Tveskaeg <> wrote:
> Hvor kan man købe jødestjerner magen til dem nazisterne tvang jøderne
> til at gå med.
> Gerne med mulighed for at påvirke designet idet jeg vil ændre lidt i
> teksten.
Altså ikke noget med 'jøde', men med en lidt mere politisk korrekt
> Jeg skal bruge dem til en politisk happening.
Husk så lige på hvem der oprindelig indførte dem. Det var kaliffen
Al-Mutawakkil, der også indførte tilsvarende tøjstykker til andre typer
af dhimmier. Jeg citerer fra wikipedia:
Unlike his predecessors, Al-Mutawakkil applied a discriminatory policy
toward Minority groups like the Nestorian Christians and Jew. In a
decree of 850, the caliph ordered that these ''Ahlu dh-Dhimma'' or
"Protected Peoples" be made to wear various specific identifying marks
and honey-colored robes and even to make their slaves immediately
identifiable in the marketplaces.
These decrees also forced the destruction of all churches and synagogues
built since Islam was established and confiscated one out of every ten
Christian or Jewish homes with the stipulation that, where suitable,
mosques should occupy the sites or that the sites should be left open.
The doors of remaining buildings were to be identified by wooden images
of devils that were to be nailed to them.
The decree also stipulated that Jewish and Christian graves should be
flat against the ground, which would identify them as non-Muslim ones.
Al-Mutawakkil barred Jews and Christians from ruling over Muslims, thus
effectively removing them from government service, and limited their
schooling to that which was taught by Jews and Christians, forbidding
Muslims from teaching them.
The aggregate of these rulings can very plausibly be interpreted as a
means of identifying "infidels", their women and even their slaves, the
doorways of their houses, and their graves, in order to expose them to
the wrath of the mob.
Ja, der er jo typisk visse problemer med den politiske korrekthed.
I øvrigt betyder det stigende jødehad i Danmark, at antallet af jøder nu
er reduceret til 2.200. Europa oplever i disse år da også en flugt af
jøder til Israel ... islamiseringen har tydeligvis visse konsekvenser
Per Erik Rønne