hvornår vågner alle de blåøjede tosser op og ser hviklen fare
muhamedanismen udgør mod alle frihedselskende mennesker?
"Malaysia's Jihad against Singapore"
Malaysian Government's policy of discrimination towards the non-Mulsim
citizens (Chinese, Hindus, Buddhists) are worse than the
treatment of the Blacks by the White Government of South Africa in the
days of apartheid. However just for mentioning this fact by the former
Singapore leader Lee Kuan Yew landed him trouble. Malaysia's Jihadi
campaign to silence him lead to his offering "apology" for simply
mentioning the truth. Like the Pope controvery, this is another
addition to Muslims' Jihadi campaign of intimidating people seeking to
speak the truth about Islam and Muslim's actions:
Et frit samfund er et samfund,
hvor det er ufarligt at være upopulær
/Adlai E. Stevenson/