Bo Warming wrote:
> "Jesper" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> >
> > Iflg Berlingske efterforsker israelsk politi den israelske præsident
> > Moshe Katsav for voldtægt, sexcikane og ulovlig aflytning.
> >
> > Iflg. en erklæring fra politiet er der "tilstrækkeligt" med beviser
> > for
> > at præsidenten begik flere tilfælde af voldtægt, seksuel tvang og
> > sexchikane.
> >
> > Israelsk politi har efterforsket ikke færre end 0 anmeldelser af
> > voldtægt og sexchikane præsidenten har begået i sin embedsperiode og
> > før
> > da som minister. Anklagerne kommer fra tidligere ansatte.
> Denne præsident er så ujpolitisk som Dronningen
> og antal anmeldelser "ikke færre end 0" håber jeg trådstarteren
> uddyber?
Rape charge advised vs. Israel president
By JOSEF FEDERMAN, Associated Press Writer
JERUSALEM - Police recommended Sunday that Israeli President Moshe
Katsav be charged with rape, sexual assault and fraud, the most
serious charges ever to face an Israeli leader.
The recommendation came at a meeting between police investigators and
Attorney General Meni Mazuz. The final decision on whether to put the
president on trial is up to Mazuz.
A police statement issued Sunday said the complaints were filed by
"women who worked under his (Katsav's) authority." It said there was
evidence he committed crimes of "rape, aggravated sexual assault,
indecent acts without permission and offenses under the law to prevent
sexual harassment."
The statement also said police found basis for charges of illegal
wiretapping, and fraud and malfeasance in office in the case of
pardons granted by the president.
Investigations into allegations of disrupting a police investigation
and harassing a witness were still in progress, police said.
The investigation began earlier this year after a former employee
alleged Katsav forced her to have sex under the threat of dismissal.
Police repeatedly questioned Katsav at his official residence and
seized personal documents.
Israel Radio and Channel 2 TV have said the case against Katsav is
based on complaints by five women who allege he made unwanted sexual
advances toward them during his tenure as president and before that,
as a government minister.
"It is even probable that the supremacy of nations
may be determined by the possession of available
petroleum and its products." - President Coolidge,
We Fight for Oil, Ludwell Denny - Alfred A Knopf, 1928
"As democracy is perfected, the office of president
represents, more and more closely, the inner soul
of the people. On some great and glorious day the
plain folks of the land will reach their heart's
desire at last and the White House will be adorned
by a downright moron." --- H.L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
Want to know what's really going on in Iraq?
The Rise and Fall of the Holy Roller Empire
Venlig hilsen Bruun.