On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 07:13:57 +0100, per@RQNNE.invalid (Per Rønne)
>I dagens JP kan man på:
>læse følgende korte læserbrev:
>Hvad med de kristne?
>Nu venter jeg bare på, at FN's rapportør, Doudou Diène, udsender en
>rapport om kristnes behandling i muslimske lande. En sådan er
>selvfølgelig lavet?
>Lene Dige Kastanievej 17, Dronninglund
>Og specielt kan man så spørge om forholdene for de kristene i Senegal,
>som han jo selv kommer fra. Senegal er som bekendt - islamisk. 90% af
>befolkningen er muslimer, mens 5% tilhører det kristne mindretal. Resten
>er hedninge, hvilket her vil sige /animister/.
jeg vil meget gerne have at vide hvordan Doudou Diène kan blive
siddende i den stiling i FN, det er ikke første gang han blamerer sig
ganske alvorligt
More damaging, Doudou Diène, on 11-14 November 2004, led a meeting in
Barcelona entitled "Experts' Seminar on Defamation of Religions and
the Global Struggle Against Discrimination: Antisemitism,
Christianophobia and Islamophobia," organized by the UNESCO Center of
Catalunya, but incorrectly presented as under the auspices of UNESCO.
This gathering keynoted speakers who are notoriously celebrated for
championing the replacement of Israel by a State of Palestine and the
seminar's conclusions highlighted "the legitimacy of anti-Zionism."
Criticism of any government policy is legitimate, including that of
Israel. To deny sovereignty, however, only to the Jewish people is an
act of racism and a violation of the UN Charter in singling out one
member-state for extinction. The Barcelona seminar launched a campaign
to undo this August's OSCE Berlin acknowledgement of anti-Zionism as a
pretext for contemporary antisemitism and as the core of Middle East
incitement to Jew-hatred.
Our Center provided copies of our correspondence on this matter to the
Ethics Initiatives Consortium, conditioning our participation at its
Paris conference upon a statement by Doudou Diène by which he would
condemn the relevant Barcelona conclusions and withdraw his
endorsement of them.
As it seems he has not done so, the Wiesenthal Center cannot lend
itself, through this Paris conference, to providing a fig-leaf for
Doudou Diène or a cover for any UN agency that espouses anti-Zionist
positions, while ostensibly denouncing antisemitism.