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Why Color Space: Uncalibrated on D2X EXIF?
Fra : Lars Troels

Dato : 18-09-06 09:58

Why does EXIF data from my D2X always say the Color Space is uncalibrated.

On the link below you can see an Opanda IExif example. But it is the case
with any programme. They are in aRGB and the files are ok. They appear as
aRGB in PS CS2, and every were else. Only the EXIF data says


I never had a client complain. Just wundering what is wrong. Do all D2X's do
this or..?

By the way it does'nt matter if I shoot .nef or .jpg it is the


Lars T.


Lars Troels (18-09-2006)
Fra : Lars Troels

Dato : 18-09-06 10:34

"Lars Troels" <fam.troelsVAEK@mail.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Why does EXIF data from my D2X always say the Color Space is uncalibrated.
> On the link below you can see an Opanda IExif example. But it is the case
> with any programme. They are in aRGB and the files are ok. They appear as
> aRGB in PS CS2, and every were else. Only the EXIF data says
> Uncalibrated....?
> http://www.larstroels.dk/images/uncalibrated.jpg
> I never had a client complain. Just wundering what is wrong. Do all D2X's
> do this or..?
> By the way it does'nt matter if I shoot .nef or .jpg it is the
> same...Uncalibrated.
> Anyone?
> Lars T.
> www.larstroels.dk
> --
OK. Jeg fik svaret.:


The EXIF data in your photos includes information such as the shutter speed,
aperture, flash status, and other shooting parameters, so it is logical to
identify the color space via the EXIF information. Sadly, the EXIF color
space tag can only identify the color space if the color space being used is
sRGB. There are only two valid settings for the EXIF color space tag and
those are sRGB (a standard color space for PC's and the web) and
"uncalibrated". Basically this means that if your camera is storing images
in the sRGB color space, you should be fine since the EXIF color space tag
will specify sRGB and your photo software should be able to identify sRGB as
the color space of your images. If your camera is not storing images in the
sRGB color space, you really cannot tell what color space is being used by
looking at the EXIF information since "uncalibrated" is all the information
that will be provided

Undskyld ulejligheden.

Lars T.

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