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(The) Criminal Minds (of Iran) ONLY WANT a~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 30-03-07 09:53

(The) Criminal Minds (of, in this case, Iran's "government") ONLY WANT
and ENJOY to do Evil.


BUT - as you have seen so many times -

Criminal Minds (and their followers, the Destructive Cowards or
"Peace Activists") do lie about their motives, and want Crimes
not looked at, and

they accuse you - they accuse ANY sane and caring person, you - that



(Britain's) Blair can not face that, (America's) Bush literally
stopped facing that since he met (China's) Hu Jintao

- so you will have to face that (and any evil) that they do NOT face.

- KNT hrp&p {HRI Note 20070330}




Rights Of Criminal Minds

8 January 2004
{HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}

(Version 1.0.1
on 12 Nov 2005)


1. Criminal Minds have the right to be looked at. *(1),*(2),*(3),*(4)


2. Criminal Minds have the right to be exposed. *(5),*(6),*(7),*(8)


These are kind (nice, friendly, caring) things to do to
a Criminal Mind.

On the other hand, to NOT look at him or her and to NOT
expose him or her, is a very mean thing to do to a
Criminal Mind.

They ARE that mean, intentionally that mean, to
each other (and to themselves too);

they do so in order to deliberately let others be
more evil, to thereby deliberately let others
degrade themselves even further by doing more evil,

they do so by intending neither to expose nor to
stop the evil activities of other Criminal Minds.

This then gives them as well their desired feeling
of 'looking down' on other Criminal Minds.


3. Criminal Minds have the right not to be hated by normal people.


You can however not demand or ask of other Criminal Minds
not to hate them, because that's what Criminal Minds do,
they are always Hating:

They are Hating, and hiding that they are Hating,
and they are sometimes pretending to care in order
to camouflage and so exert the control in order to
Hate in a hidden manner. *(9)

So, telling Criminal Minds not to Hate, is as useless as
telling a pig not to eat -

he (or she) won't be able to follow your request
and he (or she) will only pretend to comply,
pretending it

by deceiving you and others, by creating a
pretended personality as himself or as herself,
that he or she even believes in,

by preventing you from seeing or from
understanding his or her activities of Hating.

Normal people should not Hate Criminal Minds,

no matter how much a Criminal Mind begs or goads (teases)
normal people into being Hateful as well - even to the
Criminal Mind -

that is, a Criminal Mind will try to get normal
people into radiating Hate as well, into being for
some time like a Criminal Mind, and even into a
state of wanting to destroy a Criminal Mind further.


4. Criminal Minds must not be in a position where other people or
children are forced or asked to depend on some of the judgments
of a Criminal Mind about them or to have to somehow follow the
directions of a Criminal Mind, or the directions from Destructive
Cowards who are the underlings of a Criminal Mind. *(12)


5. Criminal Minds may be asked to leave a location.

That may be necessary in order to protect others, or to
maintain somewhere an atmosphere of understanding and
perception necessary for

(sometimes even the basic needs such as food and
shelter and communication and decency, of)

life to restore and grow and be healthy and joyful.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'All the kings of the earth
sought audience with Solomon
to hear the wisdom
God had put in his heart.'

2 Chronicles 9:23

Footnotes (Updated on 12 Nov 2005):

[ see however:
'Checklist of Human Rights Issues up to 17 March 2007 and
since 11 Feb 2007'
{HRI update list 20070317 since 20070211}
(17 March 2007)

(1) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis'
{HRI 20030227-V2.2} (27 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)

(2) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty (Version 2.1)
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}' (7 March 2003 - V2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(3) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally
{HRI 20050527-V3.5} (27 May 2005 - Version 3.5 on 10 June 2005)

(4) 'On Those Who Want Awareness Not Understood' {HRI 20030416-V1.0}
(16 April 2003 - Version 1.0)

(5) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
Truth' {HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

(6) 'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20030509-V3.1}
(9 May 2003 - Version 3.1 on 2 Dec 2004)

(7) 'Understanding Eternal Criminally Minded Individuals'
{HRI 20031124} (24 November 2003)

(8) 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds' {HRI 20030716}
(16 July 2003)

(9) 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life' V2.0i
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

(10) 'Theory Of Repairing Criminal Minds' (13 Dec 2002)

(11) 'Definition Of Schizophrenic' {HR 20021125} (25 Nov 2002)

(12) 'The First International Law' (Version 2.0) {HRI 20021124-V2.0}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)

(13) 'Understanding Of Those Who Harm Life
- Criminal Minds Radiate Lies' {HRI 20030611-II}
(11 June 2003)

(14) 'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies
- As They Are Created And Projected By Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030611} (11 June 2003)

(15) (nn) 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO Causes It - Is The
{HRI 20030610} (10 June 2003)

(16) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' {HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)



Copyright 2004, 2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
(address unreadable for Internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 11:05

Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
> (The) Criminal Minds (of, in this case, Iran's "government") ONLY WANT
> and ENJOY to do Evil.
> '
> BUT - as you have seen so many times -
> Criminal Minds (and their followers, the Destructive Cowards or
> "Peace Activists") do lie about their motives, and want Crimes
> not looked at, and
> they accuse you - they accuse ANY sane and caring person, you - that


When is the real investigation on the reasons to invade Iraq starting.

"I hear you want to volunteer. You need a road map to get there?"

> '
> (Britain's) Blair can not face that, (America's) Bush literally
> stopped facing that since he met (China's) Hu Jintao
> - so you will have to face that (and any evil) that they do NOT face.
> - KNT hrp&p {HRI Note 20070330}
> '
> '
> '
> Rights Of Criminal Minds
> 8 January 2004
> {HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
> (Version 1.0.1
> on 12 Nov 2005)
> '
> 1. Criminal Minds have the right to be looked at. *(1),*(2),*(3),*(4)
> '
> 2. Criminal Minds have the right to be exposed. *(5),*(6),*(7),*(8)
> '
> These are kind (nice, friendly, caring) things to do to
> a Criminal Mind.
> On the other hand, to NOT look at him or her and to NOT
> expose him or her, is a very mean thing to do to a
> Criminal Mind.
> They ARE that mean, intentionally that mean, to
> each other (and to themselves too);
> they do so in order to deliberately let others be
> more evil, to thereby deliberately let others
> degrade themselves even further by doing more evil,
> and
> they do so by intending neither to expose nor to
> stop the evil activities of other Criminal Minds.
> This then gives them as well their desired feeling
> of 'looking down' on other Criminal Minds.
> '
> 3. Criminal Minds have the right not to be hated by normal people.
> '
> You can however not demand or ask of other Criminal Minds
> not to hate them, because that's what Criminal Minds do,
> they are always Hating:
> They are Hating, and hiding that they are Hating,
> and they are sometimes pretending to care in order
> to camouflage and so exert the control in order to
> Hate in a hidden manner. *(9)
> So, telling Criminal Minds not to Hate, is as useless as
> telling a pig not to eat -
> he (or she) won't be able to follow your request
> and he (or she) will only pretend to comply,
> pretending it
> by deceiving you and others, by creating a
> pretended personality as himself or as herself,
> that he or she even believes in,
> *(3),*(10),*(16)
> by preventing you from seeing or from
> understanding his or her activities of Hating.
> *(6)
> '
> Normal people should not Hate Criminal Minds,
> no matter how much a Criminal Mind begs or goads (teases)
> normal people into being Hateful as well - even to the
> Criminal Mind -
> that is, a Criminal Mind will try to get normal
> people into radiating Hate as well, into being for
> some time like a Criminal Mind, and even into a
> state of wanting to destroy a Criminal Mind further.
> *(11)
> '
> 4. Criminal Minds must not be in a position where other people or
> children are forced or asked to depend on some of the judgments
> of a Criminal Mind about them or to have to somehow follow the
> directions of a Criminal Mind, or the directions from Destructive
> Cowards who are the underlings of a Criminal Mind. *(12)
> '
> 5. Criminal Minds may be asked to leave a location.
> That may be necessary in order to protect others, or to
> maintain somewhere an atmosphere of understanding and
> perception necessary for
> (sometimes even the basic needs such as food and
> shelter and communication and decency, of)
> life to restore and grow and be healthy and joyful.
> *(13),*(14),*(15)
> Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
> human rights philosopher and poet
> 'All the kings of the earth
> sought audience with Solomon
> to hear the wisdom
> God had put in his heart.'
> 2 Chronicles 9:23
> _________
> Footnotes (Updated on 12 Nov 2005):
> [ see however:
> 'Checklist of Human Rights Issues up to 17 March 2007 and
> since 11 Feb 2007'
> {HRI update list 20070317 since 20070211}
> (17 March 2007)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.politics.org.un/msg/73f43e03f0ce04a8
> ]
> (1) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis'
> {HRI 20030227-V2.2} (27 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/sci.med/msg/a3940363702cebcf
> (2) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty (Version 2.1)
> {HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}' (7 March 2003 - V2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/4129fa4f1a67840e
> (3) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally
> Lie'
> {HRI 20050527-V3.5} (27 May 2005 - Version 3.5 on 10 June 2005)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/ecc4b12aaae92dcf
> (4) 'On Those Who Want Awareness Not Understood' {HRI 20030416-V1.0}
> (16 April 2003 - Version 1.0)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.china/msg/640e381f8fc938c0
> (5) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
> Truth' {HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
> (19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/talk.politics.misc/msg/53a97b173ef36240
> (6) 'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20030509-V3.1}
> (9 May 2003 - Version 3.1 on 2 Dec 2004)
> http://groups.google.com/group/rec.arts.fine/msg/a83e5c14a4cbf0b3?fcw=1
> (7) 'Understanding Eternal Criminally Minded Individuals'
> {HRI 20031124} (24 November 2003)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/9c378e7f32b5b016
> (8) 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds' {HRI 20030716}
> (16 July 2003)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/7585a3f78ab01b75
> (9) 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life' V2.0i
> (29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/Koos-Nolst-Trenite/msg/40d2a6d4cadc84b1
> (10) 'Theory Of Repairing Criminal Minds' (13 Dec 2002)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/sci.psychology.psychotherapy/msg/fb5a1b66a55476cd
> (11) 'Definition Of Schizophrenic' {HR 20021125} (25 Nov 2002)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/sci.psychology.misc/msg/f34d97fee2a0b84d
> (12) 'The First International Law' (Version 2.0) {HRI 20021124-V2.0}
> (24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/e6fd1197b1678b70
> (13) 'Understanding Of Those Who Harm Life
> - Criminal Minds Radiate Lies' {HRI 20030611-II}
> (11 June 2003)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.china/msg/9973dabee57b8edf
> (14) 'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies
> - As They Are Created And Projected By Criminal Minds'
> {HRI 20030611} (11 June 2003)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/782f862bb3548129
> (15) (nn) 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO Causes It - Is The
> Question'
> {HRI 20030610} (10 June 2003)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.usa/msg/216b68d8105d28ba
> (16) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' {HRI 20021220}
> (20 Dec 2002)
> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/dc1388ffc08294fb
> '
> ____________
> Verification:
> http://www.angelfire.com/space/platoworld
> Copyright 2004, 2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it.
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
> encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
> (address unreadable for Internet robots
> - replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 11:31

JayJBee wrote:
> Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
>> (The) Criminal Minds (of, in this case, Iran's "government") ONLY WANT
>> and ENJOY to do Evil.
>> '
>> BUT - as you have seen so many times -
>> Criminal Minds (and their followers, the Destructive Cowards or
>> "Peace Activists") do lie about their motives, and want Crimes
>> not looked at, and
>> they accuse you - they accuse ANY sane and caring person, you - that
>> "YOU are 'MAKING them (do) Evil' IF YOU POINT OUT THEY ARE EVIL."
> So....
> When is the real investigation on the reasons to invade Iraq starting.
> JayJBee
> "I hear you want to volunteer. You need a road map to get there?"
>> '
>> (Britain's) Blair can not face that, (America's) Bush literally
>> stopped facing that since he met (China's) Hu Jintao
>> - so you will have to face that (and any evil) that they do NOT face.
>> - KNT hrp&p {HRI Note 20070330}
>> '
>> '
>> '
>> Rights Of Criminal Minds
>> 8 January 2004
>> {HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
>> (Version 1.0.1
>> on 12 Nov 2005)
>> '
>> 1. Criminal Minds have the right to be looked at. *(1),*(2),*(3),*(4)
>> '
>> 2. Criminal Minds have the right to be exposed. *(5),*(6),*(7),*(8)
>> '
>> These are kind (nice, friendly, caring) things to do to
>> a Criminal Mind.
>> On the other hand, to NOT look at him or her and to NOT
>> expose him or her, is a very mean thing to do to a
>> Criminal Mind.
>> They ARE that mean, intentionally that mean, to
>> each other (and to themselves too);
>> they do so in order to deliberately let others be
>> more evil, to thereby deliberately let others
>> degrade themselves even further by doing more evil,
>> and
>> they do so by intending neither to expose nor to
>> stop the evil activities of other Criminal Minds.
>> This then gives them as well their desired feeling
>> of 'looking down' on other Criminal Minds.
>> '
>> 3. Criminal Minds have the right not to be hated by normal people.
>> '
>> You can however not demand or ask of other Criminal Minds
>> not to hate them, because that's what Criminal Minds do,
>> they are always Hating:
>> They are Hating, and hiding that they are Hating,
>> and they are sometimes pretending to care in order
>> to camouflage and so exert the control in order to
>> Hate in a hidden manner. *(9)
>> So, telling Criminal Minds not to Hate, is as useless as
>> telling a pig not to eat -
>> he (or she) won't be able to follow your request
>> and he (or she) will only pretend to comply,
>> pretending it
>> by deceiving you and others, by creating a
>> pretended personality as himself or as herself,
>> that he or she even believes in,
>> *(3),*(10),*(16)
>> by preventing you from seeing or from
>> understanding his or her activities of Hating.
>> *(6)
>> '
>> Normal people should not Hate Criminal Minds,
>> no matter how much a Criminal Mind begs or goads (teases)
>> normal people into being Hateful as well - even to the
>> Criminal Mind -
>> that is, a Criminal Mind will try to get normal
>> people into radiating Hate as well, into being for
>> some time like a Criminal Mind, and even into a
>> state of wanting to destroy a Criminal Mind further.
>> *(11)

Looking at your x-posting... a question comes to mind...

"Are you a pseudo, a clone or a friend of Laudah?"

>> '
>> 4. Criminal Minds must not be in a position where other people or
>> children are forced or asked to depend on some of the judgments
>> of a Criminal Mind about them or to have to somehow follow the
>> directions of a Criminal Mind, or the directions from Destructive
>> Cowards who are the underlings of a Criminal Mind. *(12)
>> '
>> 5. Criminal Minds may be asked to leave a location.
>> That may be necessary in order to protect others, or to
>> maintain somewhere an atmosphere of understanding and
>> perception necessary for
>> (sometimes even the basic needs such as food and
>> shelter and communication and decency, of)
>> life to restore and grow and be healthy and joyful.
>> *(13),*(14),*(15)
>> Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
>> human rights philosopher and poet
>> 'All the kings of the earth
>> sought audience with Solomon
>> to hear the wisdom
>> God had put in his heart.'
>> 2 Chronicles 9:23
>> _________
>> Footnotes (Updated on 12 Nov 2005):
>> [ see however:
>> 'Checklist of Human Rights Issues up to 17 March 2007 and
>> since 11 Feb 2007'
>> {HRI update list 20070317 since 20070211}
>> (17 March 2007)
>> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.politics.org.un/msg/73f43e03f0ce04a8
>> ]
>> (1) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Psychosis'
>> {HRI 20030227-V2.2} (27 Feb 2003 - Version 2.2 on 23 Jan 2005)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/sci.med/msg/a3940363702cebcf
>> (2) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty (Version 2.1)
>> {HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}' (7 March 2003 - V2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/4129fa4f1a67840e
>> (3) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally
>> Lie'
>> {HRI 20050527-V3.5} (27 May 2005 - Version 3.5 on 10 June 2005)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/ecc4b12aaae92dcf
>> (4) 'On Those Who Want Awareness Not Understood' {HRI 20030416-V1.0}
>> (16 April 2003 - Version 1.0)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.china/msg/640e381f8fc938c0
>> (5) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
>> Truth' {HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
>> (19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/talk.politics.misc/msg/53a97b173ef36240
>> (6) 'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20030509-V3.1}
>> (9 May 2003 - Version 3.1 on 2 Dec 2004)
>> http://groups.google.com/group/rec.arts.fine/msg/a83e5c14a4cbf0b3?fcw=1
>> (7) 'Understanding Eternal Criminally Minded Individuals'
>> {HRI 20031124} (24 November 2003)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/9c378e7f32b5b016
>> (8) 'Two More Tools To Detect Criminal Minds' {HRI 20030716}
>> (16 July 2003)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/7585a3f78ab01b75
>> (9) 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life' V2.0i
>> (29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/Koos-Nolst-Trenite/msg/40d2a6d4cadc84b1
>> (10) 'Theory Of Repairing Criminal Minds' (13 Dec 2002)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/sci.psychology.psychotherapy/msg/fb5a1b66a55476cd
>> (11) 'Definition Of Schizophrenic' {HR 20021125} (25 Nov 2002)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/sci.psychology.misc/msg/f34d97fee2a0b84d
>> (12) 'The First International Law' (Version 2.0) {HRI 20021124-V2.0}
>> (24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/e6fd1197b1678b70
>> (13) 'Understanding Of Those Who Harm Life
>> - Criminal Minds Radiate Lies' {HRI 20030611-II}
>> (11 June 2003)
>> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.china/msg/9973dabee57b8edf
>> (14) 'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies
>> - As They Are Created And Projected By Criminal Minds'
>> {HRI 20030611} (11 June 2003)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/782f862bb3548129
>> (15) (nn) 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO Causes It - Is The
>> Question'
>> {HRI 20030610} (10 June 2003)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.usa/msg/216b68d8105d28ba
>> (16) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' {HRI 20021220}
>> (20 Dec 2002)
>> http://www.googlegroups.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/dc1388ffc08294fb
>> '
>> ____________
>> Verification:
>> http://www.angelfire.com/space/platoworld
>> Copyright 2004, 2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
>> and poet
>> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
>> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
>> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
>> to others who might be able to learn from it.
>> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
>> or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
>> encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
>> about any organizations or individuals.
>> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
>> PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
>> (address unreadable for Internet robots
>> - replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

Gerard B. (30-03-2007)
Fra : Gerard B.

Dato : 30-03-07 11:50

"JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:


| Tuinklussen in het voorjaar: Slim snoeien
| Wanneer de kans op vorst is verdwenen, is het de hoogste tijd om
| weer in de tuin aan de slag te gaan. Voor veel mensen is snoeien
| één van de meest lastige klussen. Want wanneer snoei je wat en hoe?

Lees verder: http://www.detuingids.be/pages/detail.asp?Id=3475

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 13:32

Gerard B. wrote:
> "JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
> <snip>
> | Tuinklussen in het voorjaar: Slim snoeien
> |
> | Wanneer de kans op vorst is verdwenen, is het de hoogste tijd om
> | weer in de tuin aan de slag te gaan. Voor veel mensen is snoeien
> | één van de meest lastige klussen. Want wanneer snoei je wat en hoe?
> Lees verder: http://www.detuingids.be/pages/detail.asp?Id=3475

Hoeveel strohalmen heb jij nodig?

"Mijn post kun je verknippen, aan de waarheid doe je nix"

Gerard B. (30-03-2007)
Fra : Gerard B.

Dato : 30-03-07 15:56

"JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
> Gerard B. wrote:

>> Slim snoeien

> Hoeveel strohalmen heb jij nodig?

Laat mensen toch niet zoeken naar 1 zielig regeltje, ergens in een enorm
woud aan wilde tekst. Alvast dank!

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 16:23

Gerard B. wrote:
> "JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
>> Gerard B. wrote:
>>> Slim snoeien
>> Hoeveel strohalmen heb jij nodig?
> Laat mensen toch niet zoeken naar 1 zielig regeltje, ergens in een enorm
> woud aan wilde tekst. Alvast dank!

Doe iets aan je 'news reader'.

> ...
>> ...
>>> ...
>>> "..."
>> "..."
> "..."


Gerard B. (30-03-2007)
Fra : Gerard B.

Dato : 30-03-07 16:34

"JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
> Gerard B. wrote:

>> Laat mensen toch niet zoeken naar 1 zielig regeltje, ergens in een
>> enorm woud aan wilde tekst. Alvast dank!

> Doe iets aan je 'news reader'.

Geen onzin a.u.b. In bericht met ID
<460ce644$0$327$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl> laat je een enorme lap tekst van
een ander staan en voeg je ergens halverwege een zinnetje in. Dat maakt
zo'n bericht meer een puzzeltocht. Heel belangrijk is het allemaal niet,
maar als ik vaak zo zoeken moet dan ga ik uit gemakzucht post negeren en
dat zal je opzet niet zijn. Enfin, zie ook:

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 16:47

Gerard B. wrote:
> "JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
>> Gerard B. wrote:
>>> Laat mensen toch niet zoeken naar 1 zielig regeltje, ergens in een
>>> enorm woud aan wilde tekst. Alvast dank!
>> Doe iets aan je 'news reader'.
> Geen onzin a.u.b. In bericht met ID
> <460ce644$0$327$e4fe514c@news.xs4all.nl> laat je een enorme lap tekst
> van een ander staan en voeg je ergens halverwege een zinnetje in. Dat
> maakt zo'n bericht meer een puzzeltocht. Heel belangrijk is het allemaal
> niet, maar als ik vaak zo zoeken moet dan ga ik uit gemakzucht



> negeren en dat zal je opzet niet zijn. Enfin, zie ook:
> http://www.hensema.net/docs/quote/quote.html

Gerard B. (30-03-2007)
Fra : Gerard B.

Dato : 30-03-07 16:52

"JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
> Gerard B. wrote:

>> maar als ik vaak zo zoeken moet dan ga ik uit gemakzucht

> enfin...

Ik wil je niet teleurstellen, maar ik kom hier (gelukkig) niet voor de
heldere inzichten en 't schitterende proza. Amusenet moet wel leuk

>> post negeren

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 17:04

Gerard B. wrote:
> "JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
>> Gerard B. wrote:
>>> maar als ik vaak zo zoeken moet dan ga ik uit gemakzucht
>> enfin...
> Ik wil je niet teleurstellen, maar ik kom hier (gelukkig) niet voor de
> heldere inzichten en 't schitterende proza. Amusenet moet wel leuk blijven.


Je maakt in een klap WEL een intelligente indruk (ik meen t nog ook!).

Ik vermaak me ook wel, maar leef nog in de waan dat ik hier en daar
iemand een spiegel voor kan zetten. In een vorm dat, naar mijn mening,
dwingt na te denken.

"sarcastironische cryptohints"

Mag ik me excuseren voor de waarschijnlijk (is afhankelijk van de
ontvanger in mijn geval) overtrokken reactie van eerder?

Nee... maak je niet druk... ik ben hier (ook) niet om 'vrienden' te maken.

>>> post negeren

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 16:35

Gerard B. wrote:
> "JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
>> Gerard B. wrote:
>>> Slim snoeien
>> Hoeveel strohalmen heb jij nodig?
> Laat mensen toch niet zoeken naar 1 zielig regeltje, ergens in een enorm
> woud aan wilde tekst. Alvast dank!

Ik hou er niet van om midden in een gesprek te vallen met een mening die
gebaseerd is op 2 'zielige zinnetjes' en een nog zieligere luiaard die
klaagt over het feit dat je in ng's moet lezen...
(... als je uit bent op echte discussies en het uitwisselen van meningen)

In deze post ben ik er toe gedwongen omdat iemand anders voor mij heeft
gesnoeid... Intussen heeft het draadje niets meer met de 'Subj:' te
maken. Of dat je is opgevallen of niet, boeit me niet eens zo erg. Dat
is jou probleem.

Wat ik errug vervelend vind is dat stiekeme geschreeuw.
Je schrijft je tekst dan wel in 'lower caps'/niet in hoogdletters, maar
op de en of andere manier (Ahum!) kan ik de rest van het verhaal niet
meer 'horen' omdat een lullig postje met, intussen loshangende
opmerkingen, het verhaal heeft afgekapt.

Vindt je dat niet een beetje (...) onbeschoft?

"... en zou je daarom niet je excuses aanbieden ipv bijvoorbaat te
danken voor het meedoen aan onbeschoft afkappen van andermans poging tot

Gerard B. (30-03-2007)
Fra : Gerard B.

Dato : 30-03-07 16:39

"JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
> Gerard B. wrote:

> 2 'zielige zinnetjes' en een nog zieligere luiaard die klaagt over het
> feit dat je in ng's moet lezen...

Niemand zei dat. (En waarom zou je als schrijver niet blij zijn dat iemand
de moeite neemt en daarom ook je tekst een beetje leesbaar maken? Da's

wilstrup (30-03-2007)
Fra : wilstrup

Dato : 30-03-07 16:47

Gerard B. wrote:
> "JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
>> Gerard B. wrote:
>> 2 'zielige zinnetjes' en een nog zieligere luiaard die klaagt over
>> het feit dat je in ng's moet lezen...
> Niemand zei dat. (En waarom zou je als schrijver niet blij zijn dat
> iemand de moeite neemt en daarom ook je tekst een beetje leesbaar
> maken? Da's alles.)

What on Earth do Dutchmen do in a Danish newsgroup? Do you think that many
Danes speak Dutch or...?

Nestor le pingouin p~ (30-03-2007)
Fra : Nestor le pingouin p~

Dato : 30-03-07 17:01

wilstrup a écrit:

> Gerard B. wrote:
>>"JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
>>Niemand zei dat. (En waarom zou je als schrijver niet blij zijn dat
>>iemand de moeite neemt en daarom ook je tekst een beetje leesbaar
>>maken? Da's alles.)
> What on Earth do Dutchmen do in a Danish newsgroup? Do you think that many
> Danes speak Dutch or...?

Les Danois ont beaucoup de progrès à faire en néerlandais.

Taler De fransk ?

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 17:11

Nestor le pingouin pour la France wrote:
> wilstrup a écrit:
>> Gerard B. wrote:
>>> "JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
>>> Niemand zei dat. (En waarom zou je als schrijver niet blij zijn dat
>>> iemand de moeite neemt en daarom ook je tekst een beetje leesbaar
>>> maken? Da's alles.)
>> What on Earth do Dutchmen do in a Danish newsgroup? Do you think that
>> many Danes speak Dutch or...?
> Les Danois ont beaucoup de progrès à faire en néerlandais.

Mais nous parlon et ecrit 'brugklas Frans'.

"Tu ne comprandre 'brugklas Frans'?"

> Taler De fransk ?

Gerard B. (30-03-2007)
Fra : Gerard B.

Dato : 30-03-07 17:03

"wilstrup" <nix@invalid.com> wrote:

> What on Earth do Dutchmen do in a Danish newsgroup? Do you think that
> many Danes speak Dutch or...?

I'm sorry about that (I overlooked it), we discussed a crash-course proper
Dutch (for the Danes in the Dutch-language groups you are posting to).

We will remove ourselves... ;)

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 17:08

wilstrup wrote:
> Gerard B. wrote:
>> "JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
>>> Gerard B. wrote:
>>> 2 'zielige zinnetjes' en een nog zieligere luiaard die klaagt over
>>> het feit dat je in ng's moet lezen...
>> Niemand zei dat. (En waarom zou je als schrijver niet blij zijn dat
>> iemand de moeite neemt en daarom ook je tekst een beetje leesbaar
>> maken? Da's alles.)
> What on Earth do Dutchmen do in a Danish newsgroup? Do you think that many
> Danes speak Dutch or...?

..... as I was saying...

"Yet another reason not to 'snip' in posts, Gerard B."

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 16:59

Gerard B. wrote:
> "JayJBee" <jayjbee@notmail.com> wrote:
>> Gerard B. wrote:
>> 2 'zielige zinnetjes' en een nog zieligere luiaard die klaagt over het
>> feit dat je in ng's moet lezen...
> Niemand zei dat. (En waarom zou je als schrijver niet blij zijn dat
> iemand de moeite neemt en daarom ook je tekst een beetje leesbaar maken?
> Da's alles.)

Ok... ik reageer een beetje agressief, geloof ik.

Sugesties van lieden als deze kun je NAAST je EIGEN DENKVERMOGEN wel
goed gebruiken:

Maar aan jou, hensema en mijn 'gedieplomeerde' collegae, vrienden,
familie en kennissen heb ik altijd een vriendelijke maar dringend
verzoek. Kijk even naar het volgende:

Einstein had de werkelijkheid voor zich. Hij onderzocht het, en schreef
zijn bevindingen op. Niet de werkelijkheid.

Pas dus op met het klakkeloos overnemen van wat een ander als jij vindt,
zonder het eerst door je eigen 'molen' te halen.

NieuwsGroep voorbeeld:

Ik maak een domme opmerking en cancel de post.
Als jij replyed met mijn tekst er nog in, kan ik cancelen wat ik wil...
snap je?

Zo zijn er meer voor en nadelen die ik zelf kan zien/ontdekken.

Geef jezelf eens wat bedenktijd mbt de combinatie 'knippen' + killfile.
Ik heb menig oelewapper ontmaskerd door daar simpelweg niet aan mee te
doen. Je ziet de misverstanden bij voorbaat al aankomen. LOL.

"Ik hoop dat dit niet al te veel tekst is om te zoeken naar 'zielige

sweetroosheide@hotma~ (30-03-2007)
Fra : sweetroosheide@hotma~

Dato : 30-03-07 15:06

On 30 mrt, 14:31, JayJBee <jayj...@notmail.com> wrote:
> Gerard B. wrote:
> > "JayJBee" <jayj...@notmail.com> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > | Tuinklussen in het voorjaar: Slim snoeien
> > |
> > | Wanneer de kans op vorst is verdwenen, is het de hoogste tijd om
> > | weer in de tuin aan de slag te gaan. Voor veel mensen is snoeien
> > | één van de meest lastige klussen. Want wanneer snoei je wat en hoe?
> > Lees verder:http://www.detuingids.be/pages/detail.asp?Id=3475
> Hoeveel strohalmen heb jij nodig?
> JayJBee
> "Mijn post kun je verknippen, aan de waarheid doe je nix"

JayJBee (30-03-2007)
Fra : JayJBee

Dato : 30-03-07 16:25

sweetroosheide@hotmail.com wrote:
> On 30 mrt, 14:31, JayJBee <jayj...@notmail.com> wrote:
>> Gerard B. wrote:
>>> "JayJBee" <jayj...@notmail.com> wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>> | Tuinklussen in het voorjaar: Slim snoeien
>>> |
>>> | Wanneer de kans op vorst is verdwenen, is het de hoogste tijd om
>>> | weer in de tuin aan de slag te gaan. Voor veel mensen is snoeien
>>> | één van de meest lastige klussen. Want wanneer snoei je wat en hoe?
>>> Lees verder:http://www.detuingids.be/pages/detail.asp?Id=3475
>> Hoeveel strohalmen heb jij nodig?
>> JayJBee
>> "Mijn post kun je verknippen, aan de waarheid doe je nix"

knippen = snoeien

"am i slippin'?... as long as I'm not 'snippin'' all's well, is it not?"

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