The jewish supremacists have a long-term, publicly-declared aim of
creating a 3rd world war between muslim countries and the west. As part
of this, they want the USA and UK to attack Iran and Syria.
The American and British governments have been sorted, but they need
the support of the people. Unfortunately more and more people are
turning against our involvement in the middle east. The people of
continental Europe are even more against it. The jews therefore need to
manufacture outrage against islam.
In the 90s, 'Radical Islamists' set up bases in the UK and stir up
young muslims to believe in a coming 'holy war'. At least one of these
clerics was an MI5 agent, and the main one is believed to be a jew.
In September 2005 a jewish editor in Denmark with links to American
neo-cons, Flemming Rose, asks cartoonists to send in anti-muslim
cartoons. When they are published, nothing happens.
In the meantime, the jewish prime minister of France, Sarkozy, stirs up
muslims by calling them 'scum' and saying they deserve to be treated
like animals, after two youths were killed while running from the
police. Riots follow.
Four months after they were published, the Danish cartoons are
reprinted at exactly the same time by newspapers all over Europe. The
French paper France-Soir is the first to publish all 12 cartoons. The
decision to publish was made by the jewish editor Arnaud Levy.
Radical muslims all over the world simeltaneously take to the streets
expressing outrage. In the middle east, Arab peasants somehow manage to
find hundreds of Danish flags to burn. In London they helpfully hold up
outrageously offensive banners for the cameras.
BTW, the International Herald Tribune asked Flemming Rose whether he
would publish cartoons attacking Ariel Sharon and Israel. He replied
"that could be construed as racist."