Peter Bjørn Perlsø <> wrote:
Taget to gange. Første gang:
Personal: 40%
Economic: 10%
Jeg blev betegnet som 'statist', tilhænger af 'big government', men tæt
på liberale [left] synspunkter.
Anden gang, timer senere:
Personal: 40%
Economic: 30%
Og centrist, mod venstre side, og klart på grænsen til 'big government'.
Husk så lige på at dette er efter amerikanske normer. Og så kan man jo
godt 'forstå' spørgsmålene lidt forskelligt, fra gang til gang.
Your score is...
What Your Score Means
0 points: You are not a libertarian by any stretch of the imagination.
You are probably not even a liberal or a conservative. Just some Nazi
nut, I guess.
1-5 points: You have a few libertarian notions, but overall you're a
6-15 points: You are starting to have libertarian leanings. Explore
16-30 points: You are a soft-core libertarian. With effort, you may
harden and become pure.
31-50 points: Your libertarian credentials are obvious. Doubtlessly you
will become more extreme as time goes on.
51-90 points: You are a medium-core libertarian, probably
self-consciously so. Your friends probably encourage you to quit talking
about your views so much.
91-130 points: You have entered the heady realm of hard-core
libertarianism. Now doesn't that make you feel worse that you didn't get
a perfect score?
131-159 points: You are nearly a perfect libertarian, with a tiny number
of blind spots. Think about them, then take the test over again. On the
other hand, if you scored this high, you probably have a good
libertarian objection to my suggested libertarian answer.
160 points: Perfect! The world needs more like you.
> I den sidste test skal "Free & Equal Association" forstås som Georgisme,
> dvs. at staten primært er grundskyldsfinansieret, og at alle har en lige
> ret til land og naturressourcer.
100% 'Capitalism'. 0% 'Socialism', 0% 'Georgism'.
Per Erik Rønne