Amil Imani skriver et længere indlæg om nyttige idioter. Han konkluderer
'Islam enjoys a large and influential ally among the non-Muslims: A new
generation of "Useful Idiots," that Lenin identified as those who lived
in liberal democracies and furthered the work of communism. This new
generation of Useful Idiots also lives in liberal democracies but serves
the cause of Islamofascism — another virulent form of totalitarian
'Arguably, the most dangerous Useful Idiot is the "Politically Correct."
He is the master practitioner of euphemism, hedging, doubletalk, and
outright deception. The Useful Idiot derives satisfaction from being
anti-establishment. He finds perverse gratification in aiding the forces
that aim to dismantle an existing order, whatever it may be: an order he
neither approves of nor he feels he belongs to. The Useful Idiot is
conflicted and dishonest. He fails to look inside himself and discover
the causes of his own problems and unhappiness while he readily enlists
himself in causes that validate his distorted perception'.
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