Hvor manger er der egentlig her, der har samme fornemmelser når det drejer sig
om danske eksamener, som Peter Moylan {pensioneret universitetslærer fra
Australien} her giver udtryk for?
Er der tale om en generel, vestlig tendens?
------- Begin Forwarded Message -------
Subject: Re: Flagellation
From: Peter Moylan <peter@DIESPAMMERSozebelg.org>
Newsgroups: alt.usage.english
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 17:55:13 +1000
Matthew Huntbach wrote:
> On Tue, 30 May 2006, Peter Moylan wrote:
>> To complicate matters, universities are now under considerable
>> pressure to improve pass rates, presumably by making examinations
>> easier to pass.
> Same here. It is considered a very bad thing to fail students, but
> there doesn't seem to be much of a pressure to maintain absolute
> standards. So obviously, the way the weaker intake is dealt with is
> to water down the course.
I'm out of the system now, but during my last couple of years as an
academic I was seriously suggesting the abolition of examinations, with
an automatic pass for everyone who turned up. This would give both the
politicians and the students what they wanted, and it would save the
academics a lot of work in setting and marking exams. It would also cut
out an enormous amount of administrative overhead.
Twenty years ago such a proposal would have shocked me; but if those who
set the rules want standards to collapse, then it's hypocrisy to
continue to pretend that you have any standards.
Peter Moylan
Please note the changed e-mail and web addresses. The domain
eepjm.newcastle.edu.au no longer exists, and I can no longer
reliably receive mail at my newcastle.edu.au addresses.
The optusnet address still has about 2 months of life left.
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FUT dk.politik {kan naturligvis blive overruled}.
Per Erik Rønne