Russerne nægter at have leveret avancerede våben til Hezbollah:
".. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mikhail Kamynin said
Russia maintains strict controls over its weapons sales that
"makes any inaccuracy in weapons destinations impossible."..
..."Any accusations alleging Russian or Syrian deliveries of
anti-tank weapons to any forces in Lebanon are unfounded. The
Israeli side has not presented any evidence of this, and it is
unlikely that it will" .."
Men det er en lodret usandhed, i allerbedste koldkrigs
Sovjet-stil. Beviset:
".. Outside one of the town's two mosques a van was found filled
with green casings about 6ft long. The serial numbers identified
them as AT-5 Spandrel anti-tank missiles.. the east of the
village, was evidence of Syrian-supplied hardware. In a garden
next to a junction used as an outpost by Hezbollah lay eight
Kornet anti-tank rockets..
...Written underneath a contract number on each casing were the
words: "Customer: Ministry of Defence of Syria. Supplier: KBP,
Tula, Russia." .."
Sovjet var altid god til at lyve når der var problemer, i håb om,
at problemet måske så forsvandt af sig selv. Ubegribeligt, at
russerne nu falder tilbage til fortidens gamle kommunist-metoder.
Det er at spille meget højt spil på den internationale politiske
arena, og giver russernes troværdighed nogle dybe ridser i
Vi kan stadigvæk ikke stole på russerne...
Mvh John