"Jesus-loves-you" skrev
5717 news:cBGQg.132$oZ5.53@news.get2net.dk
> Code 77
=== citat start ===
CNNTEXT 105 (Wednesday) 27 SEP (2006, CET) 0817:38
Myanmar accuses U.S. of bullying
Myanmar's foreign minister has accused
the United States and other states of
ganging up on his country, saying they
are seeking to impose their will on
developing countries in pursuit of
their own political agendas.
In a speech the the U.N. General
Assembly, Foreign Minister Nyan Win
did not specifically mention the
United States but was clearly
referring to Washington when he said
'powerful states' on the U.N. Security
Council had created an 'environment of
hostility in the international
=== citat slut ====
You are a thief...
Heaven-Break (perpahs 2304, ET):
(2006-09-27, Wednesday, CET 07:58:3x, delay 0)
- "Præcis."
The country does NOT belong to You...
08:09:21, delay 0
- "Enig."
Your destination is the jail...
08:11:26, delay 0
- "Yep."
Thank You, Sir ...
08:11:51, delay 0
- "You're welcome ... my friend."
See perhaps also ...
1641 news:2IZ1c.104656$jf4.6289218@news000.worldonline.dk
3190 news:F%mjd.62742$Vf.3091752@news000.worldonline.dk
3482 news:7Nmxd.76415$Vf.3620454@news000.worldonline.dk
5385 news:wl6Yf.35$5J7.34@news.get2net.dk
5404 news:U4SYf.74$4%6.1@news.get2net.dk
Disse var ordene, jeg har modtaget. Long live the freedom ...
Last file-OUTPUT:
5752 news:1IzSg.73$Kx3.57@news.get2net.dk
Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
Info: 5676 news:IZTKg.32$lO5.27@news.get2net.dk
http://groups.google.dk/group/no.kultur.folklore.ufo/ ).
http://groups.google.dk/groups?q=Mogens+Kall&start=0&scoring=d& ).
File-number: 5753