> I denne klassisker, der lige nu er på C More film, får pigen en spand
> blod i hovedet, forsamlingen står forstenet og ser på hende, der er
> ikke lyd på scenen. Så bryder een stemme igennem "de vil alle le af
> dig" og hun ser dem le, men er vi ikke alle enige om at det kun er
> een pige der leer af den umådelig dårlige spøg? Og at
> latterliggørelsen kun sker i hendes hovedet (i denne scene).
Wikipedia er din ven.
The students gasp and look on in horror (except for Norma, who laughs
hysterically). Tommy is furious, but the bucket falls and knocks him
unconscious. Carrie snaps and imagines that all of the students and faculty
are laughing at her, her mother's prophecy fulfilled. After Chris and Billy
run out the door, Carrie telekinetically shuts all of the doors, one of
which crushes two of Billy's friends. Carrie turns off the lights and begins
controlling a high pressure water hose, killing Norma and attacking other
students. Miss Collins gathers several students and attempts to move the
unconscious Tommy, but Carrie uses her power to push Miss Collins against a
wall and then crushes her to death with a falling basketball rafter. Carrie
uses the hose to electrocute two faculty members, which results in a fire.
The fire spreads rapidly through the gym. Carrie exits the burning gym,
trapping the remaining students inside.
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