"Frank Leegaard" <Frank@FJERNESsuperbruger.dk> skrev i en meddelelse news:4537fdfe$0$13991$edfadb0f@dread15.news.tele.dk...
> Jan Rasmussen wrote:
>> The Bush administration has staked an aggressive new claim to
>> dominate space - rejecting any new treaties that seek to limit the
>> United States' extraterrestrial activities and warning that it will
>> oppose any nations that try to get in its way.
>> A new policy recently signed by President George Bush, asserts that
>> his country has the right to conduct whatever research, development and "other
>> activities" in space that it deems necessary for its own national interests.
>> A new policy recently signed by President George Bush, asserts that
>> his country has the right to conduct whatever research, development and
>> "other activities" in space that it deems necessary for its own
>> national interests......[cut]
>> Death Star - Arabic League hip hop?
>> Fed Tekst & Musik,
> Hvad nyt er der i det.
> Den situation har hersket siden kort efter WW2
'Weaponization of space' har ikke min store opmærksomhed, men nu da
ABM traktaten fra 1972 er opsagt, så ser det ud til at der fri bane til alt undtaget WMD
som stadig er 'forbudt' ifl. OST fra 1967, eller har jeg misforstået noget ?
On December 13, as President George W. Bush announced that the United States
would pull out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty...
Today, President George W. Bush is expected to formally notify Russia that
the United States intends to unilaterally withdraw from the landmark Anti-Ballistic
Missile [ABM] Treaty in six months. He is basing the withdrawal on his claim that
the treaty blocks necessary testing of strategic anti-missile technologies and the eventual
development of land-, sea-, and space-based strategic missile defenses.
"Missile Defense and the Weaponization of Space"
The U.S. withdrawal from this agreement will leave the 1967 Outer Space Treaty (OST)
as the only current legal bar on space weaponization. However, while the OST bans the placing
of weapons of mass destruction in space, on the moon or other celestial bodies,
it has no prohibitions on other weapons systems...
Jan Rasmussen