'Ingen mohammedanere hos os? Naturligvis ikke! Sæt jer i forbindelse
med jeres nærmeste antiislam-organisation og forbered en national
stordemo! Målet er at tvinge de feje politikere, jurister og medier
til at bringe repatrieringen af alle mohammedanere på vej - inkl
bosniere og lignende, men også dem der har fået vores pas!'
Se billede-collage på
Aren't There Any Whites Left in Peel County?
The collage above graced an envelope containing the 2005 annual report
of the Peel District School Board. Peel is the county just west of
Toronto and contains a large "diverse" Third World population and
includes the cities of Mississauga and Brampton. Nevertheless, the
population is still majority White.
The collage is entitled "one picture of the future". It features 14
children. Only one, and we see just half of him, is White. The other
13, including two girls in Moslem hijabs are non-White. This is the
sort of taxpayer-paid propaganda softening us up for our replacement
and ethnic cleansing. The federal government's policy is the
replacement of the European founder/settler population through massive
Third World immigration.
"Inclusiveness" is one of the buzz words of the politically
correct. The Peel District School Board's material certainly
doesn't seem to include or properly represent Whites who are still
the majority in Peel County and who pay the bulk of the taxes that fund
the education system.
Apparently, the "picture of the future", at least in the eyes of
the Peel District School Board does not include Whites. It was hardy
European settlers that founded and built the communities that make up
the country - Caledon, Streetsville, Port Credit, Cooksville,
Erindale, Terra Cotta, Bolton, etc.
citeret efter canadafirst.net
Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.
WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:
http://historyofjihad.org/ -