Jan Rasmussen wrote:
> <contra@tdcspace.dk> skrev i en meddelelse news:1161289382.267959.10800@h48g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...
> >Sommetider gør det. Og det er i hvert fald godt at få repeteret, at
> >Iran's præsident, Ahmadinejad, som man kunne forvente, ganske
> >præcist repræsenterer den samlede iranske ledelses ambitioner om en
> >rolle som hegemon i Mellemøsten.
> >
> If you think thats bad, have a look at this,,,
> WASHINGTON [MENL] -- North Korea has completed a series of missile launches
> that some analysts believe was meant to test a nuclear command and control system for Iran.
> Western intelligence analysts said the North Korean missile launches on July 4 and 5 did not
> seem connected to Pyongyang's ballistic missile program. The analysts pointed to the aborted
> flight of the Taepo Dong-2, meant to have a range of up to 5,000 kilometers.
> Instead, the North Korean launch of seven missiles appeared designed to
> demonstrate a command and control system. The analysts pointed to the
> presence of at least 11 senior Iranian engineers at the launch pad at Taepo Dong.
> "The development of Taepo Dong-2 is conducted jointly with Iran, and it is
> possible China's technology is used in the development of the Taepo Dong-2
> engine," South Korea's Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security said.
> Ahmadinejad: "I Have a Connection With God"
> Special Dispatch-Iran October 19, 2006 No. 1328
> Iran President Ahmadinejad: "I Have a Connection With God,
> Since God Said That the Infidels Will Have No Way to Harm the Believers";
> "We Have [Only] One Step Remaining Before We Attain the Summit of Nuclear Technology";
> The West "Will Not Dare To Attack Us"
> In an Iftar address to an audience of his supporters, including members of
> the Union of Islamic Engineers and supporters of the Khat-e Emam,(1) on
> October 14, 2006, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated that he had a
> connection with God, and promised that Iran would continue to develop
> nuclear energy, and would not give in to the West's demand to suspend its
> uranium enrichment "even for one single day."
> The parts of Ahmadinejad's address regarding his connection with God were
> reported by the independent Iranian news agency Iran News, which is active
> within Iran, on October 15, 2006, under the title "A Different Report by
> Iran News on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's New Shocking Address at the Iftar of the
> Engineers Union."
> Like Ahmadinejad, other members of Iran's upper echelons have also recently
> expressed their objections to a suspension of uranium enrichment like that
> undertaken by the previous president, the reformist Mohammad Khatami.
> At a meeting with the heads of Iran's ruling authorities, Iran's Supreme Leader
> 'Ali Khamenei said, "Had we not taken the path we took two years ago, [i.e.]
> consented to suspend uranium enrichment, perhaps today we would be kicking
> ourselves, [saying] 'Why didn't we try that path?' But today we are moving
> ahead [towards our goal], with complete confidence and with absolute
> control, and [today] no one can claim any longer that we were mistaken in
> the path we took [i.e. our current refusal to suspend enrichment] in the
> nuclear issue, because we did try the other path [i.e. consent to suspend
> enrichment]..."(2)
> The reformist daily Aftab-e Yazd reported that Ahmadinejad had said in his
> address that Iran "must stand firm [in its nuclear policy]; we have one more
> step, and if we pass that, this [matter] will be attained."(3)
> A few days previously, on October 11, 2006, Ahmadinejad had made similar
> statements on the nuclear issue, in a speech in the city of
> Shahriyar:"...The enemies are completely paralyzed, and cannot in any way
> confront the Iranian people. If our people maintain unity and solidarity,
> they [i.e. the enemies] must expect a great [Iranian] victory, because we
> have [only] one step remaining before we attain the summit of nuclear
> technology."(4)
> In that speech, Ahmadinejad underlined the West's inability to act: "The
> enemy will never confront us. An attack on Iran is nonsense."(5)
> The following are the main points of the Iran News report of Ahmadinejad's
> Iftar speech:(6)
> The Second Islamic Revolution
> "...I told you that the second wave of the [1979 Islamic] Revolution has
> already begun [with my election to the presidency in 2005], and that it is
> bigger and more terrible than the first..."(7)
> The Connection to God and the Anticipated Muslim Victory Over the Infidels
> "On the nuclear issue, I have said to my friends on many occasions, 'Don't
> worry. They [i.e. the Westerners] are only making noise.' But my friends
> don't believe [me], and say, 'You are connected to some place!' I always
> say: 'Now the West is disarmed vis-à-vis Iran [on the nuclear issue], and
> does not know how to end this matter [with us].' But my friends say: 'You
> are uttering divine words! Then they will laugh at us!'
> "Believe [me], legally speaking, and in the eyes of public opinion, we have
> absolutely succeeded. I say this out of knowledge. Someone asked me: 'So and
> so said that you have a connection.' I said: 'Yes, I have.' He asked me:
> 'Really, you have a connection? With whom?' I answered: 'I have a connection
> with God,' since God said that the infidels will have no way to harm the
> believers. Well, [but] only if we are believers, because God said: You [will
> be] the victors. But the same friends say that Ahmadinejad says strange
> things.
> "If we are [really] believers, God will show us victory, and this miracle.
> Is it necessary today for a female camel to emerge from the heart of the
> mountain so that my friends will accept the miracle?(8) Wasn't the [Islamic]
> Revolution [enough of] a miracle? Wasn't the Imam [Ayatollah Khomeini] a
> miracle?... "
> Iran's Nuclear Policy
> "They (Westerners) did two ugly things. First, they attacked Lebanon in
> order to extract concessions from us [i.e. Iran]. Second, they took the
> [nuclear] issue to the [U.N.] Security Council. Of course, now they are sunk
> in a quagmire, and don't know what to do with us. We, for our part, did not
> retreat one millimeter. First, because if we retreat [even] a little, that
> is, if we agree to suspend [uranium enrichment even] for a single day, they
> will say that the Iranians retreat under pressure. And second, if we do
> this, they will tell the entire world that the Iranians have finally stopped
> their [uranium] enrichment. Didn't we stop the enrichment in the previous
> round [of talks]? What did we gain by that?...
> "I say that now, by the grace of God, we have gone most of the way; be
> confident that they will not dare to attack us."
> Attitude Towards the U.S. and Bush
> "... The president of America is like us. That is, he too is inspired... but
> [his] inspiration is of the satanic kind. Satan gives inspiration to the
> president of America...
> "[With regard to the news that U.S. aircraft carriers have been sent to the
> Persian Gulf,] I say to you now to let your minds be at ease. If two
> warships come, let them come... Why did you say nothing two months ago, when
> 140 of their warships left? Actually, I think that the fact that they are
> coming means that there is no possibility that anything will happen.
> "What is dangerous is if they leave the region; then, it will be clear that
> they have a plan. That is exactly what I said at the Supreme National
> Security Council meeting some time ago. [I said,] be certain that the
> departure of those American warships from the Persian Gulf is the beginning
> of a bad event. Then [indeed] we saw that they caused the Lebanon war."
> Endnotes:
> (1) Khat-e Emam is a youth organization that identifies itself as followers
> of the path of the founder of Iran's Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah
> Khomeini.
> (2) Jomhouri-ye Eslami (Iran), October 11, 2006. Also, Expediency Council
> Secretary Mohsen Rezai said that "suspension of nuclear activity... during
> Khatami's time was a great injustice to Iran's right [to nuclear
> technology]." Parto-y Sokhan (Iran), October 4, 2006.
> (3) Aftab-e Yazd (Iran), October 16, 2006.
> (4) Fars news agency, October 11, 2006,
> (5) Aftab-e Yazd (Iran), October 16, 2006.
> (6) Iran News agency, October 15, 2006,
> (7)See MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 229, "Iran's 'Second Islamic
> Revolution': Fulfilled by Election of Conservative President," June 28,
> 2006,
http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives&Area=ia&ID=IA22905 .
> In this report, MEMRI called Ahmadinejad's election the "Second Islamic
> Revolution."
> (8) Ahmadinejad was alluding to the Koranic tradition according to which the
> prophet Saleh performed a miracle by extracting a female camel from inside a
> mountain in order to prove to the ancient Arab people of Thamoud the truth
> of his prophecy (Koran 7:73).
> Jan Rasmussen
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