"Anders Wegge Jakobsen" <wegge@obelix.wegge.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Fra <
> En jødisk bosætter på Vestbredden er af distriktsretten i
> Jerusalem idømt fire livstidsstraffe for mord på fire tilfældige
> palæstinensiske fabriksarbejdere sidste efterår. Formålet med
> bosætterens terrordåd var at forsøge at skabe så megen ballade,
> at
> Israels regering ville se sig nødsaget til at stoppe evakueringen
> af de jødiske bosættelser i Gaza.
Der er intet godt at sige om en juridisk domfældelse, som skriger
langt væk af politisk korrekthed.
Her er en kort beskrivelselse af hændelsesforløbet.
"On August 18, 2005, at 4:45 p.m., as he was driving the four
Palestinians out of Shilo, Weisgan stopped at the entrance gate to the
settlement, stepped out of the car and approached the security guard's
booth; the guard was under the assumption that Weisgan came to collect
the Palestinians' identification cards, which they deposited there at
the start of each workday. Weisgan then asked for water and snatched
the guard's loaded M-16 rifle.
He then approached the vehicle and fired 5-6 bullets at each passenger
from close range and began to run back to the factory with the intent
of killing another Arab worker.
One of the injured Palestinians chased after Weisgan while shouting
"Asher, what are you doing?" Weisgan turned around and fired a few
more bullets at the Palestinian but missed.
The settler eventually made his way to the factory and opened fire at
the remaining Palestinian worker from short range. At this stage
Weisgan ran out of bullets, replaced the magazine and shot the injured
Palestinian in the head and chest.
A few minutes later Weisgan came running out of the factory and turned
himself in to a security officer who arrived at the scene".
På baggrund af det anførte hændelsesforløb, synes manden at være
rablende sindssyg i gerningsøjeblikket og dermed burde han i stedet
være idømt forvaring på en lukket psykiatrisk institution på ubestemt