Via Minut:
Våbenhvilen i Mellemøsten vakler. Det vil ikke komme som en stor
overraskelse at Hizbolla opererer i terrorceller på Vestbredden og i
Gazastriben. Vakov Katz skriver:
'Since the cease-fire went into effect in the North, there has been an
increase in the number of Kassam rockets fired at Israel. On Thursday,
several IDF jeeps were attacked by Palestinian terrorists as they
patrolled the Gaza Strip security fence.'
'In the West Bank, the IDF has also noticed a stepped-up effort by local
Palestinian terror cells to perpetrate suicide attacks against Israeli
cities. There were eight suicide and kidnapping attempts that were
thwarted by the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the IDF, some
within cities after terrorists had already infiltrated into Israel.'
På forunderlig vis er det forbigået pressens opmærksomhed at våbenhvilen
åbenlyst bliver brudt af en af parterne.
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