Brian S wrote:
Der er også en god forklaring på, hvad en moderat muhammedaner er for en
What should I tell a person who says, "Don't be a fanatic and extreme," when
he does something against shariah that is brought to his attention?
Answer :
Praise be to Allaah.
Whoever is advised concerning something that is haraam according to sharee'ah,
so that he can avoid it or give it up, or is told of an obligation so that
he can fulfil it, then he says something like this, is doing wrong. What he
should do, if he is advised, is to thank the person who has offered the
advice, then he should look at himself and if the advice was justified, then
he should avoid the haraam thing and do what is obligatory. As far as his
comment "you are a fanatic" is concerned, fanaticism, laxity and moderation
are all to be understood in reference to sharee'ah. Whatever is in
accordance with sharee'ah is moderate; whatever exceeds that is extreme and
whatever falls short of that is laxity. The standard in all cases is sharee'ah
and the meaning of moderation is that which is in accordance with the sharee'ah.
Whatever is in accordance with sharee'ah is moderate.