@ <1@invalid.net> wrote:
> Det bliver da også værre og værre,
> forhåbentlig bliver forslaget forkastet
> <<<<<<<
> Malaysia
> The opposition Islamic party is planning to table a private Bill in
> Parliament to forbid Muslims from leaving the religion as it is
> convinced that there are thousands who are on the verge of doing so.
> <
> The proposed Prevention of Apostasy Bill will require apostates to be
> sent for rehabilitation, but it will not prescribe a punishment for
> those who do not repent.
> <<<<<<<<<
Det må da siges at være en nyhed. Jeg troede faktisk allerede at noget
sådant var forbudt i Malaysia.
Der er i hvert fald forbudt ikke-muslimer at forsøge at få muslimer til
at forlade islam ...
Per Erik Rønne