Fatwa on Ahmedinejad - Being Kind to Ahmedinejad and his Intended
Nuclear Holocaust in the Middle East
11 November 2006
(Version 1.1
on 20 Nov 2006)
(Suitable for foreign
language students)
[Quote from {HRI 20061105-V2.2}*]
This example is really not hard to understand.
So now you know, whom
(not Russia's people at all, but)
Vladimir Putin, with his "friends" Lavrov and
Ivanov, and
(not the Chinese people at all, but)
Hu Jintao and his "friend" Jiang Zemin,
are protecting and nurturing.
And the question is, whether any of
the recruited and dedicated suicide
murderers of Ahmedinejad, will finally
turn upon himself - upon their "sponsor"
and "mentor" - to
inflict upon him, upon Ahmedinejad, the
kindness and relief of ending at least
his physical acts,
with which he, the intended
victim, Ahmedinejad, executes
the compulsion of very intense
evil - as his Hate and Contempt
for people dictates - and
which he ENJOYS - like Nero
who ENJOYS to see his city,
Rome, going up in flames.
[The Context of the Quote:*]
Now you may understand, why Ahmedinejad wants
the Jewish state of Israel destroyed and all
its people removed:
He wants the witnesses destroyed (again), of
the extermination of people he was engaged in
in his preceding life time, his past life, not
to mention earlier lives.
Criminal Minds ARE Criminal Minds,
destroyed souls, and they do not change
and can not be repaired
- regrettably, and despite all the false
and extremely destructive claims and
fairy tales, that you and I have been
convinced of to the contrary, that
"Criminal Minds can better themselves,"
because they get MORE destructive, the
more support or freedoms you give them
or allow them to take. *(32)(24)
THEY know, that "people should not be
given any freedoms," that "people need
dictators above them" - because THEY
THEMSELVES, Criminal Minds, one percent
of the population, DOES need a good
amount of strict control: ONE PERCENT
of the population - the Criminal Minds.
This example is really not hard to understand,
so now you know, whom Vladimir Putin and Hu
Jintao are protecting and nurturing.
And the question is, whether any of
the recruited suicide murderers of
Ahmedinejad, will finally turn upon
himself, upon their own "sponsor" and
"mentor," to
inflict upon him, upon Ahmedinejad, the
kindness and relief of ending at least
his physical acts
with which he, the intended
victim, Ahmedinejad, executes
the compulsion of very intense
evil - as his Hate and Contempt
for people dictates - and
which he ENJOYS - like Nero
who ENJOYS to see his city,
Rome, going up in flames.
Such is the nature of Criminal
Minds, and that is what is intended
by him and by those in power in
China and Russia, the death they
WANT for your future,
such is their (Putin's
and Lavrov's and also
Ivanov's) Hate (and the
Hate from Hu Jintao and
Jiang Zemin) and their
Contempt for the whole
of Mankind,
which, of course, they (being
Criminal Minds) have to
hide and mis-represent,
and DO mis-represent,
with the help also of
the various types of
"journalists," etc.,
to NOT remove Criminal Minds from
a position of government, to NOT
remove him, the intended victim,
Ahmedinejad, in whatever way is
required for that, for a removal
which is
in accordance with the First
International Law. *(30)
Further, Criminal Minds do
NOT have the right to vote,
as it is their intention, to
secretly DESTROY the group -
which I have explained to you
elsewhere in detail about
the "Security Council." (**)
[End Quotes]
Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet
'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'
1 Kings 4:34
(*) 'Christians and Muslims and Jews, who DENY past lives, drive
people into Buddhism and Hinduism and its various modern cults'
{HRI 20061105-V2.2}
(5 November 2006 - Version 2.2 on 9 Nov 2006)
(**) 'Criminal Minds Having a Veto in the "Security Council" of the
"United Nations" Organization'
{HRI note 20061014-V1.2.1}
(14 October 2006 - Version 1.2.1 on 18 Nov 2006)
(for numbered footnotes, see *)
Copyright 2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
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