Følgende er taget fra Dekatten - oprindeligt postet af Gyldenløves Norske
Ann K
Fra flere lister er flg. sendt rundt i dag:
"We have been asked to forward to as many bengal breeders as possible the
contents shown below. We have contacted the three bengal clubs and the
bengal kitten list. Be aware!!
Just posting this as the breeder of my Bengal cats has just informed me that
there is a chap who is going around breeders looking to buy Bengal kittens.
He has visited a couple of breeders she knows in Devon already.
He's not interested in anything with rib stripes and he is not interested in
any papers to accompany them. He will also buy up whole litters if they fit
his criteria.
His criteria being that they are to be exported to his brother in Denmark
for the fur trade.
Apparently he used to be a mink farmer and lives in Cornwall. Two links
regarding this man follow, although neither of them mention Bengal cats. The
first link shows his picture, which I'm sure will be useful if he visits
you. The second is an article about Heather and Paul McCartney in which he
is mentioned at the bottom.
Please pass this on to any Bengal breeders you might know to warn them of
what is going on.
If I can save just one kitten from this post then I will feel that such a
post will not be in vain."
Efter en søgning på krak.dk fandt jeg flg. på Michael Cobbledick:
Devon Blue Iris Mink Aps
Grarupvej 3a-3b
7330 Brande
97 18 49 85
Michael Cobbledick
Grarupvej 3a
7330 Brande
9718 49 84
Så er spørgsmålet bare om han har tænkt sig, at indføre katteskind til DK,
med videresalg for øje!
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