 | Download Radiohead In Copenhagen 5/6/06 Fra : Madsen |
Dato : 11-05-06 19:17 |
God fornøjelse
01. Intro
02. Everything In It's Right Place
03. Planet Telex
04. Bangers and Mash
05. Open Pick
06. Karma Police
07. Black Star
08. Nude
09. 15 Step
10. Street Spirit
11. Wolf At The Door
12. The Bends
13. 4 Minute Warning
14. Pyramid Song
15. House Of Cards
16. Idioteque
17. Spooks
18. There There
19. Bodysnatchers
20. You And Whose Army
21. Let Down
22. Paranoid Android
23. Lucky
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Lars Lauridsen (11-05-2006)
 | Kommentar Fra : Lars Lauridsen |
Dato : 11-05-06 20:28 |
Jeg trykker "here", men der sker intet :(
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Lars Lauridsen (11-05-2006)
 | Kommentar Fra : Lars Lauridsen |
Dato : 11-05-06 20:32 |
"Lars Lauridsen" <crazy_jellyfishNOSPAM@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Jeg trykker "here", men der sker intet :(
Nu virker det :)
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Dopedog (12-05-2006)
 | Kommentar Fra : Dopedog |
Dato : 12-05-06 21:07 |
God fornøjelse
01. Intro
02. Everything In It's Right Place
03. Planet Telex
04. Bangers and Mash
05. Open Pick
06. Karma Police
07. Black Star
08. Nude
09. 15 Step
10. Street Spirit
11. Wolf At The Door
12. The Bends
13. 4 Minute Warning
14. Pyramid Song
15. House Of Cards
16. Idioteque
17. Spooks
18. There There
19. Bodysnatchers
20. You And Whose Army
21. Let Down
22. Paranoid Android
23. Lucky
Virker download linksene til de sidste par tracks heller ikke hos jer ? :s
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