Knud Larsen schrieb:
> Man lærer jo noget hver dag, - nu ved jeg jo, at iflg Jørgen Bæk Simonsen så
> har islam en helt utrolig "elasticitet", nu ser jeg så at islam også har en
> helt utrolig "dynamisme". Man bøjer sig i respekt for disse store
> filosoffers indsigter:
> Islam is "in perfect dynamism" with democracy
> 4/19/2006 6:00:00 PM GMT
> Islam is "in perfect dynamism" with democracy and human rights, according to
> a recent study conducted for the Dutch government, Zaman Online reported.
> After three years of research, the Scientific Council for Government Policy
> (WRR) in the Netherlands concluded that Islam neither conflicts with
> democracy, nor human rights nor Dutch values.
> The WRR report, titled "Dynamism in Islamic activism", said that European
> countries must support the Islamic movements that embrace democracy, like
> the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
> It also recommended that Europe communicates with and offers aid to the
> Hamas-led Palestinian government.
> "Contrary to the common belief, Islam has no problem accepting democracy and
> human rights. Instead of exporting democracy to Muslim countries, democratic
> attempts harmonious with their own traditions and cultures must be
> supported," the Council advised European governments in its report.
> The study, which also covered the Islamic movement in Europe, said that
> tensions between Muslim countries and the West are mainly caused by a lack
> of communication and dialogue.
> "This study is indeed a step towards opening a more serious dialogue with
> Islam and curbing extremism irrespective of its source," said Marzouk
> Abduallh Awlad, professor of Islamic Studies in the Amsterdam Free
> University.
> "Islam is a religion that interacts with its surrounding environment and
> adapts with different circumstances with no complications," he added.
> Det er jo herlige nyheder, de må kunne bruges på de nørrebroske skoler hvor
> man må adskille kønnene, og hallal'eog haram'me tingene.
Nu må man kun spørge sig hvorledes det officiele Holland kommer at
forholde sig i henhold til disse konklusioner. Skal spørge i
nl.politiek om de har hørt noget...
Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.
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