On Tue, 7 Feb 2006 07:41:41 +0100, Thomas Jespersen
<jespersen.thomas@gmail.com> wrote:
"They should because they are the same! No, not a satire of Mohammed
nor any other sacred Islamic figure but a photo of Jacques Barrot, a
pig squealing contestant at the French Pig-Squealing Championships in
Trie-sur-Baise’s annual festival. NeanderNews discovered this photo,
taken by Bob Edme of AP, posted on an August 15, 2005 AP story seen
here on MSNBC’s website.
As Gateway Pundit, Counter Terrorism Blog and others have reported
Danish Imam Ahmad Abu Ladan, leader of The Islamic Society of Denmark,
toured the middle east to create awareness of supposed anti-Islamic
cartoons and included the above black and white photo as well as two
other undocumented examples. Akhmad Akkari, spokesman of the tour,
explained that the three drawings had been added to “give an insight
in how hateful the atmosphere in Denmark is towards Muslims.”
Akkari claimed he does not know the origin of the three pictures. He
said they had been sent anonymously to Danish Muslims. However, when
Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet asked if it could talk to these
Muslims, Akkari refused to reveal their identity. BBC World aired a
story on 1-30-2006 showing the three non-published images and claimed
they had been published in Denmarks Jyllands-Posten, these images
however had never been published in Jyllands-Posten.
NeanderNews wonders if Jacques knows what he has started? A big kudos
to ‘The Celtic Semite’ for this great lead."
Ja her nævnes både Abu Laban og Akhmad Akkari som der hele tiden har
været skrevet, at de spredte misinformation på deres rejse til
mellemøsten jeg håber der falder en straf for dette.