Standigt denne Laudahn.
In article <>,
"Michael Laudahn" <> wrote:
> "Is it time for Canada to abandon its multiculturalism policy and
> insist that immigrants adopt Canadian cultural values?" The Globe and
> Mail asked its readers, March 20. The answer was a resounding
> "yes." Yes (66%) 19837 votes: No (34%) 10151 votes .Total votes:
> 29988 (Globe and Mail, March 20, 2006)
> Not only is this a clear message that Canadians reject the
> state-imposed multiculturalism policies by a 2 to 1 margin, but the
> voting, at nearly 30,000 was extremely heavy. Polls on recent days
> attracted only 20,000 (should Bob Rae lead the Liberals?) and 13,000
> (the war in Iraq).
> It's like the dying days Of Soviet Communism. The grim men of the
> Kremlin proclaimed the onward triumphs of Marist economics, even as
> their corrupt and sclerotic system rotted away from the inside. Marx
> was a genius; Lenin the very creator of a New Order. To publicly
> question this was to sign up for a quick trip and long stay in the
> gulags. Yet, very few believed any more. Most knew that Marxism was a
> bitter failure and Leninism a murderous philosophy that had destroyed
> millions of lives.
> In Canada today, our nomenklatura - the ruling elite of politicians,
> lobbyists, most of the media and legions of special interest groups -
> proclaim multiculturalism - all cultures are equal. People must be
> encouraged to practice their own culture over here, as we don't have
> much of a one of our own. If there's any conflict, then we, the
> Majority, must change. Like the Soviet Union dissent can bring a heavy
> price. Brad Love who wrote numerous letters about Jamaican crime to his
> local paper last summer - even as the Black gang bullets were flying
> in all directions - served 102 days in prison, plus eight more
> weekends now that he's been released for his dissent.
> The Globe poll shows a healthy majority of Canadians know that this
> multiculturalism is a failed hulk built on nonsense and lies. Of
> course, newcomers should adopt Canadian values. If they can't or
> won't, why should they come here? [Well, yes, the medicare, welfare,
> public housing, free elementary and secondary education are pretty
> attractive. But, expect us to fit in, no way!]
> We have to get tough and say: Our ways will prevail:
> There WILL be Christmas assemblies in our schools, because the vast
> majority of Canadians celebrate Christmas for either religious or
> culture reasons. If you can't accept that, leave!
> There will not be special privileges for Sikhs to carry daggers to
> schools where Billy or Pierre cannot bring a jackknife because of a
> "no weapons" policy. [Oh, yes, they're not "ceremonial
> knives." If they were just "ceremonial", why not replace them
> with a rubber child's play knife?) If you can't accept that, then
> go back to the Punjab.
> If you insist that your women wear a burlap bag from head to toe, with
> only a gauze window for her eyes, don't expect us to give her a
> driver's licence or a student's bus pass (one black bag looks like
> another). Any employer should be within his rights to turn her down for
> employment. Depending on the circumstances, each workplace has
> acceptable work garb (shirt and tie; dress; jeans, coveralls, as the
> case might be.) That's our way. If you want to dress like a
> Hallowe'en nightmare, this country doesn't owe you a job. Buzz off!
> (citeret efter
> --
> >.)
> Unter blinden ist der einäugige könig.
> WICHTIG / IMPORTANT: islam-info:
> -