"Voluntary Victim of Welfare" <rune_nospammmingaagaard@yahoo.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "Henrik Svendsen" <HrSvendsen@msn.com> skrev i en meddelelse news:1mcts07jv7sl6.dlg@hrsvendsen.fqdn.th-h.de...
>>> "It's better for the US to shut up," Sha said.
>> "Keep quiet. It's much, much better.
> Man må sige, at det er en noget af en usædvanlig udmelding inden for den diplomatiske verden, man kunne godt undre sig over, hvad
> der ligger bag.
Ja hvad mon,,,
The ties that bind China, Russia and Iran
In March 2004, China's state-owned oil trading company,
Zhuhai Zhenrong Corporation, signed a 25-year deal to import
110 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Iran. This was
followed by a much larger deal between another of China's state-owned
oil companies, Sinopec, and Iran, signed in October 2004. This deal, worth
about $100 billion, allows China to import a further 250 million tons of LNG
from Iran's Yadavaran oilfield over a 25-year period. In addition to LNG,
the Yadavaran deal provides China with 150,000 barrels per day of crude
oil over the same period. [cut]
Thirst for oil fuels China's grand safari in Africa
THE battered signs in the lobby of the main international hotel in Lubumbashi,
capital of Congo's mineral-rich Katanga province, had barely changed in years.
Next to the faded, out-of-date insignia of the traditional European airlines, they
give details of all direct and non- direct flights to Paris, Brussels, Zurich, and London
the favoured destinations of the frequent visitors from Europe's mining houses.
A few months ago, however, Kenya Airways, Africa's fastest growing airline
proudly declared in bold new colours the latest additions to its network,
direct flights to Guangzhou and Hong Kong.
To many, the difference in signs symbolised Africa's changing relationships
with the world, one with Europe, old and out-of-date, the other with China,
brash and growing. [cut]
While America Twiddles Thumbs, Chinese Tap Billions of Barrels.
The Chinese have forged a deal with Cuban leader Fidel Castro to explore and tap into
massive oil reserves almost within sight of Key West, Florida. At the same time,
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who controls the largest oil reserves in the
Western Hemisphere, is making deals to sell his country's oil to China, oil that is
currently coming to the United States.
Meanwhile, a new left-wing populist regime in Bolivia has nationalized the natural
gas industry, threatening to cut off supplies to the United States. [cut]
Kazakhs agree to China pipeline
Kazakhstan and China have signed a deal to build a 1,240-km oil pipeline from
Kazakhstan to the Chinese border. The agreement was signed during Kazakh
President Nursultan Nazarbayev's visit to China, which aimed to boost the
countries' trade and economic ties[cut]
Trans-China Pipeline Deal Signed
Two oil giants are leading a project to build a pipeline across China,
in one of the country's largest engineering projects since the Great Wall.
Petrochina, China's top oil company, has signed a deal with a consortium
led by Anglo-Dutch energy group Shell to build an west-to-east pipeline
across the country. [cut]
Turkmenistan-China Pipeline Project Has Far-Reaching Implications
Niyazov arrived in China for a rare visit on April 2 amid anticipation that a pipeline deal was in the works.
The two countries inked the framework agreement the next day. A text of the pipeline agreement published
by official Turkmen news agency TDH states that China will buy 30 billion cubic meters (bcm) of Turkmen
gas each year for 30 years.[cut]
Japan and China Battle for Russia's Oil and Gas
Both economies are hungry for raw materials, especially energy -
Japan because it has almost none of its own, China because its economic
boom has fast outstripped what once were adequate domestic supplies.
Both want to limit their dependence on oil from distant, politically volatile
regions like the Middle East. And both see an attractive alternative in the
little-tapped energy riches of the vast, vacant Russian Far East.[cut]
It's time to take seriously a US-led global recession Lau Nai-keung
Put it simply, the Americans have been living way beyond their means for much too long.
On top of this, the Bush Administration is cutting tax at least three times while fighting an
expensive war in Iraq, which has already cost the country US$700 billion, and currently
progressing at US$5.6 billion per month. Now the US economy is dependent on the central
banks of Japan, China and other nations to invest in US Treasuries and keep American interest
rates down. The low rates keep American consumers snapping up imported goods. [cut]
Kina har så mange Dollars i deres central bank, at hvis de begynder at dumpe store mængder,
er USA færdig som gårsanger.
Jan Rasmussen