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The final Holocaust
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 05-10-06 23:47

Psychoactives and Necromancy. On Armageddon (Nuclear Guerilla War
against Christendom) and the Final Holocaust.. The Day of Judgement.

By Lucifer
Angel of Death
For Anarchist Communism.
No gods. No masters. Against all the gods of Heaven and Earth.
Against all Governments. Against all Religions.


Necromancy: Communion with the ancestors. Raising / evoking (calling
upon) / invoking (personifying) the souls of the dead (i.e., angelic
and demonic ancestors)..


Please allow me to introduce myself.[>:)]

I would begin by pointing out that using psychoactives for the purposes

of spiritualism can put one in a position where one walks a very fine
line between sanity and insanity. Essentially psychoactive experiences
can either be passive (wait and see what happens) which is usually
always the case with early experiences or active (where one actively
seeks to engages in spiritual communion / evocation of the souls of the

dead / the ancestral spirits).

The use of psychoactives in necromancy .

There has throughout history been widespread use of psychocatives to
'conjure up' demonic and angelic ancestral spirits. I offer here my own

experience and some of the effects on my behaviour as a result of
combining psychoactive usage and necromancy over the past 30 years or
so .

Necromancy, Necrophilia, Sex Magic and 'Holy (sic) Communion.' Egyptian

Mystery Cultism.

If one considers the position for example of the Infek on
[url=http://deathandhell.com ]http://deathandhell.com [/url]here we
have the example of a person who believes that he can evoke demons from

the spiritual world through using psychoactives combined with rituals
of sexual violence and necrophilia, Necrophilia in the context of sex
magic usually involves the ritual torture and killing of the victim
(human sacrifice - and in some cases 'Holy Communion;' i.e., ritual
cannibalism )and should not be confused with necromancy; however Infek,

like Crowley was 'also' a necromancer and both apparently sought to
evoke only demonic souls whereas I merely 'study' the demonic, and by
virtue of my personal Craft of evocation (calling upon / commanding)
and invocation (personifying) I appear to attract the demonic at times,

but I do not deliberately evoke them nor do I seek to invoke them; on
the contrary. In the various types of Masonic cultism (Egyptian
mystery ritualism - my father's chosen path) one finds that the names
of the demons which are evoked (called upon) are often associated with
ancient human sacrifice rituals and the consequence of this is that the

behaviour of such cultists is such that they are of absolutely no moral

worth by my judgement; however by the term 'moral' I do not refer to
anything of a sexual nature since in this sense I am amoral (and by the

standards of the Christian hypnotists I am totally immoral), but I
refer to their economic and hypnotic enslavement of humanity with
regards to their statism, Usuryism (money lending), state terrorism,
narco-terrorism, economic and military imperialism and so forth.

That which we deliberately evoke, we become.

I have long been fascinated by Crowley, Blavastsky, Hitler, the Masonic

cultists, Satanists and other Esotericists (secret knowledge) and
Gnostics (knowledge through spiritual experiences) irrespective of
whether they were good or evil by my judgement, for I believe that we
must study 'especially' our enemies. Necromancy can in my judgement be
used for good or for evil. It is possible to have very powerful
spiritual experiences with the souls of Heaven and Hell in the active
sense (calling upon, seeking out and commanding) by using psychoactives

and evocation but eventually one comes to personify those that we call
upon and at some point to become by practical necessity, as genocidal
as ones enemies..

Order out of chaos. Light out of darkness. Division and conquest.
Why fight your enemies when you can get them to fight each other?

I have debated and posted essays on forums for many years under many
different usernames, almost since the beginning of the Internet and
have developed over the years various different personas by developing
various different Internet sites. I specialise in debating / writing
essays on religion and politics and in getting myself banned /
excommunicated from discussion boards, but in leaving a memory in the
process of a genocidal extremist. If we are not extremists, we cannot
fight extremists, if we are not apocalyptic militants, we cannot fight
apocalyptic militants. None can see all the sides of my characters /
strategy / Internet sites / debates / history asides from myself. On
Islamic sites I have long called for nuclear Jihad (apocalyptic
guerrilla war) against the West. On Christian sites I have long called
for the global holocaust of all anti-Communists (Jesus being an
anti-propertyist according to the Anarchist Christians). On Judaic
sites I call for neo-Judaic (Communist) revolution and the holocaust of

the Christians and Egyptian mystery cultists. On pagan sites I call for

neo-Pagan revolution, etc., etc.. I am thus multi-faceted but I am not
two faced by common definition; I am singularly purposeful and
dedicated to my Craft. One must always use the same weapons as ones
enemies. Words are weapons of war. Propaganda is the first stage of
future war.

Sane? (sanitary / clean / pure)

The effect of studying the nature of the demonic for many years has I
believe lead me to cross the boundaries of sanity / insanity at various

times and to respond in ways which have led me to be described as
'genocidal,' 'insane,' 'dangerous,' and most flattering of all ?a
terrorist (or at least an inciter of global terrorism),' and 'worse
than Hitler,' however I consider my soul to be pure and selfless. I
seek not to benefit myself but the liberation of the children of future

humanity and to this purpose I have sacrificed myself. I am my own
personal definiton of the term 'sanity.'


Part II


The Triumph of the Will. Will to power. Thelma. The Book of Revelation.

Physics is War. 'The point of prophecy is not to predict the future but

to change the future.' The Great King of Terror (ism) - The Messianic
invocation. What is possible becomes at some point actual.
Communicating between the armies of Armageddon...'As lightening flashes

from the east to the west.......' Pens and swords.


I do not believe that the future is predestined; I believe that the
power of militant human free will and of human love can change history.

I am thus active, not passive. I don't believe that the predicted
armies of the righteous of the 12 tribes of Israel (the spiritual
inheritors of the legacy of the Egyptian slave revolution against the
Egyptian cult masters) who will allegedly submit the Christians and
their economic and spiritual masters and other idolaters
(religionists), the Capitalists (monetarists, anti-Communists) and the
rich nations to apocalyptic holocaust will appear 'supernaturally.'
They will have to be those to whom the prophecies of old speak to and
who by the power and triumph of their human free will shall invoke such

prophecies. Among them the predicted seven servants (seven angels) of
apocalyptic war would have to be 'physicists' not 'angels' in the
supernatural sense: (discarnate spiritual beings / ancestors). The
Judaic Messiah invocation would also have to be a Judge/ apocalyptic
militant (terrorist) and one to whom the prophecies speak. If he flew
in on the clouds of Heaven it would have to be in an aircraft; and if
he and his unseen armies waged apocalyptic war against the enemies of
the revolution, it would have to be through nuclear guerrilla war, not
by supernatural means. If he spoke to all nations and peoples as
lightening flashes from the East to the West he would have to use the
Internet. It is for the purpose of the fulfilment of such apocalyptic
prophecies of the Final revolutionary war of economic salvation and the

invocation of the prophecies that I have dedicated my life to. I have
no nuclear weapons. I have only the sword that issues from my mouth; I
have only my writings / final judgements, as it was with Jesus, Marx,
Kropotkin, Einstein and the prophets who came before me. The sword of
the mouth can live on long after the swords of steel of this generation

have turned to rust.

Storm is coming.

I have spiritually gambled with my sanity, my wealth, my family and I
have become a person living at the centre of a spiritual storm. I have
ended up living with a person whom is a psychic reader, since few
others would understand the path that I have chosen. I have become a
very strange person living among the living and the dead. Psychoactives

and spiritualism are a dangerous mix; however the dangers of not
following a spiritual path are even greater since one can easily become

an archetypal soap opera character (spiritual death), which frankly is
how many the citizens of the Western world appear to me after the
course that I have taken; I am really now only comfortable around
people whom I could only define as spiritually, politically and
sexually radical.

Race War.
I am not for the Masters who shall perish in the Final Judgement but of

the innocents (the poor; the oppressed) who shall inherit the earth.
Armageddon and 'Swords to Ploughshares.' The 1000 Year Agricultural
Revolution. The 1000 Year Reich (Kingdom of Heaven).

The Theosophists, Crowley, the Nazis and other Gnostic spiritualists
predicted the coming of a race of supermen (and women) in the age of
Armageddon (Final War between good and evil) where they predicted that
the weak (the poor / the oppressed / the proletariat of the Third
World) shall be trampled upon, and the coming of a One World Religion
and Government. In the Torah there are allegedly only three 'races
(raca: family)' on the earth, the Africans, the Aryans and the
Orientals, these are the children of Ham (black), Japheth (white) and
Shem (the Semites / Arabs / Palestinians and Orientals). It is my view

that the Semites are a mixed race of the other two. If there is to be a

'master race' they will be a 'mixed race' of the future who contain the

genes of the three races of the current world. There shall be no master

race and in the future age we shall witness the end of the black and
white races through uinterbreeding (sex) and the death of religion, and

with the coming of nuclear guerrilla war, the end of all governments;
for no government shall withstand the onslaught that is to come.
Physics is war and no governments shall withstand the war of the
physicists. The financial command and control centres of the
Capitalists (Monetarists) have taken decades to build and will
disappear in the blink of an eye on the day and hour of Judgement and
all governments shall fall like a house of cards. Those nations of
peoples who are now rich shall become desolated by apocalyptic war and
those who are now poor shall inherit the earth. Only after Armageddon
shall swords (arms) be turned to agricultural impliments; this shall be

the Aeon of the 1000 year agricultural revolution and the Aeon of Light

(lux, lucifer); i.e., nulcear energy.

The Narrow Left Hand Path.

Phychoactives and spiritualism. These two go together. There are two
paths One is the wide path to personal gain and the dominion over
others; this is the temptation of power, money, secret knowledge,
demonic gnosis (demonic spiritual experiences) and the freedom of the
kingdoms of the world. The other path is the narrow path of
selflessness, self-sacrifice, political activism, war against religion
and government; war against the economic and spiritual Masters of Eden.


One of Bush, Blair and other state terrorist?s favourite hypnotic
keywords is 'Freedom (their freedom; the freedom of the rich / the
monetarists to exploit the poor),' but true freedom is sexual freedom
and Anarchist political freedom. This is the Freedom to love; freedom
from the tyranny of the morality of religion and the priesthood/masters

and freedom 'from' the tyranny of the statists, not the freedom to
propagate the various flavours of statism/tyranny. The proponents of
religion (mass hypnosis) and government (tyranny) shall in time be
hunted down to the ends of the earth and under the earth and shall be
no more.

My demands.

I demand war. I demand revolution. I demand the total annihilation of
all forms of religion and government. I demand the holocaust of the
priesthood and the statists. I demand the destruction of all Temples
and seats of government. I demand anything good but strong. All this
shall come to pass in the Aeon to come, and I have perfect faith that
the children of the future shall meet my demands .

Awake or Asleep?

The path of the necromancy and psychoactive usage is the pill that
awakes you.
The avoidance of this path is the pill that will put you back to sleep.

Heaven and Hell awaits you. The will of one or the other will overcome
you; your own will shall become theirs. This is Thelema. I am just a

After me, the deluge.

Narrow is the Left hand path of the Anarchist Communists (anti-statists

/ anti-propertyists / collectivists / stateless kibbutzists) and to
Heaven on earth and in the afterlife.
Wide is the right hand path of the Monetarists (Capitalists), Statists
(tyrants) and Religionists (hypnotists) and that is the path to Hell on

earth and in eternity.

Phsyics is War. Anarchy is Order. Property is theft. God is evil. War
is divine (godlike).

Great and terrible and dreadful and wrathful shall be the day of
apocalyptic Judgement.

Regards Bruun

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