> wrote:
> > Gudskelov er undertegnede ikke den eneste, der kan se det. Amerika
> > står umiddelbart over for at gennemføre en revolution mod sin
> > regering. Prøv at læse Richard Neville's fremragende artikel, "Wild
> > Justice" om amerikansk statssadisme:
> >
> >
> >
> > Det er politisk journalistik af meget høj klasse.
> >
> > Steen Hjortsø
> Pokkers ! Jeg har sjusket med ovennævnte link.
> Det rigtige link er:
> Undskyld ! Men nyd artiklen alligevel !
Ja. Ha her kan også godt se det..
To Kim Jong Il. Physics is War. Apocalypse Now. On Armageddon
(Apocalyptic Guerrilla War) and the 10,000 Year Agricultural
Revolution. The Final Revolutionary War of Economic Salvation. On What
is to be Done? On the Military Strategy for the Defeat of the
Capitalists, Statists and Religionists.
By Lucifer
Angel of Death
For Anarchist Communism (Stateless Collectivism / Kibbutzism).
No gods. No masters. Against all the gods of Heaven and Earth.
Against all Governments. Against all Religions.
talk.politics.libertarian,, soc.culture.lebanon
On the Military Strategy of the State Terrorists. Sept 11th and other
'false flag' military operations: .Alex Jones' latest video
'Terrorstorm' military black military operations on:
(Sept 11th video: a black op by the US military: broadband)
Dear Kim Jong Il ('Son of Heaven'.)
I recommend the above videos as 'educational' videos with regards
to the military strategy of the Anglo-American state terrorists and the
world's current economic masters. If you take for example
'Operation Gladio' where NATO troops carried out undercover
terrorist activities against their own people, Sept 11th, London 7/7
and other false flag / black operations, it seems clear that the State
terrorists actually 'want' terrorist attacks in order to
consolidate their own police states. In this sense you are a
'welcome' enemy for the world's economic and military masters.
Any terrorist attack which is carried out by the Capitalist military
can be conveniently blamed on you, Iran or on Islamic enemies. This is
just the excuse they need for global war.
War unto the death.
Of course, you are in all probability very well aware that you would
not survive a war with the United States personally. You would be their
main target and your execution would be certain. Thus of course you
must be willing to fight to the death. We all die; what is important is
the memory that we leave behind of ourselves; what is important is
contributing to the creation of the conditions for world revolution
against all governments. In the future world, after the apocalyptic war
against the First World, those who were the 'enemies' of the
Capitalists (Monetarists) will be considered differently.
Mansei is usually translated as 'Victory 10,000 years,' however I
prefer 'even if it takes us 10,000 years to be victorious, we will be
victorious.' It does not matter how long it takes to defeat the
Monetarists, Religionists and Statists, they will be defeated. It is
simply not in our nature to be economically enslaved and to be dictated
to by the rich and the religious hypocrites; however I doubt if it will
take very long to defeat the Capitalists / Christians (the worshippers
of money / mammon) if the correct military strategy is used. Firstly
the financial command and control centres of Capitalism must be torn
down. This could either occur by internal or external revolution;
however in this stage of the revolution it does not appear to be
realistic to expect an internal revolution; the proletariat of the
First World are largely bribed by bread and circuses (dole,
entertainment, sports, pornography etc) and care very little for their
economic victims in the Third World; certainly not enough for them to
rise in armed revolution; rather than crying out for the liberation of
the Third World proletariat, they are mostly crying out for more
consumer goods (Nike shoes, designer clothes, etc) which are the labour
products of the Third World labour slaves; what they generally seek is
their consumerist freedoms, irrespective of the enslavement which it
causes to their Third World victims.
The Achilles' Heel of the Capitalists. The nuclear power stations.
The King of Capitalism has no clothes on.
The Capitalist tyranny is fragile. Were the financial command and
control centres of the monetarists to disappear in a blink of an eye on
the day and hour of Judgement (on the rich / the religious hypocrites /
the Christians (idolaters) etc.) the stock markets and indeed the
entire economy of Capitalism / Christendom would change overnight. The
main concerns would be food and weapons (personal security); gone would
be the necessity to import the billions of dollars of useless trinkets
which fill the bargain shops of the First World; gone would be the
demand for them; gone would be the strength of the Capitalist
currencies. The American statists are well prepared for dissent with
the recent construction of a national network of prison camps, often
with railroad cars leading to them. The American proletariat will have
a better chance of annihilating the police, military and government
than will the Europeans whose population has mostly been disarmed,
however it is certainly clear that the military and economic masters of
the First World have long planned and prepared for the internment and
holocaust of all dissenting population. (see for example:
on the US's internal 800 empty prison camps, even one of which - in
Alaska - could allegedly hold up to 2 million people). The Achilles
Heel of Capitalism / Christendom is their nuclear power stations. These
are constructed in such a way that even a large aircraft flying into
them would not cause a critical mass to occur in the reactor, however
this would not be the case if such power stations were the object of a
nuclear attack - in such a scenario Hiroshima would appear as if
foreplay to the real nuclear war. The Capitalists / Christians have
been warned for years about the dangers of keeping too many potential
critical masses in the same place and have ignored such warnings. The
nuclear material which will eventually bring about the destruction of
the Capitalist's empire is of their own making. It is almost as if a
foolish king who sought to take over the world build himself a giant
castle on top of an ammunition dump; it would only take a small match
to destroy his kingdom and many are the enemies of the King of
Capitalism who know his military weakness; it is apparent to all
physicists. The governments and religions of today shall in time pass
away, but scientific knowledge shall stay with us forever. Words are
weapons; Propaganda is the first stage of War but Physics is real War
in action.
North Korea.
Most people in the world would not like to live in North Korea for
rather obvious reasons (concentration camps, torture, widespread
poverty, a tyrannical police state) and I doubt that more than a few
people in the world would consider it to be Communist paradise; on the
contrary it appears to be a Pseudo-Communist Hell on earth; however
consider the military strategy of the Capitalist / Christian economic
masters; they often arm both sides in a conflict if it serves their
interests, and even Mao's troops formed 'an ad hoc (temporary)'
alliance with the Chinese nationalists in order to fight the Japanese;
indeed according to John Pilger's research even the Americans
supported and armed Pol Pot in order to destabalise Cambodia during the
Vietnam war, so ... what the hell Kim Jong Il.. we all form temporary
alliances in times of war, as much as I am reluctant to do so. The
liberation of the proletariat of the Third World (the world's poorest
people) depends upon revolution occurring in the world's most
developed nations, however firstly the conditions for revolution must
be created, and unfortunately this must involve the destruction of the
Capitalism / Christendom's financial centres. Should the
Anglo-American state terrorists wage war against you, in as much as
they will attack your nation, you must be willing to attack their
nations; war if isolated to the Korean peninsula will almost certainly
result in your defeat; The Anglo-American state terrorists have no
problem in invading other nations or sponsoring and supporting military
coups in other nations, or in killing 100s of thousands of people on
foreign soil, but when it comes to losing their own families and
children in their own nations, they always cry foul; war cannot be
fought on their terms. Until war comes to the homelands of the
Capitalists, the population is unlikely to rise out of their comfort
zone and to carry out an armed revolt against their police states. All
the evil that the Capitalists / Christians have subjected the world to
shall come back upon them 7 times 777. What goes around comes around.
There must be and will be Karmic retribution.
Missiles are unnecessary in apocalyptic guerrilla war and do little
more than show your enemies where the weapon originated from. Nuclear
war against Christendom must be anonymous and leave no trace of
'who' carried out such actions.
The non-miracle of the feeding of the 7 billion. Only after victory in
war against all governments shall swords be turned to ploughshares.
There is no overpopulation problem; we already have the knowledge of
the simple technological means for world agricultural revolution;
through hydroponics and poly-house (greenhouse) farming we could feed
the current world's population from a tiny corner of the Sahara, for
example. The 1000 year and 10,000 year agricultural revolution can only
begin after the defeat of the Capitalists and the eradication of the
money system and of all governments (tyrannies). Peace is what we seek,
but there can be no peace until the Capitalists / Christians are
ruthlessly defeated. Peace is thus the purpose of apocalyptic war; the
peace that follows victory.
War is 'always' fought in the name of the peace that follows
victory; 'same old, same old.'
For the poor (the children of the Third World) to inherit the earth,
firstly the nations of the rich and the religious hypocrites (primarily
the Christians / the rich / the religious hypocrites) must be defeated.
There is simply no other way. Apocalyptic guerrilla war is thus
necessary and inevitable. With the help of physics, the world's
smallest guerrilla army 'can' defeat the world's largest armies.
Physics is War.
On a day and on an hour, like a thief in the night, when all is well
and it is expected least, then must and shall the great cities of the
world's economic masters (the rich / the Christians) be subjected to
Judgement by Fire, Plague and poisoned waters. The only alternative is
'internal armed violent revolution' by the people of the First
World against the police, military, preisthood and government masters;
however the signs of this revolt are far from apparent and thus must be
considered unrealistic at this stage.
The Beast from under the earth.
First there shall be surface war and then there shall be the war of the
undergrounds (the Anglo-American state terrorist military have planned
and prepared for such a war and are dug in deep under the earth)
Great and terrible and dreadful and wrathful shall be the day of
I am just a messenger.
Physics is War.
Women and children's federation for world peace through nuclear war
for the unification of the Motherland.
For the total holocaust of all who collaborate with the police,
military, statists and priesthood of the First World (Christendom).
Regards Bruun