I en artikel i Jerusalem Post kan man læse følgende artikel, som giver
en ganske anden historie om forholdet mellem Israel og Iran, end der
sædvanligvis ses:
Iran? Hardly Israel's problem alone
Amir Taheri, THE JERUSALEM POST Mar. 14, 2006
As the world ponders what to do about Iran's nuclear ambitions some
talking heads claim they have found the perfect solution.
This "perfect solution" is simple: Israel attacks the Islamic Republic,
destroys as much of its nuclear infrastructure as possible, and sets the
Iranian bomb project back by a decade during which a more responsible
regime emerges in Teheran.
This perfect solution would please the Europeans because it would remove
the spotlight from their appeasement policy which is, at least in part,
responsible for the crisis. They would be able to shake their heads in
an "I-told-you-so" gesture toward the mullahs, recall the beauties of
"soft power" and feel glum about their ability to stand above dirty
games played by "immature powers" such as the Islamic Republic and
The Americans would also be happy.
It is clear that, not only they do not have a policy on Iran but are
also unable to agree to diagnose the problem. With Iraq still a "work in
progress," the Bush administration is loath to suggest another regime
change, especially in a mid-term election year.
The club of the happy will also include the Arab states which, although
shaking in their sandals at the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran, are
practicing kitman (dissimulation) to hide their true feelings or, worse
still, are throwing in a red herring in the shape of proposals for "a
Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction."
Who else will be happy? Well, Russia will certainly not be unhappy. By
the middle of this century Iran will have a larger population than
Russia. Iran also harbors a deep-felt hostility, generated by bitter
wars with Russia and loss of territory to the Tsars, toward its neighbor
across the Caspian Sea. A nuclear-armed Islamic Iran would emerge as an
even stronger player in the new version of "The Great Game" in Central
Asia and the Caucasus.
In the words of Hassan Abbasi, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's strategic
guru, Russia is a "fading power" while the Islamic Republic is a
"rising" one.
THE LIST could continue. All this means that a great many countries have
a direct interest in preventing Iran from going nuclear. It also means
that none is prepared to dirty their hands to ensure that Iran doesn't
get the Bomb. Hence all the talk about Israel taking "surgical action"
on behalf of the "international community."
The truth, however, is that in any list of countries that might be
subjected to Iranian nuclear bullying, if not attack, Israel would not
appear in the top slot.
The reason for this is simple. Israel has a small air space to defend
and is well-equipped, partly thanks to its Arrow 2 missile-killers, to
destroy missiles launched from Iran.
Teheran could, of course, supply a nuclear device to its terrorist
agents in Lebanon and the West Bank. But the nature of the terrain and
the fact that most Palestinians and Lebanese live in close proximity
with the Israelis would mean killing large numbers of people in Lebanon
and the Palestinian territories as well.
Ever since the mullahs seized power 27 years ago, they have developed an
anti-Israeli discourse as virulent as that of Hamas and other
Palestinian radical groups. That discourse, however, is partly prompted
by the regime's desire to hide its Shi'ite identity so that it can claim
the leadership of radical Islam, both Shi'ite and Sunni.
IN FACT, Israel and Iran, regardless of who rules in Teheran, have
common strategic interests. Imagine if Israel had not appeared on the
map in 1947-48. The energy generated by the pan-Arab nationalist
movement, which dominated Arab politics in the post-war era, would have
been directed against two other neighbors: Turkey and Iran.
To a certain extent, that did, actually happen, despite the fact that
Israel became the principal target of Arab nationalistic rage. Even
today the Arab League claims that the Turkish province of Iskanderun is,
in fact, "usurped Arab territory." The league also regards the Iranian
province of Khuzestan as "occupied Arab land," and insists on
re-labeling the Persian Gulf as "Arabian Gulf."
League members are also committed to "liberating" three Iranian islands,
located in the Strait of Hormuz, that are claimed by the United Arab
PAN-ARAB nationalism is not the only threat Iran faces. A more deadly
threat - an existential one - to use a fashionable term, comes from Arab
Sunni Islamism. It was Arab Sunni Islamism that destroyed the Shi'ite
holy shrines in Iraq in 1802, and returned last month to do so again in
Samarra. The same movement is behind the murder in cold blood of several
thousand Iraqi Shi'ite men, women and children since 2004.
To Arab Sunni Islamists, Iranians are gabrs (Zoroastrians) while
Shi'ites, including Arab ones, are rafidis (heretics) who must be
"re-converted" or put to death.
Both pan-Arab nationalism and pan-Arab Sunni Islamism are as much mortal
foes for Iran as they are for Israel. Neither Israel nor Iran will be
safe unless the twin monsters are defeated and the Arab states
Were Iran to "destroy" Israel, at a huge human cost to itself, it would
only be realizing the dream of its own mortal enemies.
Many in Israel might not quite appreciate all this.
In Iran, however, there is a deep understanding of the nature of
regional historical and religious rivalries and enmities. This is why
there is virtually no popular support in Iran for an anti-Israeli policy
that goes beyond rhetoric or limited support for Iran's clients in
Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian territories.
There is no reason why Israel should assume a responsibility that
others, including far stronger powers, do not wish to face.
In fact, part of Israel's problems stem from the failure of its
successive leaders to steer the country clear of other people's
In 1956 Israel was dragged into the Suez War because Britain and France
lacked the will to conduct it alone. And when London and Paris caved in
under pressure from Washington, they didn't even show the decency of
taking into account Israel's interests.
During the Cold War, Israel took the flak for its alliance with the
United States, and, in successive wars, destroyed arsenals built by the
Soviet bloc in several Arab countries. That helped protect Washington's
Arab allies against aggression by pro-Soviet Arab powers. And that, in
turn, meant that the Soviets could not seize control of the region's
vital oil resources through proxies.
Israel, however, was rewarded by not being allowed to translate its
military victories into a political settlement that reflected its
national interests.
In 1980 Israel knocked out the French-made Iraqi nuclear weapons center,
even though the bomb that Saddam Hussein was making was to be dropped on
The Israeli action helped the major powers, including the United States,
avoid a catastrophic situation in a region vital to their interests.
Israel's reward was being described by Jacques Chirac, then mayor of
Paris, as "a criminal state."
To be sure, Israel should make it clear, through the channels it has
always maintained with Teheran, that if attacked it would retaliate with
double force. But it should also remind those urging it to act that the
Islamic Republic's policies, including its quest for nuclear weapons,
represent a threat not only to Israel but to many other nations in the
Middle East and beyond.
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