Det er forøvrigt en iraner der har taget initiativ til støtten til danmark,
og jeg håber at i herinde husker det, når den iranske befolkning søger
støtte til deres menneskerets og frihedssager.
To: the International Community
We, the undersigned, unequivocally condemn the threats of death and bombings
by Islamists to limit, censor and silence any critique of Islam.
Criticism of religion - any religion - including caricaturing religious
figures, however offensive, are integral components of unconditional freedom
of expression, secularism, and the separation of religion's intervention in
the public sphere.
These are rights fought for and gained by the enlightenment and progressive
social movements.
We must not allow anyone or any movement to erode these fundamental rights
and values.
All states are duty-bound to:
* Condemn threats made by religious groups and movements to limit, censor
and silence free speech
* Unconditionally defend free speech and the separation of religion's
intervention in people's lives
*Immediately prosecute all those issuing threats against persons and places,
e.g. threats to kill, or carry out suicide bombings.