Here is a somewhat edited letter from political prisoner David Irving,
sentenced to three years in an Austrian prison, for having denied
Austria's new state religion "the holocaust" with some comments
back in 1989. Certain personal and strategic comments have been omitted
so as not to alert or comfort the forces of repression.
GEF.V.NR 70306 Exclusive Gentleman's Club
DAVID IRVING Vienna,Austria,March 26,06
JA Josefstadt
My address has not changed, as you can see, nor has my handwriting
improved. My ink is running out. I am down to my last 2 Waterman's
cartridges, enough for 6 days' writing at my current rate, so if you
want to do me a favor....*(" Large size Standard Cartridges")
(black preferred), then you would be able to claim that part of my book
was written with your ink ! All these letters go through prison
censorship in both directions by the way, which is the other reason why
there is nothing raunchy in them
Yesterday it rained all day, today Sunday it's raining again, so I
get more work done (and use more ink), because I am locked in alone for
24 hours a day- or the rest of the world is locked out, as I prefer to
regard it. The writing is going very well, but apart from the ink
problem I foresee another problem when I run out of (a) memories to put
in the Memoirs and (b) things to put in the "Himmler" biography.
I get occasional visitors here, including several (3) females I last
saw 20-30 years ago! They have changed (got adult children), but are
still very sweet.
The Judge is being an old stick-in-the-mud right now, he has banned all
my phone calls *2 as a punishment for speaking with the BBC a month
ago; the truth hurts, and the truth is that Austria is behaving like a
bunch of Nazis all over again. They even pulled all my books out of
all their prison libraries and burned them ! ("What, us Nazis !?) In
Graz-Jalcomini prison, where I was the first week, they had 4 of my
books including Hitler's War in their prison library. I was asked to
autograph them too!! There are a lot of Blacks in this prison , unlike
in U.S. prisons (?) and Serbs and Russians.
I shall hope to get free later this year, then off like a shot to Key
West to issue a new ACTION REPORT newsletter --- 700 people have
written to me here). My twin brother gave a hilarious interview to
"The Sunday Telegraph" - go to and you may find
it : Nicholas Irving. 95 % of it is fictitious (I think).
Affectionately, David Irving
Your letter: Yes, I have received several ignorant letters asking why
I did not plead not guilty and fight them head-on. The last people to
do that vanished for seven and ten years. Sounds like that would have
been a REALLY clever thing to do. As it was, under Austrian Law I had
no choice. I wore a Brown Tie. Under their "No Brown Tie Law"
that was an offense. No point pleading it wasn't really Brown !!
(citeret efter
Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.
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