleasant to
look at" - sure they are...


The future is not fixed, but the Energy of
Life shows a prediction or expectation of how
things will be. Thus you can change also a
future, that otherwise would indeed occur as
foreseen if you did nothing to change it.

Which was the idea in the excellent TV
series "Early Edition," in which the main
person gets tomorrow's newspaper - but he
gets it today...

Even when you are intensely looking at the
future, or if your attention (your Energy
with which you connect things to your
consciousness, so that you become aware of
them) if that awareness is immersed in some
past, (if it feels as if you are in the past)
you then still are in the present feeling
that past, and so it is also recorded in your
memories (as proven by the fact, that these
memories can later be contacted and have that
data available to connect to, about that

In other words, the 'now' is recorded
while you look at the past or future, and
so you will later remember it, as, for
instance: 'On the first of January of
the year 2005, I felt very vividly the
day in the year 2000 when the new
millennium started.'

See further: 'From Past To Future Lives - The Wisdom Of King Solomon'
{HRI 20031109} - (to be issued still, though, except for
the Preface {HRI 20031109-00-V1.0} and
the Introduction {HRI 20031109-01-V1.0})


(Note on teaching history)

Teaching children so many lies in school
about history, is of course MAKING them very
unaware, and MAKING them uninterested - and
making them not want to have anything to do
with history, or even with any school or with

And then you 'have to' force them by giving
them examinations, and 'terrorize them' with
homework - their having to learn now at home
too what they already felt they wanted to
reject at school - and then you 'have to'
tell them, that 'they will get bad jobs' and
'they will not be invited into certain social
circles,' if they do not pass those exams.

And then they have to wait thirty or
forty or fifty years before their
interest starts again to return, when and

because they finally want to know the
truth, what actually happened in the
past, and not "what you are told in
school, that 'happened' in the past."


Learning is connecting with Life Energy to
the things to learn about,

and the connecting Life Energy is of course
- it HAS of course to be - generated by the
student or pupil himself:

It consists of the pupil's DESIRE to
connect to some subject, and of his
already existing connection to some
subject, a connection which he may or may
not be aware of, but might discover.

This, any good teacher knows by
intuition - and working with that
knowledge makes him a good teacher,

or more precisely, it makes him (or
her) a teacher.

Of course what you are told to connect to and
to study, actually has also to be there, has
to exist as an actuality, for you to be able
to connect to it, of course...

This rules out many a "science,"
because there is nothing there to
actually connect to, they do not
connect to the things that ARE

And of course, things that you ARE NATURALLY
connected to or want to be connected to
BECAUSE they exist, you should be allowed to
connect to and to study, rather than being
most persistently taught "by science," and in
schools and in universities, that the very
things that are most intimate to a subject
"do not exist" or must be wholly ignored.

YOU are the most important factor
in studying, of course, YOUR
connection to life and your ability
and desire to connect to life.

This concept still has to penetrate
the subject of teaching and of
learning, even of teaching private
music lessons, or of how one learns
music as a student.

And you keep wondering why many children or
students or adults want to have nothing at
all to do with studying or learning things
that they were once highly interested in and
that are actually most vital for them to



Criminal Minds DO NOT WANT you to know, to
feel or to remember or to understand neither
the present, nor the future, nor the past.
(They are Criminal Minds, remember!)

So they work very hard to make you
BELIEVE, that you "have been taught what
exists (what has happened and what was
intended by whom) in the past,"

when in fact you are very wrongly informed
indeed. This is not good for children, at
all, because they are not stupid, at all, and
they probably can feel better (and more) than
adults can - about which highly interesting
and revealing subject I intend to write for
you, soon - about 'Children Wiser Than You?'


Teaching history has of course everything to
do with (and is of tremendous value for)
understanding the present, and has everything
to do with correctly evaluating the future,

as almost all that will happen in the future,
has been created, brought about, has been
caused ...in the past - often in the very
distant past - of course.

But Criminal Minds of course equally produce
the most atrocious lies about the future,

in order to make you not properly feel
the future, to make you not understand
the future correctly,

so that you will spend your money or
your time not correctly, but on the
very wrong things,

because you have been convinced (you
have been and are made continuously
to believe by them) that their lies
are "the truth about the future."


So you have to know the basic mechanism of
learning and of teaching

- which very many teachers very wrongly
have assumed they "know" or they "have
learned," and

which they said they knew something
or even all about -

the principles of learning and of teaching:

The desire to connect to a part of life
and thus to get to understand that part,
and how to go about contacting and using
that desire to connect to that part of

But they do not even know - about
teaching and learning - that THAT

Nevertheless it can be learned
correctly, also by them.


And those who intuitively had it right, who
just do it right

and therefore are loved as teachers,

or who therefore enjoy learning as
pupils and students,

will only confirm what they already felt
- and acted upon - what was true.

See further: 'Learning And Reading - Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo
Galilei had an excellent command of reading and writing'
{HRI 20040811} (or later versions as these will be
published). (see References, below)


(1) 'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism and
New-Age Cults' {HRI 20050514-V3.1}
(14 May 2005 - Version 3.1 on 14 June 2005)


'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity' {HRI 20040619-V3.4}
(19 June 2004) (Version 3.4 on 2 Sept 2004)

'Learning And Reading - Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei had
an excellent command of reading and writing' {HRI 20040811}
(11 August 2004)

'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' {HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)

'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life' {HRI 20040729}
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

'Plato On Making Love' {HRI-20041114} (14 November 2004)

'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108} (8 January 2004)

'About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's Past
And Future' {HRI 20040617-V3.8}
(17 June 2004 - Version 3.8 on 29 August 2004)

'From Past To Future Lives - The Wisdom Of King Solomon'
{HRI 20031109} - to be issued except for two introductory parts:
the Preface {HRI 20031109-00-V1.0}
the Introduction {HRI 20031109-01-V1.0})

'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire' {HRI 20020201}
(1 February 2002 - issued 20 Feb 2003)

'What IS Depression or Lethargy' {HRI 20041107-V2.2}
(7 November 2004 - Version 2.2 on 14 Dec 2004)

'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies - As They Are Created
And Projected By Criminal Minds' {HRI 20030611} (11 June 2003)



Copyright 2004-2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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