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"An Incovenient Truth" kan nu hentes på ne~
Fra : Peter Bjørn Perlsø

Dato : 07-01-07 05:59

(fra comp.sys.mac-advocacy)

finally a decent version of (an inconvenient truth) is available via a
torrent. it's iso, so easy to burn on your mac with toast or disk
utility. it's a big download, but well worth it for the info.

pass it along ->


or: http://shrinkurl.us/0MC

Spred ordet!

regards , Peter B. P. - http://titancity.com/blog , http://macplanet.dk

"If guns kill, do pencils cause spelling errors?"

Jan Rasmussen (07-01-2007)
Fra : Jan Rasmussen

Dato : 07-01-07 13:13

""Peter Bjørn Perlsø"" <peter@DIESPAMMERDIE.dk> skrev i en meddelelse news:1hrk38u.sg4u6bza9gdnN%peter@DIESPAMMERDIE.dk...

> "An Incovenient Truth" kan nu hentes på nettet
> http://www.btmon.com/Video/Movies_DVDR/An_Inconvenient_Truth_2006_-_Davis_Guggenheim_-_Al_Gore.torrent.html
> or: http://shrinkurl.us/0MC

Nu vi er inde på det emne,,,


Scientists' Report Documents ExxonMobil's Tobacco-like Disinformation
Campaign on Global Warming Science.

Oil Company Spent Nearly $16 Million to Fund Skeptic Groups, Create Confusion.

WASHINGTON, DC, Jan. 3-A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists
offers the most comprehensive documentation to date of how ExxonMobil has adopted
the tobacco industry's disinformation tactics, as well as some of the same organizations and personnel,
to cloud the scientific understanding of climate change and delay action on the issue.

According to the report, ExxonMobil has funneled nearly $16 million between 1998
and 2005 to a network of 43 advocacy organizations that seek to confuse the public
on global warming science.

"ExxonMobil has manufactured uncertainty about the human causes of global warming
just as tobacco companies denied their product caused lung cancer," said Alden Meyer,
the Union of Concerned Scientists' Director of Strategy & Policy. "A modest but effective
investment has allowed the oil giant to fuel doubt about global warming to delay government
action just as Big Tobacco did for over 40 years."

Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air: How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco's Tactics to
"Manufacture Uncertainty" on Climate Change details how the oil company,
like the tobacco industry in previous decades, has raised doubts about even
the most indisputable scientific evidence funded an array of front organizations
to create the appearance of a broad platform for a tight-knit group of vocal
climate change contrarians who misrepresent peer-reviewed scientific findings
attempted to portray its opposition to action as a positive quest for "sound science"
rather than business self-interest used its access to the Bush administration to
block federal policies and shape government communications on global warming

ExxonMobil-funded organizations consist of an overlapping collection of individuals
serving as staff, board members, and scientific advisors that publish and re-publish
the works of a small group of climate change contrarians. The George C. Marshall Institute,
for instance, which has received $630,000 from ExxonMobil, recently touted a book
edited by Patrick Michaels, a long-time climate change contrarian who is affiliated
with at least 11 organizations funded by ExxonMobil. Similarly, ExxonMobil funds a
number of lesser-known groups such as the Annapolis Center for Science-Based
Public Policy and Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow.

Both groups promote the work of several climate change contrarians, including
Sallie Baliunas, an astrophysicist who is affiliated with at least nine ExxonMobil-funded groups.

Baliunas is best known for a 2003 paper alleging the climate had not changed
significantly in the past millennia that was rebutted by 13 scientists who stated
she had misrepresented their work in her paper.

This renunciation did not stop ExxonMobil-funded groups from continuing to promote
the paper. Through methods such as these, ExxonMobil has been able to amplify
and prop up work that has been discredited by reputable climate scientists.

"When one looks closely, ExxonMobil's underhanded strategy is as clear and
indisputable as the scientific research it's meant to discredit," said Seth Shulman,
an investigative journalist who wrote the UCS report. "The paper trail shows that,
to serve its corporate interests, ExxonMobil has built a vast echo chamber of seemingly
independent groups with the express purpose of spreading disinformation about global warming."

ExxonMobil has used the laudable goal of improving scientific understanding of
global warming-under the guise of "sound science"-for the pernicious ends of delaying
action to reduce heat-trapping emissions indefinitely. ExxonMobil also exerted unprecedented
influence over U.S. policy on global warming, from successfully recommending the
appointment of key personnel in the Bush administration to funding climate change deniers in Congress.

"As a scientist, I like to think that facts will prevail, and they do eventually,"
said Dr. James McCarthy, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Biological Oceanography
at Harvard University and former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's
working group on climate change impacts. "It's shameful that ExxonMobil has
sought to obscure the facts for so long when the future of our planet depends
on the steps we take now and in the coming years."

The burning of oil and other fossil fuels results in additional atmospheric
carbon dioxide that blankets the Earth and traps heat.

The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased greatly over the last
century and global temperatures are rising as a result.

Though solutions are available now that will cut global warming emissions
while creating jobs, saving consumers money, and protecting our national security,
ExxonMobil has manufactured confusion around climate change science, and
these actions have helped to forestall meaningful action that could minimize the
impacts of future climate change.

"ExxonMobil needs to be held accountable for its cynical disinformation
campaign on global warming," said Meyer. "Consumers, shareholders and
Congress should let the company know loud and clear that its behavior on
this issue is unacceptable and must change."

Jan Rasmussen

Jan Rasmussen (07-01-2007)
Fra : Jan Rasmussen

Dato : 07-01-07 14:32

"Jan Rasmussen" <1@2.3> skrev i en meddelelse news:45a0e41c$0$15875$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
> ""Peter Bjørn Perlsø"" <peter@DIESPAMMERDIE.dk> skrev i en meddelelse news:1hrk38u.sg4u6bza9gdnN%peter@DIESPAMMERDIE.dk...
>> "An Incovenient Truth" kan nu hentes på nettet
>> http://www.btmon.com/Video/Movies_DVDR/An_Inconvenient_Truth_2006_-_Davis_Guggenheim_-_Al_Gore.torrent.html
>> or: http://shrinkurl.us/0MC

Hvis man ikke lige gider at downloade 4gb, så ligger denne her på google video
"Gore speech about the global warming"
han går på. 10min inde.

Så vidt jeg kan se, er det uddrag af samme 'slides show'
som han bruger i "An Incovenient Truth"

Det kan selvfølgelig ikke konkurere med en film i DVD kvalitet,
men giver et godt indtryk af hvad Al Gore's An Incovenient Truth
handler om.

Jan Rasmussen

Kim Ludvigsen (07-01-2007)
Fra : Kim Ludvigsen

Dato : 07-01-07 14:49

Den 07-01-07 05.59 skrev Peter Bjørn Perlsø følgende:

> Spred ordet!

Kan du ikke nøjes med at skrive den slags indlæg i grupper, hvor
annoncering af piratkopier er velkomne?

FUT: news:dk.admin.netikette

Mvh. Kim Ludvigsen
Få en lille, praktisk og helt gratis lommeregner i proceslinjen.

Kim Ludvigsen (07-01-2007)
Fra : Kim Ludvigsen

Dato : 07-01-07 14:54

Den 07-01-07 14.49 skrev Kim Ludvigsen følgende:
> Den 07-01-07 05.59 skrev Peter Bjørn Perlsø følgende:
>> Spred ordet!
> Kan du ikke nøjes med at skrive den slags indlæg i grupper, hvor
> annoncering af piratkopier er velkomne?
> FUT: news:dk.admin.netikette

Argh! Jeg glemt at sætte selve FUT'en. Svarer man på mit foregående
indlæg, bør man selv ændre destinationen - ellers kan man svare på dette
indlæg i stedet.

FUT: news:dk.admin.netikette (og denne gang virker det).

Mvh. Kim Ludvigsen
Få et flot eller sjovt vandmærke på skærmen.

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