Per Rønne <per@RQNNE.invalid> wrote:
> Jeg er netop stødt på følgende indlæg på Washington Posts hjemmside:
> <
> sian_interlocutor.html>
> I indlægget nævnes at 200 millioner indere i 900-tallet blev myrdet af
> de muslimske hære, fordi de nægtede at konvertere til islam. Er der
> nogen der har hørt noget om det før? Vi har jo ikke den store viden om
> følgerne af først den arabiske og derefter den tyrkiske erobring af
> Indien [den sidste erobring havde endnu større områder med]. Men er det
> tilfældet vil der være tale om historiens største folkemord, langt
> større end de folkemord monstre som Hitler, Stalin og Mao stod for.
> Indlægget lyder:
> =
> Mr. Akbar:
> You seem to say, "Hey you have committed mass murders, forced
> conversions and genocides; so what is wrong if Muslims did the same?" Of
> all the people, as some one coming from India, you should know it
> better. You know it fully well that from 10th century on, Muslim
> invaders conducted countless acts of aggression in India, slaughtered
> millions of Hindus, demolished every temple and Hindu centers of
> learning in northern India. And all in the name of Islam! Those who
> accepted Islam (that includes your ancestors) were spared, others were
> put to sword. These are not my words, but facts fully documented by
> Muslim court historians and Muslim classics including Tawarikh-e-hind,
> Padshah Namas, Babar Nama and countless accounts left behind by the
> court historians of Tughlaks, Khilzis and Moghals. There is no "official
> figure" but judging from their accounts, at least 200 million Hindus
> were slaughtered by Islamic invaders/rulers from 10th through 18th
> century. The kindest Muslims allowed Hindus to live, provided they pay
> Jijiya tax, a whopping 75% of the produce.
> Do you deny the fact that most of Muslims in today's Kashmir are
> children of Hindus who were forced to accept Islam? Remember why Sikh
> Guru Tegh Bahadur was tortured and murdered and the events that lead to
> the birth of Khalsa (Followers of Sikh Guru Govind Singh)! The former
> was given an option, accept Islam, which he refused. The result was
> brutal torture and shameless beheading in accordance with the dictates
> of Koran. Yes, dictates of Koran --- I think it is Sura ix, 4th or 5th
> verse that categorically stated "kill the polytheists where ever you
> find them."
> It is also a fact, Islam wiped out the entire Persian civilization;
> killed or forced ancient Persians to covert to ISLAM. only a handful
> managed to escape to India where they live today as Parsis. And what
> about ancient Gandhar (Afghanistan) populated by Hindus and Buddhists.
> What happened to them? Today, only a dozen Hindu families are left there
> and absolutely no Buddhist. Do you deny the fact that the grand statues
> of Buddha at Bamiyan were demolished (a few years ago) only because the
> Taliban and Muslim scholars believed that the presence of idols on
> Islamic lands is un-Islamic?
> Posted by: Center for Global Studies | September 20, 2006 12:03 PM
> =
> FUT dk.videnskab. historie [kan naturligvis overrules, men emnet er
> altså historisk, og en historisk og politisk diskussion om det bør nok
> holdes adskilt]
Virker usandsynligt, eftersom der slet ikke var 200 mio hinduer dengang.
Et folketal på 200 mio blev først blev nået omkring år 1780 i Indien.
Der findes ingen smalle film, alle film er 35 mm brede.
- Christian Braad Thomsen