Genpostet med korrekt angivelse af FUT i headeren. Beklager og undskylder at
der opstod en fejl ved første postning.
It is entirely possible that if skull 1470 had never been found, the KBS
Tuff would still be dated at 2.61 million years. We would continue to be
told that it was a 'secure date' based on the precision of radiometric
dating and the 'independent' confirmation of other dating techniques that
acted as controls. It was the shocking discovery of the morphologically
modern skull 1470, located well below the KBS Tuff, that precipitated the
10-year controversy.
In the 10-year controversy over the dating of one of the most important
human fossils ever discovered, the pigs won. The pigs won over the
elephants. The pigs won over potassium-argon dating. The pigs won over
argon40/argon39 dating. The pigs won over fission-track dating. They won
over palaeomagnetism. The pigs took it all. But in reality, it wasn't the
pigs that won. It was evolution that won. In the dating game, evolution
always wins.
Der er absolut ingen grund til at lade sig forføre af nogle evolutionisters
cirkulære argumentationer.
FUT: dk.livssyn.kristendom
Med venlig hilsen Andreas Falck - ICQ 108 480 093 + + DebatForum - den lokale ungdoms- & idrætsforening - nok Danmarks mest besøgte landsby-webside