Shaw og OscarWilde var fupsocialister
De to irske playboys gav den som socialister, og viste klædelig sympati med
Londons fattige, men var liberalister og friheds-tørstende anarkister med
ideologi identisk med Nietzsches
George Bernard Shaw skrev Nietzsche-inspireret skuespil "Superman" og begge
var de kritiske overfor bureaukratisk videnskab og moral-dogmer og
Statens forenklede sandheder og stive moral nedgjorde de begge effektivt.
De færdedes i samme London-kredse bl.a. Fabian Society - en smart
fup-socialistisk loge som ikke var kommunisters og socialdemokraters kop te.
De var - som Nietzsche - renlivede æstetikere.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Oscar Wilde
" Hvad er sandhed? I religionen er det simpelthen den mening, der har
overlevet. I videnskaben er det den sidste sensation. I kunsten er det ens
seneste stemning.Oscar Wilde
" A good upbring also has a terrible downside: it concludes you from the
many.Oscar Wilde
" Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to
time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.Oscar Wilde
(1856-1900)British Author and Wit
Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. Oscar Wilde
There is no such thing as a good influence. All influence is immoral.
Oscar Wilde
I have always been of opinion that hard work is simply the refuge of
people who have nothing whatever to do
If a woman wants to hold a man, she has merely to appeal to what is
worst in him. We make gods of men, and they leave us. Others make brutes of
them and they fawn and are faithful.Oscar Wilde
If England treats her criminals the way she has treated me, she doesn't
deserve to have any.Oscar Wilde
In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one
wants, and the other is getting it."
- Oscar Wilde
The one charm of marriage is that it makes a life in deception
absolutely necessary for both parties. Oscar Wilde
There is no secret in life. Life's aim, if it has one, is simply to be
always looking for temptation. Oscar Wilde
Der er kun en måde at slippe af med en fristelse - at give efter for den.
Oscar Wilde
A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite
and it leaves one unsatisfied. Oscar Wilde
The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and
your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself.
Den eneste måde at befri sig for en fristelse, er at give efter for den.
Modstår du den, bliver din sjæl syg af længsel efter hvad den har forbudt
sig selv.Oscar Wilde
There is no secret in life. Life's aim, if it has one, is simply to be
always looking for temptation. Oscar Wilde
To get back my youth I would do anything in the world , except take
exercise, get up early , or be respectable.Oscar Wilde
All art is quite useless Oscar Wilde
Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has
known.Oscar Wilde
Art never expresses anything but itself. Oscar Wilde
Det er bedre at være smuk end god. Men alligevel er det bedre at være
god en grim. Oscar Wilde
Folk taler ofte, som om der var en modsætning mellem hvad der er smukt
og hvad der er nyttigt. Der er ingen anden modsætning til skønhed end
grimhed. Oscar Wilde
Ingen kunstner ønsker at bevise noget. Kun ting, der er sande, kan
bevisesOscar Wilde.
Intet andet end lidenskaben er alvorligt. Intellektet er ikke noget
alvorligt og har aldrig været det. Det er et instrument, man spiller på,
det er alt. Oscar Wilde
It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The true
mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible. Oscar Wilde
Kun fladbundede naturer kender sig selv.Oscar Wilde
Doctors found out he would not live, so he died ----He
seems to have had great confidence in the physicians. Oscar Wilde
If we lived long enough to see the results of our actions,
it may be that those , who call themselves good,
would be sickened with a dull remorse,
and those, whom the world calls evil, stirred by a noble joy. Oscar Wilde.
To reveal art and conceal the artist is the arts aim Oscar
I like to hear myselv talk, It is one of my greatest pleasures. I often have
long conversations all by myself, and I am so clever, that sometimes I don't
understand a single word of what I am saying. Oscar Wilde.
One should never take sides in anything. taking sides is
the beginning of sincerity and earnestness follows shortly afterwards, and
the human being becomes a bore. Oscar Wilde
Prison life makes one see things as they really are - that
is why it turns one to stone. Oscar Wilde.
Personality is a very mysterious thing. a man cannot always
be estimated by what he does. He may keep the law, and yet be worthless. He
may break the law and yet be fine. He may commit a sin against society, and
yet realize through his sin his own perfection. Oscar Wilde
Naturens tid er forbi. Den har opbrugt alle fintfølende ånders tålmodighed
med sine landskabers og sin himmels kvalmende ensformighed. Oscar Wilde.
"You ought to be a doctor, as you always want people to do, what they don't
want to do". Oscar Wilde
The form of government that is most suitable to the artist, is no government
at all. Oscar Wilde
Good kings are the only real enemy that modern democracy has. Oscar Wilde
Hver gang folk taler til mig om vejret, føjer jeg mig altid sikker på, at de
mener noget andet. Oscar Wilde
English people are far more interested in American barbarism than they are
in American civilization. Oscar Wilde
The husbonds of the very beautiful women, belongs to the criminal classes.
Oscar Wilde
Kunsten har ingen indflydelse på vore handlinger.
Den dræber netop trangen til at handle; den er velsignet ufrugtbar.
De bøger, som folk kalder umoralske, er blot bøger, som viser dem deres egen
slethed - ikke andet. Oscar Wilde: Dorian Greys
Now it seems to me that love of some kind, is the only possible explanation
of the extraordinary amount of suffering, that there is in the world. Oscar
Moral er ikke andet end den holdning, vi indtager over for Folk, som vi
personlig ikke kan lide. Oscar Wilde
Kvinder er aldrig genier; kvinder er et dekorativt køn; de
har aldrig noget at sige, men de siger det så henrivende.
De repræsenterer legemets triumf over sjælen, ganske som vi repræsenterer
sjælens triumf over moralen. Oscar Wilde:
Dorian Greys billede.
I would sooner have fifty natural vices than one unnatural virtue
Oscar Wilde
Disobedience, in the eyes of any one who has read history, is mans original
It is through disobedience that progress has been made, thorough
disobedience and through rebellion. Oscar Wilde
Moderation is a fatal thing. Enough is as bad as a meal. More than enough is
as good as a feast,' Oscar Wilde
It is perfectly monstrous the way people go around nowadays saying things
against one behind ones back, that are absolutely true, Oscar
The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Modern life would be very tedious
if it was either, and modern literature would be an impossibility. Oscar
Those who are faithfull know only the trivial side of life. It is the
faithless that know love's tragedies Oscar Wilde
Al indflydelse er umoralsk, forde de at øve indflydelse er at indgyde den
anden noget af din sjæl. Han tænker ikke sine egne tanker og hn brænder ikke
med sin egen sjæls lidenskab.
Man skal ikke lytte, så risikerer man at blive overbevidst. Wilde
Samfundet tilgiver ofte forbryderen, men aldrig drømmeren, Oscar Wilde 1891