Historical Facts You Weren't Told
We do not support slavery and this material is not to suggest that we
do. It is simply to inform those who have been misled in regard to the
Civil War.
1) The wife of which Civil War General still owned slaves after the end
of the Civil War? General U.S. Grant of the Union or General Robert E.
Lee of the Confederacy?
Answer: General U.S. Grant, later to become President, sought to sell
his wife's two slaves while in an impoverished condition after the war.
This was legal because, while the Emancipation Proclamation abolished
slavery in states in rebellion on January 1, 1863, it was not outlawed
in the rest of the Union until the passage of the 13 Amendment three
years later on December 31, 1865.
2) Which country outlawed African slave trade in their original
constitution? The United States of America or the Confederate States of
Answer: The Confederate States of America allowed the owning of slaves,
however the importation of new African slaves was made illegal because
they felt that it might cause the warring of African tribes against each
other. The people captured in tribal conflicts were sold by the winning
tribe to slave traders. The people of the South felt that the slave
trade encouraged these bloody conflicts to continue. As compassionate as
they were in coming to this conclusion and assuming responsibility in
these bloody African conflicts, we see that they were mistaken as
African tribal warfare continues to this very day.
3) Who said, "Any people anywhere, being inclined, and having the power,
have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and
form a new one that suits them better." Abraham Lincoln, President of
the United States or Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln, Jan. 12 1848 - spoken to the U.S. House of
4)Who said, "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere
with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe
I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States or Jefferson Davis,
President , President of the Confederate States of America?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln - First Inaugural Address - March 4, 1861.
5) Who said, "If I thought this war was to abolish slavery, I would
resign my commission and offer my sword to the other side" ?
Answer: General U.S. Grant 1862
6) What was the major emphasis of the Emancipation Proclamation?
Answer: The Emancipation Proclamation is 540 words long. of those, 400
words limit the proclamation to the states in rebellion - it defines the
states in rebellion and states that it is directed ONLY to the states in
rebellion. It further says that if those states in rebellion would cease
and return to the union within 100 days then they would keep slavery
Lige for at understrege at Lincoln altså ikke var den store
anti-slaveri-mand som han er fremstillet som, og at alle der boede i
Sydstaterne altså ikke var racister og slavejere.
regards, Peter Bjørn Perlsø