Bemærk at Ritzau holder "tonen", de nævner ikke at det var kristne som var
Seks personer blev dræbt og 45 andre såret, da en bombe eksploderede tidligt
i morges på en markedsplads i den indonesiske by Palu.
Byen ligger i den religiøst splittede centrale Sulawesi-provins.
En talsmand fra det indonesiske politi siger, at det er uvist om dødstallet
vil stige.
I højeste beredskab
Lørdagens bombe er den seneste af en række eksplosioner, der har rystet den
urolige provins.
Indonesiens sikkerhedsstyrker er i forvejen i højeste alarmberedskab på
grund af mulige bombeangreb ved nytår.
I sidste måned blev omkring tusind ekstra politifolk og soldater sendt til
det centrale Sulawesi efter en stigning i volden mellem kristne og muslimer.
AP holder ikke "tonen":
PALU, Indonesia (AP) -- A bomb ripped through a crowded meat market in an
Indonesian province that has been plagued by sectarian violence, killing at
least eight people Saturday and wounding 45, officials said.
Many of the victims were believed to be Christians.
The attack occurred in the town of Palu as people were preparing for New
Year's Eve celebrations, flocking to the morning market that sold and
slaughtered pigs, said Brig. Gen. Oegroseno, the police chief of Central
Sulawesi province.
The bomb was loaded with ball bearings and nails to maximize the number
casualties, he said.
"The explosion was so loud, I couldn't hear for a couple of seconds," said
Tega, a resident who lived nearby and like many Indonesians uses only one
name. "I ran out of my house and saw bodies lying around."
Police said it was too early to say who was behind the attack, but it
followed repeated warnings that members of the al-Qaeda-linked militant
group Jemaah Islamiyah were plotting strikes in the world's most populous
Muslim nation over the holidays.
The government responded by deploying tens of thousands of troops nationwide
to protect churches and places where foreigners gather.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono condemned the blast, and urged police to
investigate whether it was linked to a series of other attacks on Christians
in the province earlier this year, said his spokesman Andi Mallarangeng.
Nu protesterer de 57 muslimske nationer sikkert? Men selvfølgelig, det
drejede sig ikke om *tegninger* af kristne, så det gør de nok ikke.