Martyrdød. De fleste gange ryger der også andre med i døden.
Men der findes alternative måder at opnå en martyrdød på:
I hadith
Sunan Abu-Dawud, Funerals (Kitab Al-Jana'iz)
Book 20, Number 3105:
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: There are seven types of
martyrdom in addition to being killed in Allah's cause: one who dies of
plague is a martyr; one who is drowned is a martyr; one who dies of
pleurisy is a martyr; one who dies of an internal complaint is a
martyr; one who is burnt to death is a martyr; who one is killed by a
building falling on him is a martyr; and a woman who dies while
pregnant is a martyr.
Pest, drukning, lungehindebetændelse, intern sygdom, sammenstyrtet
bygning...Alle direkte vej til jomfruerne i Himlen. Der er nok
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