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Cannon Pixma IP 4000
Fra : Klaus

Dato : 17-07-06 14:21

Kommer med følgende melding:

"Den brugte blækbeholder er fyldt op. Kontakt servicecentret"

Det er ikke muligt at printe yderligere.
Er det p.gr. af alle de rensninger jeg har foretaget mon?

Nick (17-07-2006)
Fra : Nick

Dato : 17-07-06 14:45

"Klaus" skrev i en meddelelse...
> Kommer med følgende melding:
> "Den brugte blækbeholder er fyldt op. Kontakt servicecentret"
> Det er ikke muligt at printe yderligere.
> Er det p.gr. af alle de rensninger jeg har foretaget mon?

Tjae, sikkert, men her får du lige opskriften på at resette tælleren:

Be warned not to reset the counter too often, there will be ink build up in
sponge and at some stage this will have to be replaced or cleaned, if you
more than once and do not replace or clean the pad there is a severe chance
ink spillage onto the base of the printer, your desk and the
carpet. You have been warned:)

Service mode

1) With the printer power turned off, while pressing the Resume/Cancel
press and hold the Power button. (DO NOT release the buttons.
The LED lights in green to indicate that a function is selectable.) .

2) While holding the Power button, release the Resume/Cancel button. (DO NOT
release the Power button.) .

3) While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button 2 times,
then release both the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons.
(Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately
orange and green, starting with orange.) .

4) When the LED lights in green, press the Resume/Cancel button 4 times.
time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights
alternately in orange and green, starting with orange.) .

5) Press the Power button. The LED lights in green, and the reset is
(When the operation completes, the printer returns to the
menu selection mode automatically.) .

6) Press the power button to exit service mode.

Note:- if you accidentally press the Resume/Cancel button more than 4 times
step 4 then just press the Resume/Cancel button at least 10
times and the printer will be returned to step 4 automatically.

BTW the other functions that are available at step 4 are -
press 0 times = power off
press 1 time = Service Test Print
press 2 times = EEPROM information print
press 3 times = EEPROM initialisation
press 5 times = Destination settings (country information, do not play with
press 6 times = Printhead Deep Cleaning
press 7,8 or 9 times = not used in servicing so do not play with these.
press 10 times or more = return to menu (step 4)


Ukendt (18-07-2006)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 18-07-06 04:21

Nick wrote:
> Tjae, sikkert, men her får du lige opskriften på at resette tælleren:

Ved du om man resetter tælleren på samme måde i en IP 4200 ?

MVH Peter

Nick (18-07-2006)
Fra : Nick

Dato : 18-07-06 12:41

You may RESET the printer code first if you like or do it after you clean
the pad.

In some cases you may need to REMOVE THE PRINT HEAD FIRST or the reset code
will not work. This was true of the S900 and i960 so, remove the print head
first before doing this reset.

1) Power off printer
2) Hold RESUME button then press and hold POWER. (The beeper MAY sound once,
or may not depending on your model.)
3) Hold POWER and Release RESUME.
4) Press RESUME twice then release both POWER and RESUME buttons.
5) When the indicator lights steady, press RESUME 4 times (or 3 times)
6) Press power to set data.
7) Print away!
For other codes for other printers and more info go here to this big forum
(but try the above first) Fix Your Own Printer Generally many of Canon's
models use exactly this same code, the i models use the same code, all the s
models use the same code.


1) Figure out how to open the printer by removing the side and inside top
plastic panels. Just look at the thing and use your brain. Its all pressure
clipped in place, no screws (at least on the S900 and similar models,
probably still the same on this years models.) Look for slots and triangles
on the 960. On the i960 you'll have to remove the power buttons assembly on
the front- take out the two screws, unplug the internal white electro
connector plug CAREFULLY, then you can undo the last clip that holds the top
in place.

2) No need to remove the ink cartridges in this process- so don't. The
mechanism is held down in place in the case by two screws at the very bottom
on the outside bottom of the metal chassis inside. Remove these screws then
lift up the mechanism. It should lift out fairly easily, but remain attached
by wires-- just place it on the top edge of the case.

3) You'll see the blackened (from waste ink) felt pads on the bottom. WEAR
GLOVES-- this is skin indelible ink, the only thing that will get it off
your hands is CLOROX. Period. There are two skinny pads that sit on top of a
larger pad. Note how they fit together.

4) Lift the pads out and rinse out thorough in a sink until very little or
no ink comes out. There's no need to use chemical or soap cleaners, just use
plain water from the tap and the spray nozzle. Keep rinsing and squeezing
the pads, but don't twist them like a towel, squeeze and fold in half
however to really get the ink out. Lay flat in the sun for a few hours to
dry. Use a hairdryer to get the last bit of moisture out then replace in the
printer, and put everything back together.

5) RESET the printer electronics, so you won't get the stupid "waste ink
tank full" message any more. Do an online web search if this doesn't work
for your model, although this works (or slight variations0 for many,
including the 8200, the S800, and S900, and the i-series like the i869,
i950, i960, etc.Two main buttons on the top of the printer- Power and the
If you've reset the code first, then cleaned the pad, you're now ready to
print again.
If you've cleaned the pad first, go back and reset the printer, and then
print away.

It is NOT recommended to continue printing (although you could for a while)
after just resetting the code, because you will over-saturate the waste tank
pad, and eventually destroy your printer.

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