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Medicin udlandske navne og engelsk beskriv~
Fra : urlex

Dato : 20-09-07 14:22

Hej Kan nogen i den gruppe tyde de 4 mediciner og hvad de bruges
imod ?

Ticlodone : Ticlopidine is an effective inhibitor of platelet
aggregation. The drug has been found to significantly reduce
infarction size in acute myocardial infarcts and is an effective
antithrombotic agent in arteriovenous fistulas, aorto-coronary bypass
grafts, ischemic heart disease, venous thrombosis, and

Captopril : (URESAN) A potent and specific inhibitor of PEPTIDYL-
DIPEPTIDASE A. It blocks the conversion of ANGIOTENSIN I to
ANGIOTENSIN II, a vasoconstrictor and important regulator of arterial
blood pressure. Captopril acts to suppress the RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN
SYSTEM and inhibits pressure responses to exogenous angiotensin.

Brufen : A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent with analgesic
properties used in the therapy of rheumatism and arthritis.

AIM: Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) of the lower limbs is a major
cause of morbidity and varicose veins affect 20% to 60% of adults in
the western world. The treatment of patients with CVI attempts to
reduce both clinical symptoms and the development of chronic venous
disease. A meta-analysis using data from all clinical trials and
studies of Cyclo 3 Fort, a combination of root extract of the Ruscus
aculeatus plant (150 mg per capsule), hesperidin methyl chalcone (150
mg) and ascorbic acid (100 mg), was carried out to estimate the
overall effect on the symptoms and severity of chronic venous
insufficiency. METHODS: The meta-analysis included 20 placebo
controlled, randomised, double blind studies and 5 randomised studies
against a comparator drug. There were 6 single arm studies of Cyclo 3
Fort alone with no placebo arm. In all studies the response to Cyclo 3
Fort was compared to baseline values. In total there was information
from 10,246 subjects. RESULTS: On a 4 point symptom severity scale,
where 0 corresponds to no symptoms and 3 to severe symptoms, Cyclo 3
Fort significantly reduces the severity of pain by 0.44 (0.12) points;
cramps 0.26 (0.08), heaviness 0.53 (0.11), and paraesthesia 0.29
(0.10) compared to placebo. There is also a significant reduction in
venous capacity of 0.70 (0.19) ml/100 ml with Cyclo 3 Fort compared to
placebo. We also found reductions in the severity of oedema 0.43
(0.20) points, and decreases in calf and ankle circumference, 0.73
(0.37) cms and 1.17 (0.83) cm, respectively, among patients treated
with Cyclo 3 Fort compared to placebo which were not statistically
significant. CONCLUSION: Despite questions surrounding the variability
of data quality and sample size of some of the studies, we conclude
that in patients with CVI Cyclo 3 Fort significantly reduces the
severity of the symptoms compared to placebo. This study is a strong
and objective demonstration of the clinical efficacy of Cyclo 3 Fort
in treating patients with CVI.

vh urlex

Ukendt (21-09-2007)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 21-09-07 07:51

urlex wrote:
> Hej Kan nogen i den gruppe tyde de 4 mediciner og hvad de bruges
> imod ?
> Ticlodone : Ticlopidine is an effective inhibitor of platelet
> aggregation. The drug has been found to significantly reduce
> infarction size in acute myocardial infarcts and is an effective
> antithrombotic agent in arteriovenous fistulas, aorto-coronary bypass
> grafts, ischemic heart disease, venous thrombosis, and
> arteriosclerosis.
> Captopril : (URESAN) A potent and specific inhibitor of PEPTIDYL-
> DIPEPTIDASE A. It blocks the conversion of ANGIOTENSIN I to
> ANGIOTENSIN II, a vasoconstrictor and important regulator of arterial
> blood pressure. Captopril acts to suppress the RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN
> SYSTEM and inhibits pressure responses to exogenous angiotensin.
> Brufen : A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent with analgesic
> properties used in the therapy of rheumatism and arthritis.
> AIM: Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) of the lower limbs is a major
> cause of morbidity and varicose veins affect 20% to 60% of adults in
> the western world. The treatment of patients with CVI attempts to
> reduce both clinical symptoms and the development of chronic venous
> disease. A meta-analysis using data from all clinical trials and
> studies of Cyclo 3 Fort, a combination of root extract of the Ruscus
> aculeatus plant (150 mg per capsule), hesperidin methyl chalcone (150
> mg) and ascorbic acid (100 mg), was carried out to estimate the
> overall effect on the symptoms and severity of chronic venous
> insufficiency. METHODS: The meta-analysis included 20 placebo
> controlled, randomised, double blind studies and 5 randomised studies
> against a comparator drug. There were 6 single arm studies of Cyclo 3
> Fort alone with no placebo arm. In all studies the response to Cyclo 3
> Fort was compared to baseline values. In total there was information
> from 10,246 subjects. RESULTS: On a 4 point symptom severity scale,
> where 0 corresponds to no symptoms and 3 to severe symptoms, Cyclo 3
> Fort significantly reduces the severity of pain by 0.44 (0.12) points;
> cramps 0.26 (0.08), heaviness 0.53 (0.11), and paraesthesia 0.29
> (0.10) compared to placebo. There is also a significant reduction in
> venous capacity of 0.70 (0.19) ml/100 ml with Cyclo 3 Fort compared to
> placebo. We also found reductions in the severity of oedema 0.43
> (0.20) points, and decreases in calf and ankle circumference, 0.73
> (0.37) cms and 1.17 (0.83) cm, respectively, among patients treated
> with Cyclo 3 Fort compared to placebo which were not statistically
> significant. CONCLUSION: Despite questions surrounding the variability
> of data quality and sample size of some of the studies, we conclude
> that in patients with CVI Cyclo 3 Fort significantly reduces the
> severity of the symptoms compared to placebo. This study is a strong
> and objective demonstration of the clinical efficacy of Cyclo 3 Fort
> in treating patients with CVI.
> vh urlex

Ticlodone: Nedsætter risikoen for blodpropper

Captopril: Nedsætter blodtrykket, en såkaldt ACE-hæmmer

Brufen: Indeholdet lægemiddelstoffet ibuprofen som er det samme der
findes i Ipren. Det er et smertestillende middel

Det sidste du paster er et abstract fra et medicinsk forsøg, hvor
medicinen Cyclo 3 Fort er blevet testet mod placebo i patienter med
Kronisk venøs insufficiens (CVI). Noget specifikt fra det forsøg du
gerne vil have forklaret? (Orker ikke lige at oversætte det hele nemlig :)


urlex (21-09-2007)
Fra : urlex

Dato : 21-09-07 15:01

On 21 Sep., 09:50, Ragnar <"jepper googles mail"> wrote:
> urlex wrote:
> > Hej Kan nogen i den gruppe tyde de 4 mediciner og hvad de bruges
> > imod ?
> > Ticlodone : Ticlopidine is an effective inhibitor of platelet
> > aggregation. The drug has been found to significantly reduce
> > infarction size in acute myocardial infarcts and is an effective
> > antithrombotic agent in arteriovenous fistulas, aorto-coronary bypass
> > grafts, ischemic heart disease, venous thrombosis, and
> > arteriosclerosis.
> > Captopril : (URESAN) A potent and specific inhibitor of PEPTIDYL-
> > DIPEPTIDASE A. It blocks the conversion of ANGIOTENSIN I to
> > ANGIOTENSIN II, a vasoconstrictor and important regulator of arterial
> > blood pressure. Captopril acts to suppress the RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN
> > SYSTEM and inhibits pressure responses to exogenous angiotensin.
> > Brufen : A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent with analgesic
> > properties used in the therapy of rheumatism and arthritis.
> > CYCLO 3 FORT :
> > AIM: Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) of the lower limbs is a major
> > cause of morbidity and varicose veins affect 20% to 60% of adults in
> > the western world. The treatment of patients with CVI attempts to
> > reduce both clinical symptoms and the development of chronic venous
> > disease. A meta-analysis using data from all clinical trials and
> > studies of Cyclo 3 Fort, a combination of root extract of the Ruscus
> > aculeatus plant (150 mg per capsule), hesperidin methyl chalcone (150
> > mg) and ascorbic acid (100 mg), was carried out to estimate the
> > overall effect on the symptoms and severity of chronic venous
> > insufficiency. METHODS: The meta-analysis included 20 placebo
> > controlled, randomised, double blind studies and 5 randomised studies
> > against a comparator drug. There were 6 single arm studies of Cyclo 3
> > Fort alone with no placebo arm. In all studies the response to Cyclo 3
> > Fort was compared to baseline values. In total there was information
> > from 10,246 subjects. RESULTS: On a 4 point symptom severity scale,
> > where 0 corresponds to no symptoms and 3 to severe symptoms, Cyclo 3
> > Fort significantly reduces the severity of pain by 0.44 (0.12) points;
> > cramps 0.26 (0.08), heaviness 0.53 (0.11), and paraesthesia 0.29
> > (0.10) compared to placebo. There is also a significant reduction in
> > venous capacity of 0.70 (0.19) ml/100 ml with Cyclo 3 Fort compared to
> > placebo. We also found reductions in the severity of oedema 0.43
> > (0.20) points, and decreases in calf and ankle circumference, 0.73
> > (0.37) cms and 1.17 (0.83) cm, respectively, among patients treated
> > with Cyclo 3 Fort compared to placebo which were not statistically
> > significant. CONCLUSION: Despite questions surrounding the variability
> > of data quality and sample size of some of the studies, we conclude
> > that in patients with CVI Cyclo 3 Fort significantly reduces the
> > severity of the symptoms compared to placebo. This study is a strong
> > and objective demonstration of the clinical efficacy of Cyclo 3 Fort
> > in treating patients with CVI.
> > vh urlex
> Ticlodone: Nedsætter risikoen for blodpropper
> Captopril: Nedsætter blodtrykket, en såkaldt ACE-hæmmer
> Brufen: Indeholdet lægemiddelstoffet ibuprofen som er det samme der
> findes i Ipren. Det er et smertestillende middel
> Det sidste du paster er et abstract fra et medicinsk forsøg, hvor
> medicinen Cyclo 3 Fort er blevet testet mod placebo i patienter med
> Kronisk venøs insufficiens (CVI). Noget specifikt fra det forsøg du
> gerne vil have forklaret? (Orker ikke lige at oversætte det hele nemlig :)
> Mvh
> Ragnar

Hej Ragnar
Det drejer sig om min broder der lige er kommet hjem fra
"Middelhavsområdet" og var faldet over en kantsten, benet begyndte at
hæve nogle dage efter og han blev sendt til læge og fik ovennævnte
medicin, som vi sammen søgte via sundhed.dk oplysninger på, men kunne
ikke finde noget svar. Han havde aftenen forinden været til en stor
fest og havde drukket vin og spiritus i stor mængde. Lægen målte
blodtrykket til 180 min broder hørte ikke det første tal. Dagen efter
var blodtrykket 90/150 og siden har min broder holdt sig til vand. Han
har ikke opsøgt sin egen læge endnu, men vil gøre det. (CVI) har jeg
lige søgt på nettet og fået bekræftet "betydelig væskeophobning" som
min broder huskede lægen sagde. Det skal lige siges at min broder er
ikke ryger. Min broder dyrker meget motion, cykler og roer. Jeg siger
på min broders vegne tak (han er ikke til at sidde foran computer)
vh urlex

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