"Jesper" <spambuster@users.toughguy.net> skrev i en meddelelse news:1h88v76.1ixl8bbus1sqvN%spambuster@users.toughguy.net...
> Hvilke realiter og fakta taler du om Allan? Skal du have sølvpapirshat
> på ligesom Jan Rasmussen?
Jeg tror ikke at Goldman Sachs Group Inc ansætter folk der bruger sølvpapirshatte.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. analyst Arjun Murti, who roiled oil markets in March by saying
crude may reach $105 a barrel, now says that may be conservative if the ``peak oil'' theory is right
and world supplies are running out.
The Hubbert peak theory, also known as "peak oil", concerns the long-term rate of conventional oil
(and other fossil fuel) extraction and depletion. It is named after American geophysicist M. King Hubbert,
who created a model of known reserves, and proposed, in 1956, in a paper he presented [1] at a meeting
of the American Petroleum Institute, that oil production in the continental United States would peak between
1965 and 1970; and that world production would peak in 2000.
Jan Rasmussen