Martin_Jørgensen <> wrote:
> Salama wrote:
> > Martin_Jørgensen <> wrote:
> >
> >>Sakset fra et andet sted på nettet (til generel oplysning):
> >>
> >>----------------
> >>
> >>Muslim outrage, huh. OK ... let's do a little historical review. Just
> >>some lowlights:
> >>
> >>Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City. No
> >>Muslim outrage.
> >
> >
> > There was condemnation plus it wasn't a religious act.
> "There was condemnation" DOESN'T EXCUSE ANYTHING!
> It was a religious act - In the name of the terrorist-prophet Mohammed,
> as I've been informed about.
As long as we have ignorant people in the world calling a prophet a
terrorist just because we have some people do terrorist acts in the name of
religion, peace won't prevail. People who have your mentality do not help
the situation.
> They say the terrorists would die a martyr to a cause and get rewarded
> in heaven. They were all son-of-a-bitch-motherfucking-crazy Islamists,
> as far as I know. Isn't that correct or not?
> Those crazy muslim suicidal pigs must be dealt with preferably sooner
> than later before they do more crazy things to us...
Name calling shows your intolerant ignorant mentality. If these people have
weapons like their enemies, they wouldn't blow themsleves up. What's your
opinion about the Red Army or IRA? Don't you eat pigs.. why do you use
'pig' to try to insult others?
> >>Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape
> >>a
> >>burning building because their faces were exposed. No Muslim outrage.
> >
> >
> > Where?
> I grapped the text from the internet - I don't know where, but we all
> know it must be true when we see pictures from the muslim world in TV.
> >>Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to
> >>school in Indonesia. A Christian school. No Muslim outrage.
> >
> >
> > How do you know there weren't any?
> This text was grapped from somewhere on the internet - I didn't make it
> up. I just brought the text here. But we all know it must be true when
> we see pictures from the muslim world in TV.
You only see what the TV tries to show you. TV doesn't show you what the US
warplanes, missles did to thousands of people. It doesn't show what the
Israelis do to Palestians. You're brainwashed like the rest of you. You
believe the parts that you watch only.
> >>Muslims murder teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq. No
> >>Muslim outrage.
> >
> >
> > How do you know there weren't any? Was it religious?
> This text was grapped from somewhere on the internet - I didn't make it
> up. I just brought the text here. But we all know it must be true when
> we see pictures from the muslim world in TV.
See above.
> >>Muslims murder over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels
> >>in Egypt. No Muslim outrage.
> >
> >
> > It wasn't religious. It was a terrorist act to undermine the
> > government.
> As far as I know of, most (perhaps even ALL) terrorists kill in the name
> of the prophet Mohammed and they're Islamists. That is what they believe
> in. I don't know why Islam is such a terrible terrorist-religion, but
> all the pictures I can remember have seen from TV is about Islamic
> terrorists.
Well these are terrorists who are muslims. Why don't you educate yourself
and read the Koran or the Internet and find out if it says it's ok to kill
people. In fact it doesn't. The prohpet gave mercy in all his wars against
the enemies. Christians and Jews were living peacefully among muslims
during his life. Islam believes in Jesus and Moses and urges us to respect.
Muslims do not depict Jesus in any kind. Unlike Christians who make fun and
jokes about their own prohpet. Can you believe this.
Don't let some twisted muslims and bad media twist the way you think. When
the crusaders invaded the Arab world, muslims didn't go saying christianity
is a terrorist religion.
> >>A Muslim attacks a missionary children's school in India. Kills six. No
> >>Muslim outrage.
> >
> >
> > You will not see an outrage everytime a muslim commits a crime. It's
> > like asking all the christians to get vocal everytime a christian
> > commits a crime.
> Drawing a fucking innocent cartoon of the terrorist-prophet Mohammed
> doesn't excuse burning down our embassies and wanting to kill danish
> people or the cartoonists just because they live in a country where
> respect for others is much more valuable than in the muslim world.
That's the problem. You think it's innocent. It's not. Danes showed
ignorance towards another religion and all they can say.. "that's freedom
of speech". Freedom of speech my ass when you insult others. Freedom of
speech is not freedom to insult others. If you repect others like you say,
you wouldn't draw cartoons out of desrespect.
> Muslim people seem to have no respect for human lives of others! And
> that is a fact - just watch TV and you'll see I'm correct.
You mean like, you know who, drops a bomb on a building because there's a
suspect in it?
> >>Muslims slaughter hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan,
> >>Russia.Muslims shoot children in the back. No Muslim outrage.
> >
> >
> > How do you know there weren't any?
> Again: This text was grapped from somewhere on the internet - I didn't
> make it up. I just brought the text here (I copy/pasted it from an
> international newsgroup about muslims). But we all know it must be true
> when we see pictures from the muslim world in TV.
You believe what others want you to believe. Media is controlled by a few.
Arabs believe the media is controlled by a few jews and therefore the media
won't show you what Israelis do to Palestenians. Tune to Aljazeera TV so
you can watch stuff that your TV doesn't want you to see.
> >>Let's go way back. Muslims kidnap and kill athletes at the Munich
> >>Summer
> >>Olympics. No Muslim outrage.
> >
> >
> > This was about Palestians against Israelis. The Isralis got involved in
> > a man hunt for years later, supposedly killing some innocent ones.
> > Here's a list of massacares by Israelis:
> >
> I don't know anything about that. As I said: This text was just grapped
> from somewhere on the internet - I didn't make it up.
I am not surprised you don't know. That's the problem. You're brainwashed.
Your TV and media only shows what muslims are doing. Nothing about what
Israelis, US..etc do in the world.
> >>Muslims fire rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in
> >>Israel. No Muslim outrage.
> >
> >
> > "1969: The Israelis distinguished themselves by committing a horrible
> > crime, in retaliation of attrition war across the Suez Canal, Israeli
> > war planes raided an Egyptian school "Bahr al Baker" in southern Egypt
> > killing 75 children and wounding over 100. "
> I don't know anything about that. As I said: This text was just grapped
> from somewhere on the internet - I didn't make it up.
So why you grab only stuff that muslims do? Why the filtering? I too
grabbed what Israelis did. Do you know that Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982?
Flew planes to destory an Iraqi nuclear plant.
> >>Muslims murder more than 50 commuters in attacks on London subways and
> >>busses. Over 700 are injured. No Muslim outrage.
> >>
> >>Muslims massacre dozens of innocents at a Passover Seder. No Muslim
> >>outrage.
> >>
> >>Muslims murder innocent vacationers in Bali. No Muslim outrage.
> >>
> >>Muslim newspapers publish anti-Semitic cartoons. No Muslim outrage.
> >>
> >>Muslims are involved, on one side or the other, in almost every one of
> >>the 125+ shooting wars around the world. No Muslim outrage.
> >
> >
> > What 125+ wars? Does this include wars in central africa where no
> > muslims exist?
> I don't know anything about that. As I said: This text was just grapped
> from somewhere on the internet - I didn't make it up.
You don't seem to know anything. You just copy and paste stuff as long as
it's anti muslim. Whenever someone debates, you claim you know nothing?
> >>Muslims beat the charred bodies of Western civilians with their shoes,
> >>then hang them from a bridge. No Muslim outrage.
Remember Somalia? Actually Islam specifically bans the destruction and
mutilation of bodies. Even cremation is not allowed. Everytime some muslim
does an act, people quickly conclude that Islam allows it. That's why this
is very dangerous way of thinking. The Arab world think Amercians are
violanet. They produce nuclear boms, war planes, missles of all kinds,
machine guns, bullets, armor piercing rockets.. anything you can imagine to
kill a human being and then all those hollywood violent movies. US history
is 200 years only but it got involved in 20 major wars. Hmmm.. maybe
muslims should think the christianity is a violent religion. Aren't most
Americans christians?
> >>
> >>Newspapers in Denmark and Norway publish cartoons depicting Mohammed.
> >>Muslims are outraged.
> >
> >
> > I posted here a couple of weeks ago and noticed all replies centered
> > around "freedom of speech". I was watching a show on TV and a Danish
> > official admitted that that Danish newspaper which published the
> > cartoons refused to publish cartoons about the Resurrection for fear of
> > public outcry. TALK ABOUT HYPOCRICY!! Where's the freedom of speech
> > that everyone is defending or are do we pick what suits us only?
> The freedom of speech is under attack by the whole muslim world! No
> fucking wonder that nobody dare to speak criticism out about Islam, when
> the fucking crazy islamists are so fucking brain-dead that they just go
> out and kill those criticists - even though if they live in another
> (Christian) country. See the terrorists bombs in Madrid and other places
> around the world?
Your idea of freedom of speech and the muslims one are colliding. Muslims
are not allowed to depect the prophet. If they see others doing it *and* in
a very desrespecful way, they will get angry. The newspaper editor was
pretty stupid to play with fire. I guess he didn't learn from the Salman
Rushie episode. Some muslims get pretty zealosts. I don't agree about
killing innocent people and burning buidlings but if you know that there
are some crazy people out there, why take the chance to outrage them? What
did you gain? Now these cartoonists ar e hiding are fearing for their
Tell me one good benefit from posting these cartoons? The Arab world
doesn't post cartoons about Jesus. Islam respects *ALL* prophets. If the
Danes are having fun by making fun of other cultures & religions, what kind
of people are the Danes?
> > When you use freedom of speech to insult or make jokes about something
> > you know little about, you're undermining freedom of speech.
> No, when crazy motherfucking islamists kill innocent people and threaten
> OF SPEECH. And that's what we're fighting against.
> >>Dead children. Dead tourists. Dead teachers. Dead doctors and nurses.
> >>Death, destruction and mayhem around the world at the hands of Muslims
> >> Muslim outrage ... but publish a cartoon depicting Mohammed with a
> >>bomb in his turban and all hell breaks loose.
> >>
> >>Muslims... The new world-class niggers of planet earth. They must be
> >>dealt with as soon as possible with the most extreme measures at the
> >>military's disposal.
> >
> >
> > And what is your idea of military disposal? Flying F16's dropping
> > bombs, using machine guns and tanks and that would be ok with you? This
> > is happening already. Note the Arabs do not have the luxury of using
> > such weapons and that's why they resort to extremes.. out of
> > desperation. From throwing stones to exploding themselves. When Arabs
> > see what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan where innocent people die
> > by the hundreds and thousands, they will not show any kind of affection
> > towards the west.
> I don't know anything about that. As I said: This text was just grapped
> from somewhere on the internet - I didn't make it up.
> > Some of the incidents you mentioned are not religion related. Why is it
> > when some Arabs who happen to be muslims commit a crime many people,
> > like yourself, say *muslims* did it. When some Americas kill some
> > people, people say Americans did it. They don't say christians did it.
> Well, if I turn on the TV and watch CNN / BBC or something else, then
> all recently terrorist-acts are made by muslims.
You know nothing about what is happening to the muslims. You only know what
the TV is showing you.
There was a simple solution to all this mess in Denmark:
Do not show cartoons that make other people very angry, at least out of
respect, and everyone will be happy and you still keep and enjoy your
"freedom of speech". If you don't want to cartoon the Resurrection for
respect to Christians why is it a problem to not cartoon the prophet
Mohammad when *YOU KNOW* it will anger the muslims and if you know some
muslims can get crazy, then you are stupid to be an instegator.