"@@" <bangkok@mailme.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> "Jan Rasmussen" <1@2.3> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:44ce5abb$0$84023$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
>> A Norwegian cartoon depicting Prime Minister Olmert as a Nazi
>> commander indiscriminately shooting Palestinian Arabs in a
>> concentration camp has elicited an angry response from Israel's
>> ambassador to Norway, Miryam Shomrat, and a defense of the
>> newspaper's editorial stance by its editor.
>> The cartoon, which caused little uproar in Norway when it was first
>> printed, has become a hot topic of discussion after Ms. Shomrat filed
>> a complaint with the Norwegian Press Trade Committee arguing that the
>> cartoon exceeded the limits of free speech.
>> "I do respect the principle of freedom of speech very much," Ms.
>> Shomrat told The New York Sun yesterday. "I know it has very broad
>> borders, yet I believe that in this case, the border between freedom
>> of speech and the abuse of that freedom has been transgressed."
>> The cartoon was first printed in the July 10 edition of the Oslo daily
>> Dagbladet and came in response to Israeli action in the Gaza Strip,
>> not Lebanon. The paper's acting editor in chief, Lars Helle, has
>> vigorously defended the cartoonist and refused to apologize.
>> "I don't regret that we printed it and we allowed it," said Mr. Helle,
>> who added that he was confident the paper would not be convicted of
>> wrongdoing. This issue goes to the "core of the free speech that we
>> have in the democratic part of the world," he said.
>> Ms. Shomrat, however, said she thought the cartoon was anti-Semitic.
>> "I have zero tolerance for reference to the Shoah in political
>> cartoons. I think it is an insult to the memory of 6 million victims,"
>> she said.
>> Ms. Shomrat said that while Dagbladet, a "reputable" paper, has
>> allowed pro-Israel opinion pieces, it has been quite critical of
>> Israel, a view Mr. Helle said he agreed with. She also said that if
>> the cartoon were printed 50 years ago, it would have been fit for Der
>> Stürmer, the weekly Nazi newspaper.
>> Mr. Helle said he found the suggestion offensive. "They should maybe
>> apologize to us for comparing us to a Nazi newspaper and for trying to
>> stop discussion and free speech," he said. "We haven't broken the law
>> or something like that. We have broken some people's taste. It's a
>> question of taste, not the law, or press ethics, or Nazism."
>> The cartoon alluded to a famous scene in the 1993 film "Schindler's
>> List," in which a Nazi concentration camp commander shoots Jews at
>> random while standing on a balcony. In this cartoon, Mr. Olmert shoots
>> at a mass of people with a sniper's rifle outside barracks marked by a
>> lone Palestinian Arab flag.
>> Despite the obvious similarities, Ms. Shomrat said that because Israel
>> is now fighting a war, her objections were nothing like the complaints
>> many Muslims made after inflammatory cartoons depicting the Prophet
>> Muhammad as a terrorist were printed in a Danish paper and later
>> syndicated in numerous other papers, including Dagbladet. Days after
>> the cartoon appeared, the paper asked Ms. Shomrat to be the subject of
>> a weekly interview in its magazine. After finding out that the same
>> cartoonist would be drawing her, Ms. Shomrat declined the interview.
>> ...
>> The cartoon is available here:
>> Israel klager Dagbladet inn for PFU
>> Tegningen viser israels statsminister Ehud Olmert som
>> står på en balkong i en fangeleir. I hånda holder han et gevær.
>> På bakken under balkongen ligger et dødt menneske. En palestiner.
>> Det er klare referanser til filmen «Schindlers Liste», der den sadistiske
>> leirkommandanten Amon Götz skyter på jødiske fanger - for gøy.
>> Dette er grunnlaget for at Israel nå klager Dagbladet inn for Pressens
>> Faglige Utvalg (PFU).
>> Jan Rasmussen
> Ja ham jøde svinet olmertgrisen er jo ligesom hitler et svin som elsker at
> få andre slået ihjel,Ja sådan er alle de jødesvin i israel perverse syge
> svin
> Ja det er sørgeligt at man ikke kan kalde israelerne mænd,men de er
> svin,det er derfor de ikke spiser svine kød,det kunne være ders bror
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