'My Pearls not for Pigs'
(Suitable for foreign
language students)
The "respondent(s)" - in the proverb, they are referred to as 'pigs' -
is (are) already covered in
'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030509-V4.2.1}
(9 May 2003 - Version 4.2.1 on 30 Sept 2006)
Anybody, who DENIES the existence and relevance of
Criminal Minds, is most likely one himself (or herself)
regardless of what religion he may pretend to adhere
Criminal Minds can be and are found in ANY religion,
any nationality, any race, any age, any gender, any
profession, any level of educational or wealth or
the lack of it.
At least one percent of the living population on
Earth consists of very severely Criminal Minds.
Examples: Kim Long Il, Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin,
Vladimir Putin, Ahmadinejad, are Criminal
Minds - regardless of whether you like to
see that or not.
The "respondent" tries to have the matter I write about, not
read, not understood, or not discussed.
In this case, he (or she, as the case may be) does not want the
nature of the subject, and activity of those addressed,
he wants that NOT UNDERSTOOD BY OTHERS, let alone discussed by
Conncerning this, and basically ANY Pearl, that
Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
> Christians and Muslims and Jews, who DENY past lives, drive people into
> Buddhism and Hinduism and its various modern cults
> 5 November 2006
> {HRI 20061105-V1.1}
> '
> Much like the hatching gooselings,
> little chicks, that follow
> when they break the shell
> enclosing them
> (they blindly trust)
> whom they encounter first,
> the moment when their eyes
> (re-)open to the fact,
> of being born again,
> of having ended a life past.
> '
> In the year 553, a mere fifteen hundred years ago, in a city near the
> Black Sea, it was, that a Criminal Mind decided "for everyone"
> - that "past lives do not exist," and
> - that "all Christians must accept that lie, and must embrace that
> irresponsibility, and must promote and enforce that denial."
> '
> The year was 553 - the city called Constantinople -
> (now part of Turkey, but then a 'capital' of
> Christian authority)
> the Emperor called Justinian, issued an official
> order through a group of authoritative scholars,
> bishops,
> that he called together to hold the Christian
> Church's 'Second Council of Constantinople,'
> a council - in the sense of a gathering or meeting
> of important people - of which he acted as the
> head. After all, he was the Emperor.
> '
> This Council - meaning he - ordered as follows:
> "If anyone asserts the fabulous past lives of souls,"
> which was quite accepted amongst Christians at the
> time, having read or heard of Plato and all that,
> "if anyone asserts the fabulous past lives of souls,"
> "then let him be 'anathema' - (which means) cursed, damned,
> reviled, loathed, shunned - excommunicated."
> How kind of him...
> '
> '
> '
> Thus, with one decision, this Criminal Mind, the Emperor at
> Constantinople, Emperor Justinian, in one fell (cruel, ruthless)
> swoop or stroke of his goose-feathered pen,
> 'made you (and me) into Morons and Destructive Psychopaths towards
> ourselves and towards others' - as follows:
> "Past lives do not exist" is the ultimate of
> irresponsibility for life, for people, for existence
> past and present and future, *(16)
> it is Blindness and Blackout, a high level of actual
> Insanity, a dire Psychopathological condition
> - towards yourself and towards others -
> that forces you to 'BE AWARE OF THE PRESENT ONLY,'
> and
> to discard ninety-nine point nine percent - almost all - of your
> feelings and emotions and knowledge and intuition and dormant
> talents and abilities and experience,
> above all, discarding almost all your love for others, as being
> "non-existent,"
> as "never-existed" - if you like that formulation better.
> I told you about this in another HRI, but apparently
> you have forgotten all about it,
> and Criminal Minds compel you to disregard
> and to not understand, to not feel what I say
> or write to you now.
> '
> In any case, for those who 'can not read,' or who
> are compelled to not feel and to not understand,
> what I write, I repeat it: *(17)
> The active, intentional DENIAL of past lives, is a
> Psychopathological condition, it is a Criminal
> (destructive) condition or Criminal (destructive)
> state of mind.
> '
> '
> It - denying past lives as "non existent" or as "never
> existed" - is socially a very Ugly and very Invalidating
> attitude and frame of mind towards others, and also toward
> yourself,
> or, in social terms:
> It is very blunt and inconsiderate, rude, boorish,
> insolent behavior,
> that is reflecting a corresponding frame of mind and
> thoughts about and towards people, an extreme lack of
> appreciation of people,
> more precisely, it is an INTENTIONAL REFUSAL to
> understand yourself and others,
> as indeed it is compelled socially by Criminal
> Minds, by any and all Criminal Minds,
> including the one, the Emperor, who is
> mentioned at the top.
> '
> '
> '
> I explain:
> DENYING PAST LIVES, is basically the practice of thieves and
> murderers - of Criminal Minds, that is, of people without conscience -
> thieves who standardly murder in order to prevent the owner from
> re-claiming the stolen work, and who, also standardly, murder to
> destroy the witnesses:
> "You have not lived before" THEREFORE "you can neither re-claim
> your stolen work, nor accuse the thief, or be a witness, that
> people will believe."
> '
> Again: "If anyone asserts the fabulous past lives of souls,"
> which was quite accepted amongst Christians before
> that time, having read or knowing of Plato and all
> that,
> "if anyone asserts the fabulous past lives of souls,"
> "then let him be 'anathema' - (which means) cursed, damned,
> reviled, loathed, shunned - excommunicated."
> '
> '
> I repeat that, for you also:
> Denying past lives, is basically the practice of thieves and of
> murderers.
> In particular of those thieves, who murder or otherwise
> "remove," "get rid of," "utterly destroy," their victim,
> out of their desire and necessity to prevent the actual
> owner who worked for or created the possessions or work
> of art or social position, *(18)
> to prevent the actual owner from re-claiming his stolen
> work or achievements, and to destroy the victim as a
> witness of the theft (and of any murder as the case may
> be). *(g)
> '
> It is not easy for you - if you are normal - to
> imagine, how utterly mean and insane and malicious
> Criminal Minds ENJOY to be,
> how completely without conscience they are,
> really with a 'REVERSE conscience' if
> you look at it in depth,
> that they ACTUALLY, really are doing such things to
> you and to others, and that they ENJOY thus wanting
> to get all the admiration and acknowledgment and
> support *(h)
> that of course NOT they, the thieves and
> murderers, deserve, but that was deserved by
> those who ACTUALLY cared and who ACTUALLY
> improved conditions, who did the work or the
> research - and who did create the beauty and
> joy and trust, that results from good work.
> '
> So you see, that it is not a matter of merely "acknowledging" past
> lives to exist, but that truly recognizing past lives, IS recognizing
> the actual achievements and true care (and also the lack or failure
> of these) of others, and also of yourself. *(19)(20)
> '
> '
> '
> Now, some of you will say, that people who do NOT deny past lives,
> (in other words - you might want to assume, that people
> "who DO acknowledge past lives")
> then, must be "NOT destructive Psychopaths and NOT Morons."
> '
> But then you do not use the definition of truth, which is defined as
> 'That what happened and who caused it, with what intention.'
> That is your native definition of truth, that basically
> any child and also any even vaguely sane police detective
> uses and must use.
> And of course, it ALSO applies to past lives.
> '
> '
> So, if you do NOT use that definition of truth, then you can of
> course 'acknowledge past lives' all you want,
> but THAT is not RECOGNIZING past lives, it is not actually
> recognizing the real, true achievements and care and also the
> lack and failure of these,
> nor the love in others, and also in yourself, your love for
> others and the love of others for you, that existed
> - in that WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED, part of which is seeing, of
> '
> DENYING past lives, at one hand - and 'acknowledging past
> lives' on the other hand,
> do at first glance SEEM to be opposites, but in practice,
> in reality - in effects created on others - it becomes the
> same thing (because and)
> when this 'acknowledging past lives' consists of telling
> or writing MAJOR LIES about past lives, meaning
> were behind the actions.'
> '
> DENYING that air exists, or SAYING that "air does exist
> only above lakes and sees" and that "air is evaporated
> water,"
> one statement denying, and the other one pretending
> to know its nature,
> both statements deny the actuality and nature of air.
> '
> '
> Thus, in actual fact, Buddhism and Hinduism, and also the
> currently Buddhist "Great Lama" (Dalai Lama in Tibetan), as well
> as the respectively Tibetan and Egyptian "Books Of The Dead"
> - in essence and by the same token do in reality deny past
> lives, by the very action of an elaborate PRETENSE about
> past lives, an empty and very false 'acknowledgment of past
> lives' - *(21)
> not in words - but in reality they ARE denying it to be actual
> and life itself,
> by continuously lying and spreading very FALSE data about
> the subject of past lives in general and about any past
> lives in particular (about 'avatars,' 'tulkus,' etc.)
> including their own past lives and those of the 'avatars'
> (incarnations with a pretended but generally accepted
> identification of someone, a soul, a person) that they
> like to see worshiped.
> That really sums it up about them:
> It's not a matter of past lives at all for
> them, not at all a matter of truth,
> not a matter of the most vital feeling of your
> own and of others' life as it actually is,
> therefore "DOES NOT EXIST."
> '
> Hinduism and Buddhism DO NOT DENY past lives - they 'acknowledge past
> lives' - and so, people who find out about their own or about someone
> else's past life or lives, and who are pushed away
> by those Christians and Muslims and Jews who have been made
> into Morons and destructive Psychopaths in this respect,
> meaning, those who actively DENY past lives, *(22)
> people who do - and most sane people eventually will - want to
> know about past lives,
> these then tend to be driven towards (or rather, they are pulled into)
> Hinduism and Buddhism
> and into similar cults or "sciences of the mind," and there they
> certainly are received with open arms
> to 'get their data' alright, but very FALSE, very mean, very malicious
> soaked and steeped and dissolved into the most repulsive,
> the nastiest, the most sticky euphoria,
> that a Criminal Mind can invent and does produce and
> does offer and make you feel and experience,
> garnered with sprinklings of truth, in order to keep the victims
> trapped and believing in - and BY believing, trapped in - the
> "spiritual science" or "science of the mind" or "universal law"
> promoted by the particular guru or group, *(23)
> their "sciences" that I have studied much more
> thoroughly and understood much more deeply, than
> they ever could or were willing to study, and
> that their victims,
> like hatching gooselings, like goose chicks
> when these break the shell of their egg,
> following and blindly trusting whom they
> encountered first when their eyes (re-)opened to the fact
> (of being born again) from a past life.
> '
> Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
> human rights philosopher and poet
> When you are a righteous person,
> but you let wicked individuals
> have their way,
> it is like you are allowing
> others to drink polluted water.
> King Solomon - Proverbs 25:26
> '
> _______________________________________________
> Of the applicable HRI, I include the first part
> (as well as its last paragraph):
> '
> Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism
> 16 August 2006
> {HRI 20060816-V5.0}
> (Version 5.0
> on 1 Nov 2006)
> (Suitable for foreign
> language students)
> '
> 'Solomon's wisdom was greater
> than the wisdom of
> all the men of the East,
> and greater
> than all the wisdom of Egypt.'
> 1 Kings 4:30
> The reason for life, and the nature of life,
> is the tremendous joy that life and living is,
> and that it should be, which
> does however not apply to those
> - to a small part of the population, to those, whose soul has
> been mutilated into having NO conscience -
> whose 'JOY of life' consists mainly or partly in DESTROYING life.
> Much like you give some kids a beautiful toy, and a
> particular kid ENJOYS to ruin it, or ENJOYS to use it to
> annoy others, or ENJOYS to destroy or to poison the toys
> of others. *(7)
> '
> So, from that, you get your confusion about what is the simplest
> of all truths:
> The reason for life IS the JOY of experiencing it, and the
> reason for life IS to create and share its tremendous JOY
> for and with others,
> which - if you throw away all the indoctrination -
> YOU KNOW VERY WELL to be your innate, normal, basic
> nature:
> the JOY of experiencing life - your nature of
> creating and experiencing its tremendous JOY and
> sharing that JOY with others. *(e)
> '
> '
> In order to HIDE the condition and nature of those mutilated souls, and
> while being encouraged BY those mutilated souls
> - who also want to "enjoy life" and who thus want to have their
> destruction of life accepted as "normal," or even regarded as
> "necessary" -
> they, you yourself even, are compelled then, to start to 'synthesize'
> those two "joys" - to try and put "sense" into something that has no
> sense at all: *(8)
> The "sense" becoming, then, that
> 'people are not anymore there to love, but are there, "to provide
> you with experience".'
> I would like you to look through that deception, even if
> it is the very first time, that you look through it,
> like when someone explains a stage "magician's"
> trick for you, by which you were deceived and even
> admired the deceiver for being able to deceive you.
> He claims to known more than you, and again, you
> have to admit that "is true" - because you do not
> know how he deceived you.
> It is not your goal to deceive people, but
> it is HIS goal and joy, to deceive people
> and even to be admired for it BY the deceived.
> '
> The mutilated souls want to experience their joy of ruining and
> of deceiving and pestering you and others, and making you
> miserable, and sick or dead.
> THEY just enjoy THAT - and that, regardless of the
> And then they "teach you," that "you are learning from those
> experiences."
> And then you have to admit, that, indeed, "you
> learned something from it:"
> 'I did not know, that this person is violently
> insane, I thought he or she was a friend, but
> now I have learned otherwise.'
> And now I know that, till I am made
> unaware of it, and then I can "learn"
> it AGAIN.
> '
> You see, suddenly you are not living anymore to love
> people and to enjoy life,
> but "now you are here, as 'entertainment' and 'food'
> or as 'toys' for mutilated souls, to provide them
> with your suffering and stupidity,"
> and THEY "provide the opportunity for you, for you to
> learn from the suffering and deceptions they inflict
> onto you."
> Really...
> These mutilated souls tell you, that "THAT is life,"
> but
> all they want, is their JOY of making or feeling you
> suffer and be dead - preferably by self-inflicted denial
> and suffering and death, and by your teaching others to do
> the same:
> Teaching you how to suffer well, really...
> '
> '
> '
> This results in a whole set or package of COMPLETELY FALSE 'data,'
> that is promoted *(d)
> and commonly seen as "a science of the soul" or, in German as
> a "Geistes-wissen-schaft," or in modern Latin as a "Theo-sophia,"
> or an "Anthropo-sophia," or (from and in India) described by
> a host of Sanskrit terms,
> in general, their terms - should you penetrate to expose
> their use and their intention behind it, you will find,
> that their terms - mean THE VERY OPPOSITE of how the very
> same words (truth, love, compassion, bliss) are known in
> NORMAL language, in ACTUAL life, but THEIR terms are
> forming
> packages of COMPLETELY FALSE 'data,' *(9) promoted
> by its proponents, who - by applying those wholly false data - are
> gradually diving into eternal oblivion
> - Criminal Minds have everything in reverse, remember, and here
> they like to be seen by you as "becoming MORE aware," as
> they make themselves and others euphorically LESS AND LESS
> aware, LESS AND LESS alive, LESS AND LESS responsible, narrower
> and narrower in scope, less and less feeling of and for others,
> LESS AND LESS AWARE of the actual condition of life and
> of people, of the past and of the future, of others, and
> of themselves of course, *(1)(10)(3) (see references also)
> moving themselves and others more and more OUT of life,
> which is a very, very nasty trick to play on people, because
> it pretends
> - it is a common trick, and the only really workable trick
> it is, as a study of evil easily tells you, that indeed
> it pretends -
> to be THE OPPOSITE of what it actually IS:
> you see that in almost all evil, which intends to
> remain undetected, unresolved, and unremedied; and
> what they do is,
> to make it all be the opposite, to claim an "increase in
> awareness"
> - it is simply a cutting off of one's attention, (cutting
> off) connection and awareness of almost everyone and
> about everyone,
> they are cutting off their 'connection-awareness' of
> almost all of their own, as well as other's past
> and present and future,
> and concentrating the then still remaining attention or
> connecting perception, onto only one area or even on
> nothing at all -
> (doing exercises and following demands, that 'work' by
> the very method of, and that result in)
> an overall and sharp DECREASE of a person's actual, objective
> awareness *(3)(10)
> (of the 'what and where and when and how and who' of
> an endless amount of things and of people, including
> even his or her own self)
> the deliberate lack of connection to feeling and
> understanding those parts of life that others call
> truth
> (defined as 'What happened and who caused it
> with what intention')
> Which they deliberately make themselves
> because the less you are aware, the more easy it is, to
> achieve the euphoria and autistic "understanding of life,"
> that some describe as the end product of a successful
> meditation session, and
> that the practitioner of Buddhism or Hinduism strives for
> and wants to experience,
> as their "solution to life"
> (INSTEAD of creating and experiencing and
> sharing with others the tremendous JOY of
> life which DOES being about an ACTUAL
> understanding of life)
> they seek their "understanding" by seeking and
> experiencing and being aware of 'NO LIFE,' of
> 'empty feeling,' and of 'NO CONNECTION to life,'
> and so they achieve a complete LACK of understanding life
> and reach a refusal to face any evil, let alone that they
> would block evil,
> and suddenly, "evil becomes necessary - for people to
> experience - to make you evolve, to make you 'more'
> enlightened:"
> Suddenly the trap that was set for them, has snapped
> closed, because
> that, the idea, that "evil is necessary," is in
> itself quite the essence of UNAWARENESS, of a
> spiraling down into spiritual oblivion and eternal
> insanity, *(11)(12)
> '
> with a speed of descent largely determined by the degree of
> mutilation present in their soul
> - propelled exactly by that condition, of "imperfection" etc.,
> that they want to remedy in the first place, but are told to
> "remedy" by "evolving" - meaning *(3)
> (again they use the typical reversal that is the only
> effective way to lead people BY THEMSELVES to evil, in
> this case to a denial of existing and active evil)
> by COMPLETELY DENYING and refusing to investigate the nature of their
> 'imperfection,'
> their and others' condition of mutilation - of HOW they have
> been mutilated or 'made imperfect' -
> made so indeed by those who ENJOY to mutilate people.
> '
> '
> The practitioners of Hinduism and Buddhism, and of their New Age or
> earlier off-shoots, *(d) want you to believe, that
> "I am here on Earth to learn and to experience and to evolve - so that
> I then can leave again,"
> BUT the sole and only reason that I AM here, is, that I love you very
> intensely.
> '
> '
> ____________
> Continued in, and for its Footnotes, see:
> 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
> {HRI 20060816-V5.0} [or any later version]
> (16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)
> '
> Should you like to confirm, what you know is true and what you have
> experienced as being true
> - and like myself, some do appreciate having a confirmation
> of what they already know, because it helps them considerably
> to stand up to the mental force of the lies of Criminal
> Minds - then
> I have the pleasure of reminding you, that
> correctly practicing the belief of being born again and again,
> is simply what it is:
> 'The eternal joy of life.'
> 'The eternal desire to experience the tremendous joy of life.'
> '
> Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
> human rights philosopher and poet
> 'God gave Solomon wisdom
> and very great insight,
> and a breadth of understanding
> as measureless
> as the sand on the seashore.'
> 1 Kings 4:29
> _________
> Textnotes to {HRI 20061105}:
> (g) I will give you two examples that happen to come to
> my mind (that I easily connect to now, as examples):
> The infamous 'l. ron hubbard,' of the even more
> infamous 'Scientology' cult,
> the "humanitarian," most severely psychopathic
> personality of l. ron hubbard,
> a more insanely evil and more actively
> destructive psychopath than any I have
> investigated or studied (which are many)
> who claims as an 'Axiom' of life, that
> "Whatever is looked at precisely, does
> vanish"
> (in plain language: "(His) Crimes must never be
> looked at as these actually are") and, that
> "For anything to persist, it must be
> lied about continuously"
> (in plain language: "As long as you keep on
> lying well enough about it, you can continue
> your Crimes unhindered") *(24)
> (another example, as follows)
> like Hu Jintao's border guards, on
> Saturday morning, this 30 September 2006,
> in the Himalayas near Nepal, were
> shooting Tibetan women and children off
> like rabbits, like goats, and *(25)
> then, when this crime was observed and
> reported by a group of mountain climbers,
> and they made an official protest, then
> Beijing came forth with the lie, that Hu
> Jintao's
> border guards were shooting these women
> and children and men, all unarmed, off,
> shooting them in the back, "out of
> self-defense," (but now, back to the
> other violently Criminal Mind)
> this individual, l. ron hubbard, who considers in
> his book, 'Hymn of Asia' that he is the same person
> or soul as Gautama Siddharta was - and I don't blame
> him, if he were -
> this character l. ron hubbard stole (amongst all
> the very many other things and works he stole from
> others in his latest life time) he
> stole the work of a very caring and wise man called
> Volney Matheson
> - the invention and the research and
> intelligent and hard work and good
> intentions (Energy) of Mr. Volney Matheson,
> were literally stolen by l. ron hubbard, in
> the usual manner, as I know of these Criminal
> Minds, they also did it to me:
> They are pretending to be a "friend" and
> "supporter" and "admirer" and "helping you
> to achieve your goals" -
> and after l. ron hubbard had taken all
> and pretended to others it all was his
> own work,
> THEN l. ron hubbard proceeded in every possible way
> to destroy that man, Volney, to 'curse, damn, revile,
> loathe, shun' and "excommunicate" him,
> to 'destroy Volney utterly.'
> So here you see, that the thief will also
> become a murderer,
> or will commit acts similar in effect to
> murder, acts that are "more acceptable
> in the current society," still.
> Isn't it.
> l. ron hubbard did that 'destroying Volney' to such
> an extent, that he, l. ron hubbard, then proceeded
> to actually take up the photos of Volney's public
> performances,
> and pasted his own head onto the photos, to give
> those "photos" to newspapers to print, to "prove,"
> that (not Volney, but) "he, l. ron hubbard, had made
> the performance shown in the photo, and done the
> work and research described by it,"
> a performance and work that actually Volney
> Matheson did and performed and invented.
> This is very, very typical of all Criminal Minds,
> in any are of life - should you care to look (you
> then will discover that).
> '
> (h) On a political level, you find examples such as
> currently Putin, Hu Jintao, Chavez, Castro, and of
> course all their entirely Criminal "friends" - being
> equally murderous and thieving dictators - publicly
> admiring the greatest Criminal Minds in history - as
> do their "friends" in Belarus, Iran, Syria, and in
> various African countries,
> these are getting support for work or positions, that
> do not belong to them at all, but that others created
> and that they are now, as thieves and murderers, are
> literally occupying.
> And now, Husni Mubarak of Egypt, seems to show his
> true face also, when he is together with Putin,
> he is allowed openly - encouraged actually BY Putin -
> to be as insane and destructive to people, in this
> case to the Russian people, as he likes and enjoys
> to be - by publicly admiring Putin as "a great
> stateman" - how repulsive can he, Mubarak be? Very...
> _________
> Footnotes to {HRI 20061105}:
> (16) 'Living In The Present - Definition'
> {HRI 20030102}
> (2 Jan 2003)
> (17) 'Learning And Reading - Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei had
> an excellent command of reading and writing'
> {HRI 20040811}
> (11 August 2004)
> (18) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It'
> {HRI 20021220}
> (20 Dec 2002)
> (19) 'Justice - Definition of Justice, What is Justice'
> {HRI 20051219-V1.2}
> (19 December 2005 - Version 1.2 on 24 Dec 2005)
> (20) 'The Second Mozart-Effect - Connecting To Your Own Past'
> (3 Sept 2002 - Version 1.1)
> (21) 'Intro to 'A Masterpiece of Knowledge and Understanding
> - As by King Solomon Himself - Surpasses Everyone Else's By Far'
> - {HRI 20051120-V5.2-intro-v1.2} to 'Consequences Of Not Facing A
> Criminal Mind As Head Of State'
> (23 Aug 2006 - Introduction version 1.2 on 25 Aug 2006)
> (22) 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind'
> {HRI 20021018-V2.0}
> (18 October 2002 - V2.0 on 10 October 2003)
> (23) 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth - The Denial'
> {HRI 20010829-pi3-V1.2}
> (29 August 2001 - part issue 3 Version 1.2 on 13 Sept 2006)
> (24) 'l. ron hubbard and adolf hitler in their "Axioms" or in their
> "Mein Kampf" state, THAT they are lying continuously and heavily'
> (Subject Title: 'Clinical Psychopaths Hear Voices AND Execute
> Their Commands')
> (28 June 2004)
> (25) 'Sports, The Game of Not Facing Evil Individuals
> - The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Boycott'
> {HRI 20060618-V1.4}
> (18 June 2006 - Version 1.4 on 23 June 2006)
> '
> ____________
> Verification:
> Copyright 2006 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it.
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
> encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
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