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Free email on mobile
Fra : sujay

Dato : 23-05-07 06:06

Dear Prospective user,

Would you like to receive all your emails from different accounts in
the same place, your mobile phone?

We would like to offer you an easy & convenient way to check your
emails while on the go. We realize the inconveniences you might be
facing. How often can you go to the cyber cafe? You have a GPRS
enabled phone but, you cannot open the attachments, you have different
email accounts, and it takes ages to log in and out of each one, you
worry about the phone charges..and so on. Keeping all this in mind, we
have MeOnGo for you.

MeOnGo transcends geographic barriers,works with all network
operators, and allows you to access all your mailboxes at the same
place. Whats more? It even allows you to download your
attachments(which was formerly possible only in Blackberry, other
smart phones and the like). It requires minimum data transfer(=
smaller phone bills).

All you need is a phone with a GPRS/GSM/3G or EDGE connection. Did we
mention that MeOnGo is completely FREE?

Security or privacy concerns? Please visit the link below...and let
MeOnGo do rest of the talking.



news.telia.dk (23-05-2007)
Fra : news.telia.dk

Dato : 23-05-07 09:26

"sujay" <slu27mi@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Dear Prospective user,
Your message is just fucking spam

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