Som bekendt vil 40% af de britiske muslimer indføre sharia i UK, hvilket har
ledt til følgende:
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Subject: Re: 40% of UK Muslims want Sharia Law in The UK
From: Clough <>
Newsgroups: uk.politics.misc
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 13:13:59 GMT
On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 09:01:30 +0000, Robert Henderson
<> wrote:
>The attitude of the British elite to Muslims to date is horribly
>reminiscent of their predecessors' attitude towards Hitler before he
>gained power.
> Hitler stated exactly what he was going to do in Mein Kamf. The British
>elite smugly ignored this saying he did not mean it and would be
>contrained by the circumstances of power.
You are ignoring the fact that most Nazis were good, ordinary, law
abiding people. You cannot slander a whole group of people because of
the the actions and wild rhetoric of a few extremists.
Nazism is an ideology of peace. Maybe we need a law to criminalise
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Per Erik Rønne