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Fra : Hans Jørgen Hvid

Dato : 15-10-06 10:43

I macSOUP settings er der en hængelås ud for vittighedsgruppen.
Vittighedsgruppen vises i omvendt orden af alle de andre grupper, er der
en sammenhæng?
Hans Jørgen Hvid

Kjell Olausson (15-10-2006)
Fra : Kjell Olausson

Dato : 15-10-06 11:24

Hans Jørgen Hvid <hj.hvid@REMOVEmail-telia.dk> wrote:

> hej
> I macSOUP settings er der en hængelås ud for vittighedsgruppen.
> Vittighedsgruppen vises i omvendt orden af alle de andre grupper, er der
> en sammenhæng?

Locked articles are marked with a small lock icon. You can lock or
unlock an article by clicking in the column where the lock icons appear.
Locked articles aren't purged by MacSOUP; this is useful for interesting
articles that you want to permanently keep, such as FAQs. However, you
can still manually delete locked articles (with the Delete Article
command from the Message menu).

Lock Unlock Locks or unlocks the current article or the selected
articles. Locked articles won't be purged, so this is useful for
interesting articles that you want to permanently keep (such as FAQs).
You can still manually delete locked articles though.

Regards, Kjell O
Kållered, Sweden

Hans Jørgen Hvid (15-10-2006)
Fra : Hans Jørgen Hvid

Dato : 15-10-06 12:20

Kjell Olausson <kiomac@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hans Jørgen Hvid <hj.hvid@REMOVEmail-telia.dk> wrote:
> > hej
> > I macSOUP settings er der en hængelås ud for vittighedsgruppen.
> > Vittighedsgruppen vises i omvendt orden af alle de andre grupper, er der
> > en sammenhæng?
> Locked articles are marked with a small lock icon. You can lock or
> unlock an article by clicking in the column where the lock icons appear.
> Locked articles aren't purged by MacSOUP; this is useful for interesting
> articles that you want to permanently keep, such as FAQs. However, you
> can still manually delete locked articles (with the Delete Article
> command from the Message menu).
> Menus
> Lock Unlock Locks or unlocks the current article or the selected
> articles. Locked articles won't be purged, so this is useful for
> interesting articles that you want to permanently keep (such as FAQs).
> You can still manually delete locked articles though.

Låsen er ikke ud for en artikel, men ud for vittigheder i MacSOUP
settings vinduet, derfor forstår jeg ikke hvad det er der er låst og
heller ikke hvordan jeg kan ændre rækkrfølgen når jeg åbner gruppen.
Hans Jørgen Hvid

Kjell Olausson (15-10-2006)
Fra : Kjell Olausson

Dato : 15-10-06 12:42

Hans Jørgen Hvid <hj.hvid@REMOVEmail-telia.dk> wrote:

> Kjell Olausson <kiomac@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hans Jørgen Hvid <hj.hvid@REMOVEmail-telia.dk> wrote:
> >
> > > hej
> > > I macSOUP settings er der en hængelås ud for vittighedsgruppen.
> > > Vittighedsgruppen vises i omvendt orden af alle de andre grupper, er der
> > > en sammenhæng?
> >
> > Locked articles are marked with a small lock icon. You can lock or
> > unlock an article by clicking in the column where the lock icons appear.
> > Locked articles aren't purged by MacSOUP; this is useful for interesting
> > articles that you want to permanently keep, such as FAQs. However, you
> > can still manually delete locked articles (with the Delete Article
> > command from the Message menu).
> >
> > Menus
> > Lock Unlock Locks or unlocks the current article or the selected
> > articles. Locked articles won't be purged, so this is useful for
> > interesting articles that you want to permanently keep (such as FAQs).
> > You can still manually delete locked articles though.
> Låsen er ikke ud for en artikel, men ud for vittigheder i MacSOUP
> settings vinduet, derfor forstår jeg ikke hvad det er der er låst og
> heller ikke hvordan jeg kan ændre rækkrfølgen når jeg åbner gruppen.
> Mvh
> Hans Jørgen Hvid

You have a locked article in that group. Open the group and press
Command+6 or use the menu at the bottom left.

"I"n" "t"h"e" "l"o"w"e"r" "l"e"f"t" "c"o"r"n"e"r" "o"f" "t"h"e"
"w"i"n"d"o"w" "t"h"e"r"e's" "a" "p"o"p"u"p" "m"e"n"u" "t"h"a"t"
"c"o"n"t"r"o"l"s" "w"h"i"c"h" "a"r"t"i"c"l"e"s" "a"r"e"
"d"i"s"p"l"a"y"e"d" "i"n" "t"h"e" "l"i"s"t"." "A"v"a"i"l"a"b"l"e"
"c"h"o"i"c"e"s" "a"r"e "U"n"r"e"a"d", "R"e"a"d, "A"l"l",
"T"a"g"g"e"d", "N"e"w", "o"r "L"o"c"k"e"d". "T"a"g"g"e"d "
"i"n"c"l"u"d"e"s" "b"o"t"h" "m"e"s"s"a"g"e"s" "t"h"a"t" "a"r"e"
"t"a"g"g"e"d" "f"o"r" "r"e"a"d"i"n"g" "("i"."e"." "t"h"a"t" "a"r"e"
"m"a"r"k"e"d" "w"i"t"h" "a" bullet")"," "a"n"d" "h"e"a"d"e"r"s"
"t"h"a"t" "a"r"e" "t"a"g"g"e"d" "f"o"r" "d"o"w"n"l"o"a"d"i"n"g"
"("m"a"r"k"e"d" "w"i"t"h" "a" bullet")"." N"e"w "m"e"a"n"s" "t"h"o"s"e"
"m"e"s"s"a"g"e"s" "a"n"d" "h"e"a"d"e"r"s" "t"h"a"t" "w"e"r"e"
"f"e"t"c"h"e"d" "d"u"r"i"n"g" "t"h"e" "l"a"s"t" "c"o"n"n"e"c"t"i"o"n"
"t"o" "t"h"e" "s"e"r"v"e"r"." #"1" "t"h"r"o"u"g"h" #"6" "a"r"e"
"s"h"o"r"t"c"u"t"s" "f"o"r" "t"h"e" "m"e"n"u" "i"t"e"m"s"." "Y"o"u"
"n"e"e"d"n'"t" "e"v"e"n" "h"o"l"d" "d"o"w"n" "t"h"e" #" "k"e"y"
"t"h"o"u"g"h":" "j"u"s"t" "p"r"e"s"s" "1" "t"o" "s"e"l"e"c"t"
U"n"r"e"a"d "e"t"c"."

Regards, Kjell O
Kållered, Sweden

Kjell Olausson (15-10-2006)
Fra : Kjell Olausson

Dato : 15-10-06 12:58

Kjell Olausson <kiomac@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hans Jørgen Hvid <hj.hvid@REMOVEmail-telia.dk> wrote:
> > Kjell Olausson <kiomac@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Hans Jørgen Hvid <hj.hvid@REMOVEmail-telia.dk> wrote:
> > >
> > > > hej
> > > > I macSOUP settings er der en hængelås ud for vittighedsgruppen.
> > > > Vittighedsgruppen vises i omvendt orden af alle de andre grupper, er der
> > > > en sammenhæng?
> > >
> > > Locked articles are marked with a small lock icon. You can lock or
> > > unlock an article by clicking in the column where the lock icons appear.
> > > Locked articles aren't purged by MacSOUP; this is useful for interesting
> > > articles that you want to permanently keep, such as FAQs. However, you
> > > can still manually delete locked articles (with the Delete Article
> > > command from the Message menu).
> > >
> > > Menus
> > > Lock Unlock Locks or unlocks the current article or the selected
> > > articles. Locked articles won't be purged, so this is useful for
> > > interesting articles that you want to permanently keep (such as FAQs).
> > > You can still manually delete locked articles though.
> >
> > Låsen er ikke ud for en artikel, men ud for vittigheder i MacSOUP
> > settings vinduet, derfor forstår jeg ikke hvad det er der er låst og
> > heller ikke hvordan jeg kan ændre rækkrfølgen når jeg åbner gruppen.
> > Mvh
> > Hans Jørgen Hvid
> You have a locked article in that group. Open the group and press
> Command+6 or use the menu at the bottom left.
> "I"n" "t"h"e" "l"o"w"e"r" "l"e"f"t" "c"o"r"n"e"r" "o"f" "t"h"e"
> "w"i"n"d"o"w" "t"h"e"r"e's" "a" "p"o"p"u"p" "m"e"n"u" "t"h"a"t"
> "c"o"n"t"r"o"l"s" "w"h"i"c"h" "a"r"t"i"c"l"e"s" "a"r"e"
> "d"i"s"p"l"a"y"e"d" "i"n" "t"h"e" "l"i"s"t"." "A"v"a"i"l"a"b"l"e"
> "c"h"o"i"c"e"s" "a"r"e "U"n"r"e"a"d", "R"e"a"d, "A"l"l",
> "T"a"g"g"e"d", "N"e"w", "o"r "L"o"c"k"e"d". "T"a"g"g"e"d "
> "i"n"c"l"u"d"e"s" "b"o"t"h" "m"e"s"s"a"g"e"s" "t"h"a"t" "a"r"e"
> "t"a"g"g"e"d" "f"o"r" "r"e"a"d"i"n"g" "("i"."e"." "t"h"a"t" "a"r"e"
> "m"a"r"k"e"d" "w"i"t"h" "a" bullet")"," "a"n"d" "h"e"a"d"e"r"s"
> "t"h"a"t" "a"r"e" "t"a"g"g"e"d" "f"o"r" "d"o"w"n"l"o"a"d"i"n"g"
> "("m"a"r"k"e"d" "w"i"t"h" "a" bullet")"." N"e"w "m"e"a"n"s" "t"h"o"s"e"
> "m"e"s"s"a"g"e"s" "a"n"d" "h"e"a"d"e"r"s" "t"h"a"t" "w"e"r"e"
> "f"e"t"c"h"e"d" "d"u"r"i"n"g" "t"h"e" "l"a"s"t" "c"o"n"n"e"c"t"i"o"n"
> "t"o" "t"h"e" "s"e"r"v"e"r"." #"1" "t"h"r"o"u"g"h" #"6" "a"r"e"
> "s"h"o"r"t"c"u"t"s" "f"o"r" "t"h"e" "m"e"n"u" "i"t"e"m"s"." "Y"o"u"
> "n"e"e"d"n'"t" "e"v"e"n" "h"o"l"d" "d"o"w"n" "t"h"e" #" "k"e"y"
> "t"h"o"u"g"h":" "j"u"s"t" "p"r"e"s"s" "1" "t"o" "s"e"l"e"c"t"
> U"n"r"e"a"d "e"t"c"."

Oops, sorry, don't know what happened there.

Regards, Kjell O
Kållered, Sweden

Hans Jørgen Hvid (15-10-2006)
Fra : Hans Jørgen Hvid

Dato : 15-10-06 12:57

Kjell Olausson <kiomac@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hans Jørgen Hvid <hj.hvid@REMOVEmail-telia.dk> wrote:
> > Kjell Olausson <kiomac@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Hans Jørgen Hvid <hj.hvid@REMOVEmail-telia.dk> wrote:
> > >
> > > > hej
> > > > I macSOUP settings er der en hængelås ud for vittighedsgruppen.
> > > > Vittighedsgruppen vises i omvendt orden af alle de andre grupper, er der
> > > > en sammenhæng?

> You have a locked article in that group. Open the group and press
> Command+6 or use the menu at the bottom left.
> "I"n" "t"h"e" "l"o"w"e"r" "l"e"f"t" "c"o"r"n"e"r" "o"f" "t"h"e"
> "w"i"n"d"o"w" "t"h"e"r"e's" "a" "p"o"p"u"p" "m"e"n"u" "t"h"a"t"
> "c"o"n"t"r"o"l"s" "w"h"i"c"h" "a"r"t"i"c"l"e"s" "a"r"e"
> "d"i"s"p"l"a"y"e"d" "i"n" "t"h"e" "l"i"s"t"." "A"v"a"i"l"a"b"l"e"
> "c"h"o"i"c"e"s" "a"r"e "U"n"r"e"a"d", "R"e"a"d, "A"l"l",
> "T"a"g"g"e"d", "N"e"w", "o"r "L"o"c"k"e"d". "T"a"g"g"e"d "
> "i"n"c"l"u"d"e"s" "b"o"t"h" "m"e"s"s"a"g"e"s" "t"h"a"t" "a"r"e"
> "t"a"g"g"e"d" "f"o"r" "r"e"a"d"i"n"g" "("i"."e"." "t"h"a"t" "a"r"e"
> "m"a"r"k"e"d" "w"i"t"h" "a" bullet")"," "a"n"d" "h"e"a"d"e"r"s"
> "t"h"a"t" "a"r"e" "t"a"g"g"e"d" "f"o"r" "d"o"w"n"l"o"a"d"i"n"g"
> "("m"a"r"k"e"d" "w"i"t"h" "a" bullet")"." N"e"w "m"e"a"n"s" "t"h"o"s"e"
> "m"e"s"s"a"g"e"s" "a"n"d" "h"e"a"d"e"r"s" "t"h"a"t" "w"e"r"e"
> "f"e"t"c"h"e"d" "d"u"r"i"n"g" "t"h"e" "l"a"s"t" "c"o"n"n"e"c"t"i"o"n"
> "t"o" "t"h"e" "s"e"r"v"e"r"." #"1" "t"h"r"o"u"g"h" #"6" "a"r"e"
> "s"h"o"r"t"c"u"t"s" "f"o"r" "t"h"e" "m"e"n"u" "i"t"e"m"s"." "Y"o"u"
> "n"e"e"d"n'"t" "e"v"e"n" "h"o"l"d" "d"o"w"n" "t"h"e" #" "k"e"y"
> "t"h"o"u"g"h":" "j"u"s"t" "p"r"e"s"s" "1" "t"o" "s"e"l"e"c"t"
> U"n"r"e"a"d "e"t"c"."
Tak for hjælpen, jeg kom i tanker om at jeg kunne slette gruppen,
genstarte suppen og oprette gruppen påny, så nu virker det vist, men tak
for hjælpen
Hans Jørgen Hvid

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